Archive for November 27th, 2013
An Observation
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History, How Things Work, Race Matters on 11/27/2013
Outside the West you would find truth by referring to a philosopher or a Prophet.
The West took over simply because it found a truth by observation rather than doing like a California Yuppie and finding some quote that sounds Impressive and Wise.
So I observed that brown-skinned countries are poor. Yellow-skinned countries can learn up to the level whites have reached. But the only places that show basic progress are populated by white skins.
Long before anyone thought of vaccinations, it was well known that girls who milked cows for a living did not get smallpox. No matter how horrible the smallpox got, no one did anything but remark on this.
Now that the Western world is turning brown, we have become accustomed to there being no increase in the standard of living since the 1960s. There had never before been a generation of white Americans, right back to Jamestown, where the standard of living hadn’t progressed.
It is usual for those who live by the established religion to demand how someone “dares say” what everybody can see. We’re back to Semmelweis daring to state, in the teeth of all the Learned Quotes of the Great Doctors, that deaths went where these minor deities refused to wash their hands.
For some reason I do not fathom, there are a lot of people who are desperate to prove that vaccination doesn’t stop smallpox. It seems to come from some fundamentalists, but also from some of the California Cults.
Nonetheless vaccinated people did not get smallpox. Many a girl spent her entire life horribly disfigured because all the Churches condemned vaccination. Or I could say many a girl who let the Church talk her out of vaccination happened to spend her life horribly disfigured.
Not being a preacher or priest, of a God Church or a PC faith, I am responsible for what I do.
We all observe that skin color makes all the difference in a country. The response to that observation is as old as the hills:
“Where is it Written that skin color matters?”
All the priests and the prophets and the intellectuals, for the thousandth time, demand punishment for those who point out a reality they don’t like.

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