You who promote important ideas are not replaceable.
But all of the famous people you know about and read about have no importance.
One real irony about Wordism is that those who are well known under any form of Wordism are exactly the same individuals who would be in the same position in any alternative Wordist system.
We all know that the guys doing the beating and torturing with a hammer and sickle on the wall are exactly the same guys who would be doing the beating and torturing if there were a swastika on the wall or a Cross of the Inquisition.
Everyone will agree with that–as usual–that is where the thinking stops.
The excitement stops with the Secret Police, so everyone will be interested in that.
But the fact is that the same people who are in Congress would be the same ones who would be in a Reichstag voting Hitler into power or in the Soviet Congress, holding up their Party badges with the rest.
The Nazis used to say that once they conquered the USSR they should hire Stalin, because he knew what to do to Slavs who disobeyed him.
If you were in charge of an Apartheid America, the man to keep your Black Population in line would be an Obama.
This is why it is so ridiculous for any intelligent person to think that power means that one associates with Important People.
If Important People made any difference to what form of government we have, they would not be so perfectly interchangeable from system to system.
Important People are Important People precisely because they are dedicated to getting this IP position and fame under ANY system.
So it follows that Important People do not have real power.
This is what makes my place in the power structure utterly mysterious to damned near everybody.
While specialists write books about how people became Important, they know nothing about how the System their subjects are Important in actually came to be.
Nor do they need to.
Not a single Sovietologist suffered the least embarrassment that the entire system he had been given millions of dollars to know simply vanished without his noticing it. They did what one does to be a top Sovietologist or any other kind of top Intellectual.
Important People do not matter when it comes to determining the future.
If they did, they wouldn’t have time to be Important.
#1 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 11/29/2013 - 1:40 pm
So regardless of what system we are operating under these useful idiots would be in similar positions…..because they are traitors.
#2 by Steadiness on 11/29/2013 - 7:38 pm
They’re traitors this time. If the incentives were different, they would behave differently. For example, the British Empire was pretty good for quite a while.
This should give us hope: when we change the incentives, we can get behavior that promotes, rather than hinders, the greatness of our race – the nuclear family; scientists and engineers; boundless yearning for understanding; and the massive importance to us to do the right thing instead of the easy thing or the thing that gratifies us or helps our children.
#3 by YankeeRebel on 11/29/2013 - 10:46 pm
I think what it means is that the people doing the grassroots/ groundwork are more important than the figureheads of any movement. The ones who seek to be important, well-known, famous, etc. are mostly seeking fame regardless of how they get it and will switch sides if it will benefit them.
#4 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 11/30/2013 - 12:22 am
IMO they will always be traitors because they have no moral conscious.
#5 by Jason on 11/30/2013 - 2:16 am
I’m guessing the point is that in ALL systems, including a pro-White system, the Important People are cut from the same clothe. It’s not so much that they are traitors at heart, but that they are go-along-to-get-along guys.
In other words, if we have some pro-White government in the future, it will be populated with Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton types.
If true, the lesson is don’t go all gaga for this leader or that leader. When Whites finally start demanding their own spokesman, there won’t be any shortage of volunteers.
#6 by Bob on 11/30/2013 - 4:30 am
It is interesting that, while the whole article revealed that THEY, the Important People, will not determine the future all the comments are about them, whether they are traitors, whether they will be forced to guide us in a different direction.
#7 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 11/30/2013 - 8:16 am
They just make me sick bob, they do WHATEVER they believe the religion of pc wants them to do just like the weakest generation. They have zero loyalties and would betray their own for a red cent and a public pat on the head. I believe in part that is WHY they will never matter. They are so interchangeable. I believe my comments have strayed off topic due to my personal disgust for “important people” and the “greatest generation” Who Imo gave their posterity no chance at all.
#8 by Jason on 11/30/2013 - 10:59 am
We’re genetically hardwired to pay attention to tribal chiefs. Most people have to remind themselves not to get caught up with Position Holders (presidents, congressman, mayors, etc.).
Position Holders merely take what is the water and go with it. We get to be the ones putting stuff in the water.
#9 by Bob on 11/30/2013 - 5:40 am
Important People are at the end of the idea chain.
So, if you think of those who originally produce the concepts of the future as the beginning of the digesting process, the mouth, then Important People are …
Oh, well, we’ve all said that before.
#10 by Jason on 11/30/2013 - 10:59 am
#11 by Undercover Lover on 11/30/2013 - 9:37 am
So are you suggesting we would be dissidents no matter what system we lived under?
#12 by Daniel Genseric on 11/30/2013 - 11:06 am
Bob calls them Important People. I call them The Great Pretenders. I have heard undercover LISTENERS (thinkers) affectionately call these Chiefs ‘leeches’ or ‘parasites’. Hell, I have even witnessed pretenders admit they are leeches. Every, and I mean every, institution employs them.
So, why is Bob talking to us about marionettes and puppet-masters? Why is Bob writing about something which we are all painfully aware?
Those cutting Paycheck$ worth a damn demand Political Importance.
Political Importance requires Absolute Conformance.
Power is realized through Non-Conformance thinking, i.e. Mantra Thinking, and application of those principles is power exercised.
Absolute Power is non-conformity realized through practising absolute Mantra Thinking.
Many would look at that word in the last sentence and think, “G can’t spell.” A mantra thinker might even ask why I put the “s” there. An English major would point out the UK variation. An absolute mantra thinker would simply use it.
Tea Party Pretenders:
Michelle Bachmann
Sarah Palin
Ron Paul
So, how do we harness that European American, tipping-point energy more efficiently and focus it more directly on our enemies?
No more revolutionary check valve.
No More hiding from words.
No more World White Wars pitting brother against brother.
We are the saviors we have been waiting for.
#13 by seapea on 12/01/2013 - 12:30 am
“Power is realized through Non-Conformance thinking, i.e. Mantra Thinking, and application of those principles is power exercised.
Absolute Power is non-conformity realized through practising absolute Mantra Thinking.”
I’m not sure I would I frame mantra thinking or power as conformity vs. non-conformity. I don’t think a mantra thinker gives a shit about conformity or non-conformity. To me, the heart of mantra thinking is recognizing obvious truths. There is power promoting obvious truths whether they are accepted as part of existing doctrine (i.e. conform) or not. Obvious truths that conflict with existing doctrine can have a disruptive influence and promoting them can be an act of non-conformity but I would avoid conflating the two even though they may walk the same path from time to time.
As Bob as repeatedly pointed out, the REAL Important People are the people who promote important ideas or just an obvious truth. Those are the people that really effect lives and effecting lives is most certainly POWER.
#14 by Daniel Genseric on 12/02/2013 - 11:25 am
Do you honestly believe mantra thinking can exist under a system that DEMANDS conformity? Or do you disagree that the system enforces this demand by using Silence?
Do you honestly believe that the ability, or POWER, to choose whether or not you will conform to politically correct standards is NOT power?
The Mantra makes non-conformity an option again. That is power.
#15 by seapea on 12/02/2013 - 6:29 pm
I believe mantra thinking can exist under any system, the “system” is irrelevant to the act of recognizing an obvious truth. All systems demand conformity or at the least a consensus to some degree or another; and they usually have a variety of ways of enforcing that conformity/consensus, the Silence being one example. We all have the ability/power to choose whether we will conform to the existing era’s doctrine(s) or not but non-conformance without reprisals from the “system” is the POWER I believe your referring to. Achieving that goal certainly seems to be the best route to get the fence-sitting masses off their butts; basically the ones who won’t choose non-conformance in any form if there are any reprisals, no matter how small or what the stakes are.
But my comments have been more in the abstract and less of our present situation. To me, our ability to develop mantra thinking skills and teaching them to others is extremely important. If we are at all paying attention to history, we WILL find ourselves in similar situations again but we won’t have Bob around to “mantra think” our way out of it. The Mantra is a tool but creating “tool-makers” is a goal we’ll need to be aiming for too.
I doubt I’ve stated anything that hasn’t been stated on this blog before but I thought a little perspective removed from the here-and-now might be needed.
#16 by mandela on 12/01/2013 - 2:01 pm
Bob, did you know that your article is about the same as one that Fredrick Neitshe wrote?
#17 by mandela on 12/01/2013 - 2:06 pm
sorry, that should be spelt Friedrich Nietzsche