Archive for December 2nd, 2013

The Corner Has Been Turned

This is the most important announcement in the history of Whitakeronline.

It is now my opinion that, due to all these years of  OUR effort, we are going to save our race.

There is nothing Inevitable about it. There is no Date for it.

But as usual in the case of the one who deals in true power, it took me a very long period lately to really assess where the struggle is.

And, almost by definition, I am the only person who can make that assessment.

There was a giant rock crushing us. That rock had to be moved. What was critical was the first centimeter. Unless someone would get down at the bottom of it and move that first centimeter, and then others joined them right there at the labor point and pushed just right, with no sign of movement, the rock would prevent any meaningful movement.

There were people joining in dances around the rock. There were people pointing at the rock and preaching to their flocks that their version of God would move that rock on The Day.

But the rock just sat there. Which is what real rocks really do.

Just as only one person could see what was going on, only one person can tell you that.  And I have not said it before because I had not clearly seen it.


