I have used the Knockout Game as the centerpiece of two recent articles.
We have now forced the establishment to resort to pure name calling and bullying. The Knockout Game, where the gang encourages any member to hit a random white person and is in itself an implicit threat to the safety of anyone who objects, is the perfect example of this.
And the Knockout Game hit the media at the perfect moment, making it clear that the MSM (mainstream media) had not mentioned this phenomenon for YEARS. In a last ditch attempt to cover it, one anti-white white woman who had been attacked said, “…and it’s certainly not ethnic…”
The Knockout Game was exposed.
And there it sat.
One commenter just said he is “a convert.” The Knockout Game IS a real punch to the enemy groin.
So why in the hell have I pointed the lesson out twice and finally one BUGSER got it?
For the same reason that of the tens of millions who read the exposés and columns on the Knockout Game a couple of weeks ago will not recognize the word in a couple more weeks.
BUGSERS are not as bad as National Review or SF, God knows, but BUGSERS too are infected by the Media Memory Hole. We are guided by the nose with The Latest Thing. So embarrassing to the MSM.
So Stormfront and others have forgotten this thing that is so embarrassing to the MSM.
That’s OK for losers, but not for BUGSERS.
Watch your feet. Don’t run along and fall into THEIR Memory Hole.

#1 by -Epiphany- on 02/09/2014 - 5:32 pm
Hey, lets go on and on about this knock out game, as it were. Yes, we can actually whine and whine about it, the way others whine about Slavery and/or the Holocaust.
#2 by Henry Davenport on 02/09/2014 - 5:51 pm
Bob, this is the second month we’ve run this petition on the KO “game,” thanks principally to pdappui:
We’re planning on continuing it as long as the topic is a hot item.
#3 by Jason on 02/09/2014 - 7:07 pm
FYI, the ONLY person I’ve heard of being charged with a Federal Hate crime for the Knock Out Game, is a WHITE guy in Katy, Texas. There was one White guy, who supposedly was off his meds and hit a Black guy, and BAM, they charged him almost immediately.
They were obviously waiting for a White guy to charge so as to make the whole thing look less Anti-White. That’s how dangerous the meme of the Knock Out Game is.
#4 by -Gar5- on 02/10/2014 - 3:15 pm
Jason, in our politically incorrect opinions, we expect non-White people to behave like human beings.
To be politically correct you must view them as animals that have no control over what they do.
#5 by Bob on 02/09/2014 - 8:27 pm
Jason, dead right!
#6 by Bob on 02/09/2014 - 8:37 pm
Henry reports he has been acting before my reminder.
HD knows me well: when BUGSER Scoops the Coach, the Coach is delighted.
To save our race, BUGSERS must not only learn from the Master, they must act ahead of him
How else can we produce new Masters of our new
world-changing art?
#7 by Henry Davenport on 02/09/2014 - 10:33 pm
Thanks for the encouragement, Bob, and I know pdappui will appreciate it too. That petition is due to him…he actually knows what’s going on in the world (I don’t know how he stands it), and he has a lot of good ideas for the project.
We had a petition up on “hate” too, but the site removed it; I think it was worded slightly too gnarly. I have another “hate” one ready to go, but for March I’m thinking of having one with “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” in the title, and another with “diversity is a code word for white genocide” in the title, to join forces with the banner drive.
To be decided.
#8 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 02/09/2014 - 11:07 pm
The msm had several strokes when it was pointed out that it was not called the Ko game by the perps but in face they call it polar bear hunting. That changes the dynamic completely.
#9 by The Asgardian known as Michael on 02/09/2014 - 11:08 pm
The white guy actually said he did it to see if he would be charged with a hate crime….He made a point.
#10 by Henry Davenport on 02/10/2014 - 3:52 pm
Bugsters: The petitions are just mini-mantras, so please use them when swarming and kill two birds with one stone.
This month’s petition on the knockout game fits any article on non-white crime:
And this month’s “white-tailed deer” petition is good anywhere that you want a good explanation of White Genocide—check it out:
Please check the petitions each month and add the suitable ones to your minis that month. Help us enlarge this project to the point that it gets continual media attention.