Archive for March 7th, 2014
Translating for You Brats
Posted by Bob in Bob's Meanderings on 03/07/2014
BUGSERS get the point without quibbling, but the term “tailgating” refers to a traffic violation and the cause of many accidents in the two-lane highway days.
Today it usually means picnicking by dropping the back door of a station wagon.
My meaning was obvious to myself, BBG and HD, who are in our Advanced Youth, but you Age Challenged folks had no problem with it.
There was a whole set of customs that went out with the two-lanes, just as a whole centuries-long set of customs went out when men stopped wearing hats. Can you imagine some 30-year-old guy who is wearing a backwards baseball cap to act twelve taking off the cap for a lady in an elevator?
You always had to tailgate when you wanted to pass on a two-lane. You had to get a stretch of road on the other lane where nobody was coming. You flicked your lights.
But then there were the people who insisted at following you at sixty miles an hour with a bare car length between you. That was really irritating. They didn’t want to go faster or pass, but they just had that lack of feeling about distance, and it irritated the crap out of you.
Only one time did a patrolman pull over a guy who was tailgating me. It is such a fine feeling when a cop EVER arrests somebody for doing something that really threatens or irritates YOU.
Almost the only response you ever get from a cop was, “Well, if he DOES anything to you, call me from the hospital.”
There is another word that makes me want to giggle in a childish way totally ridiculous for a man of my Advanced Youth.
This is the term “swipe.”
All through my young days, the word “swipe” had one meaning and one meaning ONLY.
To swipe something was to STEAL it. That meaning was really ingrained in my mind.
Now I stand in line for a cash register or even in a bank, and I can see the credit card machines inviting me, in large, friendly letters, to “swipe!”
“Please swipe!”
That may be hard for you to really understand. You are, after all, Age Challenged.
America’s Founding Mother
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 03/07/2014
I fear to discuss anything Jewish here because it might degenerate into a forum on Ukrainian Jews or whatever Dr. Duke said last.
If we are simply going to be Little Davids, we should fold out our cards and let the Pro do the work.
Our only discussion of any Jew should be about how to save our OWN people.
This Nation of Immigrants crap is used to always include a quote from the Statute of Liberty: “Give us your tired, your worn, your huddled masses …”
This, and the Gettysburg Address, are used as trumping the only definition of America’s purpose that was actually RATIFIED by the Founding Fathers: “We the People of the United States of America, and OUR descendants …”
For those who think the woman who wrote the “huddled masses” bit was representing American thinking, the reference to Emma Lazarus in an 1880s Encyclopedia Britannic will begin as a shock: “Emma Lazarus spent her life fighting for her race.”
The Statue of Liberty inscription wasn’t even mentioned.
To a totally dedicated lifelong Zionist, the United States was just one more whistle-stop on the long, long road to the only country they will ever be loyal to and really care about, the Jewish Homeland.
That inscription everybody loves to quote would NEVER have been put at the entrance to Emma Lazarus’s only homeland.
To her, America, Poland, Germany or the Fiji Islands was just one more nameless stopping place.
But to the woman cited as Our Founding Mother, all countries were equal except for her Zion.
The whole point of Zionism was a JEWISH state, not a melting pot.
This is destroying Israel itself. The Melting Pot demands of our Founding Mother are coming back to haunt a country which was to be straight Jewish. More and more massive third world populations are declaring that they are Jews and they merely want the Right of Return.
When you seek to destroy others, you usually end up cutting your own throat, and there is no better example of this than Our Founding Mother and the inundation of the only country she ever expressed loyalty for.
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