Archive for March 18th, 2014
Woman from the ‘White Man March’ wants to know why Raw Story ‘justifies genocide’
Below are excerpts from about my recent participation in the WMM.
[RS] We pointed out that keeping America “American” doesn’t really equate to keeping it white. The original inhabitants, after all, were the Native Americans, not white people.
“C’mon man, no other people are told that diversity and multiculturalism is a strength, and that if they don’t accept it they are labeled hate words like ‘racist’,” she replied. “You know as well as I that they only demand All White countries and Only White countries to accept the melting pot! Or are you going to tell me now that melting pots are promoted in all countries?…’Anti-racists’ only demand White countries turn themselves non-White because of their history. Why are you JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE??”
[RS] Whew. That’s what we get for asking. But we are gluttons for punishment.
“We are a group of dissidents putting out a consistent message to expose the anti-White system,” she e-mailed back. “WE are Samizdat and We are Tearing down this Wall. We are Forcing a conversation on White Genocide. Whether right or wrong, WHAT psychopath tries to stop Freedom of Speech when a group just wants to talk about Genocide. Genocide is a CRIME or is it normal to denounce people when they want to talk about a Crime. If it’s folly then PROVE IT, or just do the usual…. THAT’S HATE, NAZI, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, ETC. Remember, We are charging the anti-White system with criminal charges, We are not having a theoretical debate. You either can assist or lay complicit in your silence.”
[Raw Stories Executive Editor] Got it. OK.
“Got it, OK” This was a non-reply and something very different than the usual anti-white bias and justifications for our genocide that is standard media reporting.
Bob said that this is the most perfect reply he has ever seen.
I had reservations about my approach, but I was tired, but more tired of them getting away with blatant anti-Whitism that is just straight up Criminal. Now, let’s think about what happened here and if BUGS can use it.
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