Archive for March 28th, 2014

Why What Works Doesn’t Work

At a convention Horus and I went to, we went to Dr. Duke’s table, we drooled at his beautiful Russian lady friend, and then sat with Dave at his computer. He showed us his thousands of references, talked about his hundreds of millions of listeners.

Dave showed us that his approach WORKS.

Direct mail had what works down to a science. A statistically valid test mailing can be made with only about 3,000 letters, so they could try every single variation out, from short paragraphs to long paragraphs. From short sentences to long sentences, even down to commas. photo duke_lorieden.jpg

Every single word and layout was a science, based on one thing:


I do not mean to compare David Duke to those professional conservatives. He is the real thing, a Comrade. But the point is that what WORKS is entirely a matter of what you are trying to accomplish.

Let me get to the obvious point:

What WORKS depends on your answer to the question, “What are you working ON?”

Show me the MONEY!

I deal in power.

The rules of money and fame are merely different, but the achievement of power directly violates all of the ways on getting money or fame.

Direct mail uses The Latest Thing. We constantly bring up, oh hell, let’s be frank, we shove down their throats a topic they never even heard of, and the last thing it is, is in the news.

Direct mail and Dave’s continued fame depend on stating what people want stated.

Real people, as opposed to us, want an Inevitable Victory, a chance to just plain bitch and complain.

What we do violates every rule of fame or fund raising.

Dave and SF deal in hundreds of thousands.

For us, hundreds would be nice.

I have always operated this way.

I have spent a lifetime getting the ideas in that changed the world.

By now, you should find that extravagant claim easy to understand, since you have been a part of this campaign.

Bob’s whole approach is very, VERY different.

Let me repeat what I have said before, and you should understand it better now:

“I don’t want fame, I don’t need money.”

“All I ask is to rule the world.”
