Archive for March, 2014

“But I showed up” makes a much better story

Bobs comment:

Every time I went to a large meeting in any organization from Narcotics Anonymous to a campaign, someone pointed out that the first meeting was astonishingly tiny.

Everyone of the tiny handful at the first meeting already knew all the others.

This is the FIRST March 15 demonstration.

Some day you will tell people about it, how you stood out there alone or in tiny groups.

You are among The First.

“But I didn’t show up” makes a lousy thing to tell your grandchildren.



Samizdat are on the MARCH 15

In a few days we will be seeing for the first time, pro-Whites working together and taking to the streets, united under one slogan, with one objective, STOP White Genocide. Todays pro-Whites are the new Samizdat who are demanding the worlds attention to our message as we point out that ‘diversity’ = White Genocide and that multiculturalism and diversity, in All and Only White countries, are nothing more than codewords for the biggest Genocidal scam in history! White Genocide.

However much attention the March 15 banner drive gets us, there is one thing for sure and that is, this event is already a Huge success. We have proven that the Mantra method works and that our consistent message IS exposing the anti-White system and IS saving Our race. Bugsers have done this, We have won a major victory already in getting out our message across the internet to the World and are witnessing the fruits of our labor.P1190485

So on March 15 we expect to see Bugsers step it up and hammer our message with even more stout defiance into any and every place you can possibly get it.

Remember, We are Samizdat and We have Our race to save.



Communism, Catholicism and Wordism

During the Cold War every Catholic country outside the Iron Curtain, except dictatorships and Ireland, had a substantial Communist membership in its legislature. In every historically Catholic country outside of Spain and Ireland, the post-WWII elected Communist Party membership ran as high as 30%.

This fact was taken as a given by everybody in Political Science and the media for over three decades.

I never heard it discussed publicly.

Us Bible Belters took the explanation for granted, as did the equally rabidly anti-Catholic “Intellectuals.” Anti-Catholicism has been accurately described as “the anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals.”

But a Bible Belter can grow up.

An Intellectual cannot. photo usa.jpg

The reason historically Catholic countries had huge, blindly obedient populations who went straight from being slaves of the Church to being slaves of the Party was simply because of a concept that only BUGSERS know:


Every colony of a Catholic country had an official policy of assimilation, assimilacion, assimilacao. Until Vatican II the official Church policy was to denounce any religious tolerance — except for Jews — in any country on earth.

All that mattered and matters to the Church is whether one is a Catholic or not. Race, nation, all other loyalties officially were denounced by Rome. Jesus said that to follow him you had to “hate your family.”

You were Catholic or you were not. The only treason recognized by the Curia was treason against The Word.

Hence assimilation was official policy in every Catholic country.

Intellectuals assumed that this heavy Communist vote was because of the huge poor population in Catholic countries. They took it for granted that all Catholic countries were poor, exploited, and backward.

On the contrary. France and Northern Italy were historically Catholic and as wealthy as any other developed European country.

Anti-Catholicism simply didn’t explain it. But in this case the bigotry coincided with the prejudices of the academics and the media, so it was not discussed.

The real reason historically Catholic countries had exclusively high Communist votes was Wordism.

Traditional Catholics saw Communism as a different kind of DOCTRINE. When they switched sides, it was natural for them to concentrate on replacing their loyalty to a doctrine with loyalty to another DOCTRINE.

The Party replaced the Pope.

Catholics were and ARE taught that their country or their race means nothing compared to the Only True Institution. That is the loyalty every Catholic is raised with.

In Protestant countries religion is just one aspect of life. There has certainly been plenty of persecution in Protestant countries, but in England, Catholics were condemned more as traitors to King and Country than for purely religious reasons.

You cannot understand history or even today’s politics without Mantra Concepts.



Advice to Us from Saint Paul

What would Paul or Peter have advised us to do if they were alive today?

Once again, the Mantra is short and all-inclusive: If any of the disciples or Paul had found that we EXIST, they would have abandoned their faith.

Oddly enough, one of the things that makes me respect most of the New Testament is that its writers considered the words of Jesus so precious that they faithfully recorded his words when he was dead wrong.  photo mlk.png

Nobody knows better than BUGSERS that if Saint Martin Luther the King did or said something bad it would disappear from the record without trace.

But when Jesus declared “The end of the world is at hand!” it was as faithfully recorded as anything else the writers could recover of his actual words.

If Saint Martin Luther the King said something like “The Judgment will come while some of you who are listening to me still live”, you wouldn’t even be able to Google it. But Jesus said that, and it came out to be wrong.

But it was not removed from the record.

ALL of first century Christianity was “Adventist,” which mean that a fundamental part of the faith was that the world would end very soon.

Our Seventh Day Adventists have been around for a long, long time, and I am willing to bet that church investments include long-term stocks.

Not only does the Christian faith have no genetic morality, the faith itself was formulated on a bedrock notion that there would BE no future generations.

If Paul and the Apostles were brought back into the world today and saw US, some or all of them would have abandoned their faith.


1 Comment

“Conservatism” is the New Islam

We are the missionaries of the pro-white movement.

The real missionary movements that pay off are always scorned by those who are building new cathedrals back at church headquarters in Rome or Constantinople.

Only history tells you who laid the foundations of a church’s absolutely vital expansion into new areas like Central and Northern Europe, which were of little important to the fifth century church.

But then Islam conquered the entire Middle East, and the area where the missionaries worked became the BASE of Christianity.

Fifth century church leaders wanted to spend money showing the Glory of God in giant buildings that would be there long after those pitiful little forays into Northern Europe petered out. photo boniface2.png

Some of those buildings are still there, provided they became useful as mosques.

You are presently experiencing exactly what those who saved Christianity by planting it outside the Roman Empire experience. It never even occurred to them that, when they came back with lessons learned “in the field,” any of the church leaders or Great Intellects would want to LEARN from them.

If they ever got back to Rome or Constantinople, it was to LEARN the deep and true theology TAUGHT there. What really fascinates me is that you are getting first-hand EXPERIENCE of exactly what those missionaries faced.

Vanishingly few Old Hands are interested in Learning from you. James seems hardly to notice anything we actually have to say.

When the missionaries who were out building the basis of a Christianity after the rise of Islam came back, they were there to learn about the martyrs and prophets who had founded the church where its Intellectuals sat in Rome and Constantinople.

It didn’t occur to any of the religious scholars that the lesson of the Fathers and martyrs they taught about was, in fact, missionary work. No, when the real missionaries came back it was to be TAUGHT True Orthodoxy.

I felt the same way on James’s show.

If any of us get on James Edwards’s show again, we need to point out that we have nothing to do with “conservatism.” Like the Middle Eastern heartland of the Old Church, conservatism has been taken over by a new variation on Islam, neoconservatism.

Like the Christian missionaries, we must plant pro-white sentiments in areas where people are not anti-abortion nuts, pro-Israel monomaniacs, and possessed of a desperate desire to get more wars going.

And, above all, ASSIMILATION: Opening the borders and making True Americans of the Immigrants and taking the third world into our Traditional Values families.

We have no more intention of spreading “conservatism” than the real Christian missionaries did of spreading Islam.

Today’s “Conservatism” is now just one more enemy.
