Archive for April, 2014


The first problem is learning a discipline.

The second is learning how to TEACH it.

BUGSERS have a hard time realizing how IMPOSSIBLE what they are doing is.

Racial debate is a game for almost everybody on our side. They come in after realizing how bad things are, paid experts explain them all about it.

They spend an exciting year or two reading books that proclaim the coming Revolution and the torchlight parade they wlll march in.

Then they get bored and take up some other game.

Once again, let me try to get across that all-im-portant word: SILLY.

They do what we all know is the definition of insanity: They do the same thing that never got anywhere before, usually News and Jews, and expect it to win this time.

BUGSERS must begin by realizing how IMPOSSIBLE what BUGSERS do is. photo sniper.jpg

It is simply not HUMAN to ask someone who knows all the things you do just to make yur shot and go.

The discipline I ask of you is superhuman, and I know it.

You just restrain yourself and act like a professional sniper. Your job is to hit ONE critical target.

But right under your gun are five enemies who have killed your buddies.

You kill one and get out.


Generally men are trained to be bloodthirsty men to try to be bloodthirsty. It’s hard enough to try to teach men to kill.

But then you to train your sniper to kill one and GET OUT.

It is not easy to make your first kill in general combat.

But it takes almost superhuman discipline to make one kill and quit.



Mantra Thinking 2

We are too busy fighting the only fight that matters for us to take time to stand back and look at all the lessons this fight will, in later life, teach us. But there are a LOT of them.

One I have given repeatedly was the simple failure of conservatives to point out that Communism was stupid because every Communist state had to shoot anyone who tried to escape it.

That is NOT a subtle point, but respectable conservatives and their kind were (and are) just too blindly stupid to use it.

We all know that gun control types live for another tragedy to exploit. Even dumbass conservatives have recently started mentioning THAT.

But conservatives never think down to the MANTRA level. photo ironcurtain-1.jpg

Yes, mass shootings would go down if victims had anyone there to defend them WTH a gun. Even conservatives are beginning to realize THAT.

But we are still not down to the basic premise.

The basic premise no one thinks not to concede is that freedom IS dangerous.

Freedom is NOT the right to do anything no one else disapproves of.

Every slave has always had THAT right.

Freedom is not the right to do anything that can do no harm to anybody.

Once again, you had that many rights under Hitler and Stalin.

Hence the importance of tragedies to gun control.

An asylum for the criminally insane is a totalitarian state.

A society that is treated like an asylum for the criminally insane is logically a totalitarian state.

In fact, the pro-gun argument is eerily similar to the pre-BUGS argument on race.

Both gun control opponents and AMPWs begin by conceding the other side’s most critical point.

AMPWs try to justify the very existence of our race.

The NRA tacitly concedes that people should only be allowed guns if some maniacs don’t misuse guns too much.



Physical Courage Is a Virtue, It is NOT an EXCUSE

One month ago, our pitifully small groups went onto the streets.

If you go into combat or are on the street at night, you have a pretty good idea of what might happen.

But when you go out on the street to tell the truth, it is not just scary, it is mysterious.

Why is it that everyone you talk to reacts the way they do when you say you are going out and say what everybody knows?

It is like a House of Mirrors. What is there to be afraid of?

But whatever it is, it scares the wee-wee out of all those Brave Warriors who fought in the jungles of Vietnam or at Normandy.

They SHOULD be the ones to march out onto the streets and dare to tell the truth.

There is NO WAY any of them are going to defy some unwritten rule and go out tell the forbidden truth.

You know it. I know it, so let’s SAY it.

Vets are brave when told to be.

But Freedom is not obeying orders.

The word Freedom defends its opposite, which is the purpose of every capitalized word.

The Inquisition had no mercy.

Why? Because it tortured children for the greater Mercy, the saving of their souls despite having to torture their bodies.

Every Wordism that spreads hatred shouts the word “Love!”

Capitalized words, the mouths of Wordists, are always the cover they use for going wildly in the opposite direction.

If you see millions of people being separated out to be starved or killed, the killers will be shouting: “Peace, Land, Bread!”

All three words capitalized. photo genocide.jpg

What you did on March 15 was the exact opposite of following orders.

The only order we have on White Genocide is the more frightening to those who pride themselves on their Fearless Obedience because it is an unwritten order we all know: DON’T SAY IT.

All my life I have listened to Veterans talk about what heroes they are.

Veterans are cowed by the same thing that cowers everyone else: We all know it’s true, so why doesn’t somebody ELSE go out and SAY so?

The Vets have an excuse: “I’m NOT a coward, look at how I fought in whatever war the authorities sent me into.”

Those who don’t have the Vet excuse say:

“Well, I don’t go Out There not because I am a coward, but I am Wise!” … Or

“I just don’t want to offend people.”

And on and on and on and on and on.


A truly brave person is one who is willing to go up against a rule which is so terrifying it is not even stated.

Like my folks did on March 15.




In the absence of facts, men created legends.

In a documentary, some middle-aged aboriginals were being interviewed. They were standing in front of a cliff that fascinated archeologists, full of chalked illustrations of the ideograms of their endless deities and legends.

It was very sad. The interviewers were fascinated. But everyone agreed that all the names and knowledge of all the legends these ideograms represented were dead and useless:

“The young people don’t want to hear about them.”

These men had so looked forward to fascinating their children with the stories of how the earth was made and so forth, and all the romantic names and adventures and funny stories they had been raised on.

But all that is gone.

What the kids have to study is a lot less fascinating than the ideogram stories. Arithmetic is hideously boring when compared to the seizure of the skies by the Great God Ilumaliap.

That is because of why the information was produced.

What fills in for facts is chosen because it is entertaining and poetic.

It sounds good, it sounds plausible.

Until you test it.  photo parth.png

Living on clouds sounds wonderful until you have to step out on one.

The Adventures of the Great God Ilimaliap or of Zeus were all produced to be filler, because no actual truths were known. The sky is far less interesting to children since it ceased to be made up of archers, banished gods, and legends.

Legends are built to be beautiful, facts are simply true.

Every demand for white genocide comes with fine sounding phrases to blind us to the simple fact that mixed is ugly, that mixed countries are not places where a human child should be born.

The anti-white’s world is 100% filler.



Simple Truth Has No Friends

It surprises some that the Christian writer CS Lewis went ballistic when someone said, “Well, religion may be untrue, but the believer should be respected.” No matter how silly it gets, we are all told we must see the good side of every religion.

Lewis almost shouted, “It is not a question of whether Christianity is GOOD, but whether it is TRUE!”

Lewis stated flatly and repeatedly, “Jesus was God or he was a MADMAN!”

The sillier an idea is, the more armor plating it comes with.

If there is anything we learn at BUGS, it is that silliness has armor plating, and simple truth has no friends. photo armor.jpg

We are not allowed to say that something ridiculous is just ridiculous.

The question is: “Why is this information produced?”

The answer is “The simple truth pays nothing, while the more absurd a doctrine is, the more it is protected.”

One example really stands out in my mind.

I went to a Chevy Chase beauty shop to pick up a rich girl I was dating. Chevy Chase was one of the richest neighborhoods in America. As usual, I was being pro-white.

Even back then, no woman went to a Chevy Chase beauty shop and walked out without paying at least a hundred dollars.

When I pointed out that a child of a beautiful blonde and a handsome black was sure to be ugly, she said, “Oh, well, looks don’t matter.”

I stood there and waited for someone to laugh. This woman was paying a fortune in a beauty shop and declaring that looks don’t matter!

But the blathering nonsense that looks don’t matter is, like all holy drivel, wrapped in such solid steel that no one thought to question it!

When a professor says that professors, “intellectuals,” should rule the world, no one laughs.

When someone says “Whites deserve to be destroyed” and, “I have no intention of destroying the white race” AND “the white race doesn’t exist,” the armor plating on each of these contradictory absurdities will only be pointed out by a trained BUGSERS.

Our society IS insane.

It is insane for the simple reason that it is not considered polite to call blithering silliness by its name.

This society is insane because simple truth has no payoff.
