One commenter, bless him, actually TRIED using “chasing down whites.”
This is infinitely better than the old debates over debating theory we used to have.
He reported that “chasing down whites” used in action didn’t get any more “response.”
But my demand that we use “chasing down whites” more is not to get more responses. It is a matter of a feel for propaganda.
As I have said, the Mantra approach is a lot like trying to push toothpaste back into the tube.
As you push, anti-whites will naturally adapt to some shape they are used to.
The Mantra approach requires us to realize that they are doing that. They don’t know they are doing it, it is just their natural reaction.
They have toothpaste brains.
I had to write that long, 222-word Mantra in order to push them back on all points into the tube.
The Mantra attacked the end of the white race, but it also started with the point anti-whites are most afraid of:
So-called Diversity is for white countries and ONLY white countries.
So they naturally respond to Diversity=Genocide by going back to the old “racists are saving the white race” again.
The danger in using less than the whole Mantra, the reason I had to insist on it for so long, was that those who tried to boil it down got slack, and anti-whites naturally used one of the loopholes they are used to.
In this case, they are quoting “Diversity=White Genocide” and avoiding the point that this “diversity” is aimed ONLY at whites.
So I ask for the artillery to swing back on that point.
That’s what you still need a Coach for.
It is NOT to “get responses.”
You are leaving a hole open.
You have to learn to do this while your Coach is still around.
#1 by -Gar5- on 05/01/2014 - 10:25 am
Bob, I used your suggestion in a recent article I wrote for White Genocide Project.
Here is an extract:
“All and only White countries are expected to become “diverse”. In fact, there is no escape from “diversity” if you’re White – every White country, county, city, town, and neighborhood is labelled “not diverse” and must be chased down and “diversified”.
No one in a small Asian or African town is seriously saying “diversity is our strength”.
This is because no one – or no one with power at least – wants to get rid of Asians or Africans.
Yet in White countries, conditions of genocide are being forced on us. Open borders, massive non-White immigration, and forced “diversity” (a.k.a. assimilation) is for only White countries and it’s expected to be for every White country.
These conditions are intentionally leading to a world where White people become an every decreasing minority in countries where we are supposed to be a majority. This is genocide when it’s done to Tibetans in Tibet, and it’s genocide when it’s done to White people in White countries.”
I find that this is a great way to Swarm people, because we can get the mantra and mini-mantras into the actual news story where it gets more views. Comments sections get less views.
Since you’re the expert on propaganda, what sort of an opinion did you have on the way we operate White Genocide Project?
#2 by Bob on 05/01/2014 - 11:27 am
The WGN is wonderful!
It grew among you on its own!
#3 by -Gar5- on 05/01/2014 - 12:17 pm
Thanks Bob, we’ll keep it up.
#4 by Denounce Genocidists on 05/01/2014 - 11:55 am
No anti-white, you`re not participating in an imaginary global free love party of all the races, you`re a member of the genocidal anti-white cult using “Diversity” to chase down the last white person.
#5 by Asgardian on 05/01/2014 - 2:29 pm
Coach, I have used “diversity will chase down the last white person” on twitter. I know we are not a reaction group but it has been well received by normal white ppl.
#6 by Daniel Genseric on 05/01/2014 - 2:36 pm
The choir likes this:
‘Why do the DEMANDS for Diversity subside only after the last white is run down in the streets? #Diversity is a code word for #whitegenocide’
Not sure how it plays in anti-white Peoria as I have got NUTHIN’ from that crowd. I usually get a death threat or two when something really resonates. I do see that Bob’s ditty fills a hole used by anti-white oozers, albeit one that I personally deal with by interrogating.
#7 by Daniel Genseric on 05/01/2014 - 2:39 pm
Do you deny that diversity means chasing down the last white child?
Do you deny that diversity is complete when there are no more white children left?
Then, are you saying that Detroit, Chicago, and Memphis have a Diversity Problem?
Awwww…. this is where you start talking about white privilege and poverty to justify the genocide of MY race, isn’t it?
#Diversity is a code word for #whitegenocide
#8 by Steadiness on 05/01/2014 - 2:54 pm
once again, the guy who’s been paying attention for half a century notices what the anti-Whites have been saying. We say “diversity” = White genocide, our forebears said “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children”, they say “lol, racists saving the white race”.
What does that imply?
* the suggestion that Whites are existentially threatened is ridiculous
* Whites are privileged anyway and don’t need racists to defend them
* let’s talk about this awful weather we’ve been having lately instead
I know that when I believed that line I was simultaneously comforted that Whites didn’t need saving and that there were racists out there if Whites ever needed saving. I guess I never was a very good leftist 🙂
#9 by Asgardian on 05/01/2014 - 6:27 pm
Thanks Daniel ill give that one a try.
#10 by Henry Davenport on 05/01/2014 - 6:45 pm
The Mantra attacked the end of the white race, but it also started with the point anti-whites are most afraid of: That so-called Diversity is for white countries and ONLY white countries.
So they naturally respond to Diversity=Genocide by going back to the old “racists are saving the white race “ again.
I thought a good short way of overcoming that problem was to use this:
Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY.
Oh, but that doesn’t get at the genocide as much as “to the last white person” does.
Bob, but with the petitions and with minis, unlike a banner, we have room to present the complete reasoning of the Mantra.
So we’re considering this new phrasing primarily for banner purposes?
No, okay, I kind of get it. We’re trying in general to head off a direction anti-whites have been going in.
#11 by Jason on 05/01/2014 - 7:05 pm
A while back a BUGSTER asked “when asked to report back results, what does that mean?”. He was asking what metrics to use and how to gauge if something was successful.
Of course, nobody bothered to respond. I just said that yes, that can be a bit tricky. I think it is fine that gauging results is not an exact science, but we should make that clear.
“Feel” and “instinct” are legitimate, but when we ask people to report back their results, it’s probably useful for us to develop that a bit more.
#12 by Jason on 05/01/2014 - 7:24 pm
Actually I tried this new Diversity Mini several weeks ago and reported back the results back then … a month ago I would say. Basically I got crickets but that is fine if it is opening a new hole in enemy territory.
But then, when I reported my results to BUGS I got crickets from here too.
I do think this line works, but there may not be much in the way of “results” to report back in this case.
#13 by jo3w on 05/03/2014 - 7:34 am
It would be nice to have a “Reporting” thread pinned to the top in the bugs swarm. It would include exactly what information should be reported with examples. The rest would be the place to actually report what you have tried and how it worked.
#14 by Yankee Rebel on 05/01/2014 - 11:37 pm
Although I thought, “Diversity” = White Genocide was similar to “”Save The White Race: Earth’s Most Endangered Species” from the Creativity Movement religion, I did not see that as a negative thing. Ben Klassen had a lot of good ideas regarding how we could actively support our people in everyday affairs, like for instance, by choosing to do business with Whites instead of non-Whites, etc.
#15 by Simmons on 05/02/2014 - 7:15 am
The words “chasing down” shifts the tone of hysteria down to the anti-whites.
As some of you might remember the anti-whites always tried to pin the paranoia button on us, now we pin the hysteria button on them.
They react to us not us reacting to them like our essayists who always tailgate and always fail.
#16 by Henry Davenport on 05/02/2014 - 8:41 am
No White child left not chased down
No White man left not chased down
Those sound awkward, but maybe they’ll trigger someone else’s thoughts.
I’m thinking petition title,
Change government policy of No White Child Left Not Chased Down
Change government policy of No White Child Left Behind As We Chase Down Whites
#17 by Henry Davenport on 05/02/2014 - 9:19 am
Change government policy of No White Child Left Behind As We Chase Down All Whites
#18 by Henry Davenport on 05/02/2014 - 2:31 pm
Change the government policy of No White Child Left Behind As We Chase Down the Last White Person
#19 by time for freedom on 05/02/2014 - 1:57 pm
“Diversity” is 37,000 White Women being raped by Black males EVERY YEAR
“Diversity” is the millions of White kids raped and killed by non-Whites
“Diversity” is White people thereby being ethnically cleansed from their homes
“Diversity” is the Government paying non-Whites to invade White areas
“Diversity” is the Government paying non-Whites to chase down White children
“Diversity” is the Government paying non-Whites to chase down White Women
“Diversity” is the Government paying non-Whites to kill White men
“Diversity” is the Government paying non-Whites to chase down White people
“Diversity” is their codeword for WHITE GENOICDE
#20 by shari on 05/02/2014 - 2:58 pm
Henry, I think it’s called No child left behind. You could change it to, No WHITE child unchased down.
#21 by Henry Davenport on 05/02/2014 - 4:26 pm
“No WHITE child unchased down.”
Thanks. I think maybe that’s better than one I had considered,
“No WHITE child left unchased down”
Hm, I’m not sure.
Mine has the advantage of having the word “left” in it like the original, “No child left behind,” but yours has the advantage of more closely mimicking the cadence of the original, I think, and of maybe being less awkward than my longer one…the combination “left unchased” doesn’t read too smoothly, I think.
I think yours does suggest the original, which I wanted to do.
Maybe others here can comment on if they like either, and prefer one or the other. I think I like yours best.
#22 by Daniel Genseric on 05/04/2014 - 5:16 pm
Diversity is ALWAYS incomplete until there is ‘No white child left standing.’
diversity is a code word for white genocide
#23 by Fred Richthofen on 05/04/2014 - 5:43 pm
My last exchange with an anti-White who was trying to say that the problem is that Whites are running because integration is not being done properly:
So your only problem with White genocide is that some of the victims are escaping?
Why does “diversity” always mean chasing down White children until none are left?
“Diversity” is complete when White children are gone.
“Diversity” is a code word for White genocide
#24 by Daniel Genseric on 05/04/2014 - 8:07 pm
We have that AND then we have the Patriotards who like to chime in with:
I’m not a Racist, BUT… There wouldn’t be so much Racism if only non-white immigrants would assimilate. They wouldn’t know patriotism or loyalty if it bit them in the face.
derp derp derp…derpa doom dum dum
#25 by SwampRabbit on 05/02/2014 - 3:28 pm
I like it for the “Black Gang Assaults Lone White Child” articles…
“anti-Racists” won’t be satisfied until the last White kid is chased down and “Diversified”.
“anti-Racist” is a CODE WORD for “anti-White”.
#26 by Bob on 05/02/2014 - 3:56 pm
#27 by Bob on 05/02/2014 - 4:03 pm
Has anyone else noticed how much the Stewart stuff on Comedy Central resembles an old time Revival meeting?
#28 by Henry Davenport on 05/02/2014 - 4:59 pm
We lack an Abbie Hoffman type who will buy a ticket up close in the audience and rush the stage screaming “Baptize me in the holy faith of Political Correctness! I see the light; I’ll fight White Genocide no more!”
#29 by Henry Davenport on 05/02/2014 - 5:11 pm
Actually, Abbie Hoffman would think of something much more theatrical and effective than my suggestion. Here’s a wiki note on him:
Another one of Hoffman’s well-known protests was on August 24, 1967, when he led members of the movement to the gallery of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The protesters threw fistfuls of real and fake dollars down to the traders below, some of whom booed, while others began to scramble frantically to grab the money as fast as they could. [10] Accounts of the amount of money that Hoffman and the group tossed was said to be as little as $30 to $300.[11] Hoffman claimed to be pointing out that, metaphorically, that’s what NYSE traders “were already doing.” “We didn’t call the press”, wrote Hoffman, “at that time we really had no notion of anything called a media event.” The press was quick to respond and by evening the event was reported around the world. Since that incident, the stock exchange has spent $20,000 to enclose the gallery with bulletproof glass.[12]
#30 by Jason on 05/02/2014 - 5:49 pm
If you mean the Stewart show is basically a bunch of people cheering for Points Made (but not really laughing at comedy), yes.
Stephen Colbert, who follows him, does the same thing. Most of it isn’t comedy, it’s just a chance for the educational-social welfare crowd to congratulate itself and put down the rest of us.
Bill Maher’s show is like that. Very little funny is said. It is mainly them talking about how “smart” they are and then insulting White people who live in the country.
I heard a comedian describe this PC humor this way: No one laughs … people just clap and cheer. If you think about it, there shouldn’t be a lot of approving applause in “comedy” in place of sincere laughter.
So, yes, either Old Time Gospel Hour or some show out of North Korea.
#31 by SwampRabbit on 05/07/2014 - 10:17 pm
I can’t bring myself to watch Mr. Leibowitz or any of the other anti-White comedians of the day. They simply are not funny to me. I have a pretty good sense of humor, but I don’t enjoy them at all. Probably has something to do with an awareness that they are promoting the destruction of my race.
#32 by Henry Davenport on 05/02/2014 - 4:51 pm
I tend to think in terms of petitions and petition titles:
When will being White be made a crime?
After the last White person has been chased down, or before?
#33 by Swarmer E Euro on 05/02/2014 - 5:00 pm
About the nature of “racism”:
Joker Test!
Very interesting video!
#34 by Secret Squirrel on 05/02/2014 - 5:51 pm
Just tried Jason’s version of ‘chasing the last White person’
“The program of Diversity will continue until the last White child is gone”
It works. If the anti-White tells you to White Flight, it’s devastating.
#35 by Daniel Genseric on 05/04/2014 - 8:13 pm
I’ve been petitioned to White Flight too in the form of, “America was founded on Diversity & Immigration. AND if you don’t like it, you can GTFO.”
Would you chase down Chinese or Africans in their countries the same way you do white children for resisting Diversity & Tolerance?
Clearly, when you anti-whites use the word “Diversity” YOU really mean ‘No white child can remain standing.’
Diversity is really just a code word for white genocide.
#36 by Asgardian on 05/04/2014 - 11:40 pm
Daniel you’re right, BUT the problem is in their first statement they said America was built on immigrants and diveristy (even though thats not true it was made by whites for whites). When you respond with asia and africa they will say it wasnt built on immigrants. So that gives the impression to our impressionable audience thay whites dont have a leg to stand on in america, and that africans and asians have the right to their homelands because they were the first ones there.
Before we use china and africa as an example the 1st statement (even though its a lie) needs to be dismantled before we can use non white countries as an example imho.
#37 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 1:37 am
“When you respond with asia and africa they will say it wasnt built on immigrants”
All nations are nations of immigrants.
All nations are created by immigration.
All nations are destroyed by immigration.
#38 by Daniel Genseric on 05/05/2014 - 10:27 am
#39 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 2:41 am
I get what ur saying…ur not wrong, however we KNOW whats going on. When u say africa was built by immigrants ur average white guy that knows something is wrong but isnt sure how to go about will be befuddled. We arent entertaining or trying 2 convince ampw’s we r trying to convince “normal white people” after years of brainwashing and being told that america is stolen land and that africa has always been afrcia. That line that you used up top is true but it wont resonate with ur average white who is just comin around.
#40 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 3:33 am
“All nations are nations of immigrants. There is no known case of people growing out of the ground.” [Laughter]
If you want more examples, Google them.
#41 by Henry Davenport on 05/05/2014 - 3:45 am
“The only indigenous people were Adam and Eve.”
I read that somewhere; don’t know if it’s useful.
#42 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 3:49 am
Nice one. Good for religious anti-Whites.
#43 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 3:54 am
If you are trying to convince individuals you are doing it wrong. We use anti-Whites to create pro Whites.
Here’s an example;
Bugser 1:
“The program of Diversity will continue until the last White child is gone”
-and gotten responses from people saying “good”, they are glad the last White child will be gone, which makes our point.
Bugster 2:
Well have them say it louder, we are not here to convert anti-whites to reason or virtue, we are here to use anti-whites to create pro-whites.
Internalize that last line.
#44 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 11:59 am
Yes we use anti whites 2 make our points but the first statement made by them about America is a mental block that is demoralizing for them. Using the response all nations are made up of immigrants will not break that block for them. When I said convince normal whites I should have been more clear as to what I meant, as in meaning “when engaging a anti white we use them to show normal whites whats really going on by simply pointing out the anti whites only want this for white ppl” that was my mistake I should have more clear.
#45 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 12:02 pm
Using that line against a antiwhite in front of other whites in whatever medium will not compute with them. That line can be used once the first statement about america is destroyed…im telling you guys ive seen it happen and it crushes normal white ppl.
#46 by jo3w on 05/05/2014 - 12:51 pm
Asgardian, we should do a little experiment. When a White anti-white says or implies that Whites don’t belong in America, ask them why they haven’t packed their bags and gotten out of America yet? I’m going to try to collect some data myself and we can start a thread in the swarm to discuss what answers we got. It may not lead to anything new, but i’m curious about how these people lie to themselves to justify their presence.
#47 by Ice Knight on 05/05/2014 - 6:09 pm
When an anti-white says that Whites don’t belong in America, I normally take it to the next level and ask if they also agree that blacks, muslims and jews should have no place in Europe? Or are they just anti-White?
I’ve always found this response effective as it underlines the sheer hypocrisy of their argument and exposes them for what they really are – anti-White!
#48 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 6:35 pm
Mexicans and Siberian Indians are the only ones that say Whites should leave America.
All the rest say it belongs to everyone – except the Whites that object.
#49 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 5:55 pm
How would you know it doesn’t work, when you haven’t tried it?
#50 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 1:52 pm
Ok..that sounds good to me. I do find that more non whites are saying that now because white ppl are starting 2 realize that that statement is a self defeating one. Ive laid of youtube somewhat and have been heavy on twitter so I will report back from there.
#51 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 7:22 pm
Thats awesome ice knight. That is simple and easy to grab for those just coming around.
Secret squirrel, I have used it n front of normal white people and they just dont get it….then they get demoralized by the anti whites “this aint ur land” shtick.
Im not saying that the tactic isnt truthful it is. But from my experience its like throwing a tennis ball off a rock…it just bounces off. Maybe u had some1 tht got it. I havent.
#52 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 7:24 pm
Secret squirrel, its funny u say only 2 races say tht. Check my twitter page. @AsgardianRabbit I was just told my a pakistanki from the UK that America doesnt belong to whites n tht they should leave….true story.
#53 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 7:35 pm
We were talking about America. Islamic fanatics in Europe are a different thing.
#54 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 7:38 pm
While you are answering, can you help me in the Twitter tactics thread?
#55 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 7:49 pm
Sure brother what wld u like to know. There are 5 of us right now that I know are active on twitter. If ud like to join us that wld be awesome we want big swarms to own TL’s and hashtags…MASSIVE CROWDS.
#56 by Secret Squirrel on 05/05/2014 - 7:58 pm
See my question here. When I figure that out, I will learn hash tags.
#57 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 8:26 pm
It will not appear on the celebrities account that tweet 2 unless they respond…it will only appear in ur own tweets.
#58 by Asgardian on 05/05/2014 - 9:25 pm
Secret squirrel when u want message me on twitter and ill walk u through in real time if u want. @AsgardianRabbit
#59 by Secret Squirrel on 05/06/2014 - 3:23 am
Thank you. I just sent you a Tweet.
#60 by Fred Richthofen on 05/08/2014 - 6:03 pm
Diversity is a knockout game
Diversity means Whites are chased down and knocked out of school, workplace, and homeland.
Diversity is a knockout game for professionals
Diversity is a knockout game with a paycheck