Everything Wise said in his attack on me was so old that all of us have been hearing it since me and Moses were kids.
He only had one point that was not primordial and he took it from Oprah, who used it a year or so ago.
Some time ago, Oprah used the old line that all young people are anti-white. When the old people, in this case for Wise it was when the old Robert Whitakers kick off, the world will be entirely anti-white.
Give me control of the polling questions and I will find that young people, or albinos, or any other group you want to agree solidly with me.
It is true that anti-white thugs control what younger people say publicly. And they have given younger people the idea they are as inevitable as Communism was a generation ago.
So where DO we look for the actual future? Is it really true that when the Bob Whitakers finally check out, all is lost?
Look at thousands of comments we are generating. Tim Wise wrote an entire column without using the label “racist!” That would have been impossible ten or even five years ago!
We are beginning to make THEM watch THEIR words!
The examples of our new generation are legion, and every one of you counts, but let me talk here about our little legion, what we call the “Working Thread.”
No longer are there the endless talks about whether a word like “genotype” is “more correct” or “covers it.” Now I don’t have to wait, one of our veterans says, “Try it — Does it WORK?”
Every day, like HD, I check to see how long it’s been since one of our WORK crew has put stuff on the web.
I have watched over the years as what were once pages of amateurs trying to impress each other or “win the argument” has turned into a group of hard-eyed professionals. Like pros, they’re there to get our points in an then go to put them elsewhere.
Their technical discussion is as inspiring to me as it is incomprehensible.
That Wise article sure didn’t SOUND like somebody who is sure that everything we say will pass away with Old Whitaker.
If Wise and Oprah could realize their dreams and become Thought Police, Bob would disappear. Lots of dissidents disappeared, but Samizdat remained.
The Inevitable Communism Advance collapsed because THEIR old men, the armor-plated Stalin’s and Brezhnev’s, died out.
The Rule of the Thugs on campus, the fear that the Soviet Police kept in place until the last day of the USSR’s existence, all looked to the media as if they were there forever, because they allowed no questioning.
Not a single professional Expert predicted the whole Soviet Empire would melt away like the nightmare it was. After all, all the young people in the USSR had been raised under Communism, as had their fathers.
Things have never been quite the same for the professional talkers since the Soviet Empire collapsed.
Only the kept opposition keep the illusion alive, and William Buckley is DEAD.
Wise and Oprah are whistling past the graveyard.
They are declaring their ship is Unsinkable.
They say Ole Bob is all that’s left.
Which is why Ole Bob tells you over and over and over again: Do it. Get out there and TEST in the battlefield.
I got you started. When I go, you won’t start acting like a bunch of motherless pups the way the Soviet Empire did.
Toss me overboard and take the wheel.
#1 by wretchedWhiterabbit on 07/17/2014 - 4:40 pm
We aren’t going away.
#2 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 07/17/2014 - 5:38 pm
That’s the reason I’ve been speaking more publicly to my family and friends. Tim and Oprah all think they have us young people under their noses, It makes me feel good to throw it to their faces that we are still strong and alive, and Ill see to it that my kids do the same.
#3 by time for freedom on 07/17/2014 - 5:39 pm
Oprah has it all backwards Bob. Our Younger people are naturally pro-White, but they have just been terrorized and humiliated into a position of silence by the filthy OLD anti-White system and it’s OLD and increasingly tired thugs. But their old and tired thugs cannot protect their anti-White system forever, and when they begin to die out as a result of old age coupled with our incessant use of Mantrafied communication techniques, the world will begin to be pro-White again. This is what the Oprahs of the world simply do not–cannot–see. Hmm, maybe we should make up a Mantra to point out this fundamental truth to them.
“White people are naturally pro-White, as you anti-White thugs die out so will your anti-White system, and we will be free of you forever.”
#4 by seapea on 07/17/2014 - 10:49 pm
“Toss me overboard and take the wheel.”
No worries Bob, the “mutiny” has already begun. 😉
#5 by Jason on 07/18/2014 - 12:56 am
Nice one!
#6 by Secret Squirrel on 07/18/2014 - 1:38 am
Reminds me of Logan’s Run.
A city that is a prison for the entire populace. History and wisdom does not exist, since the young must commit suicide to “renew”. Politically correct enforcers chase down anyone that tries to leave.
#7 by Steadiness on 07/17/2014 - 11:41 pm
Tim Weiss has it backwards. Have you seen what the young people on 4chan are saying? They started saying the n-word because it was funny and got 5000 word essays in response telling them why they shouldn’t say it. Then those essays shrunk to 500 words and 50 words and stopped entirely. That was happening between five and ten years ago.
Now, everyone on 4chan will tell you that they are a klansman and a nazi, and according to the 4chan hivemind, interracial sex is beastiality.
Of course, this would scandalize their parents.
The 60s are getting old, and the childless hippies with their grey beards and their anti-White slogans are getting pushed out of the social justice movement by the diversities they used to champion. They still have control of the government and the media, but they are the ones scheduled to start dying soon.
Bob will pass away before the bulk of them. Grandpa Simpson’s dreams of cops punching hippies didn’t stop the hippies, but the future of childless hippies with too little social security money dying in nursing homes “cared for” by Blacks and Mexicans with a Medicare death panel there to pull the plug makes me smile.
The milennials they lovingly propagandized from birth? After school, they take to 4chan to say the n-word and question the Holocaust.
#8 by Cleric_Preston on 07/18/2014 - 1:24 am
Steadiness, you touch on a good point “Now, everyone on 4chan will tell you that they are a klansman and a nazi”
Will the anti-Whites labeling everyone Nazi’s is going to back fire on them ?
Last Saturday THE trending #’s on Twitter was #Hitlerwasright and #Hitlerdidnothingwrong.
Are Nazi’s transitioning from evil to ‘cool’ just like vampires have transitioned from blood sucking undead to ‘cool’ in pop culture in the last 15 years ?
If that happens it would be a major blow to anti-Whites, they’ll have nothing left bad to call us, and if Nazis are ‘cool’ and being on message makes you a Nazi then game over.
#9 by Jason on 07/18/2014 - 1:30 am
I believe those hashtags are purely anti-Israeli and not pro-White. They are in response to the latest Israeli invasion. If you look at the people tweeting it, almost all are, ironically, Brown.
So, I don’t think it is White kids suddenly thinking Nazis are cool.
#10 by Jason on 07/18/2014 - 2:50 am
It does highlight the problem the “elites” are going to have managing their coalition of non-Whites (as Bob has pointed out). They will often be at each other’s throats.
#11 by Simmons on 07/18/2014 - 7:21 am
Remember the WN dinosaur essayists tell us that Jews are omnipotent (send money). So the jews are writing the anti-white propaganda that we are all going to be brown in the future, how is that working out for them? IMO they’re idiots.
#12 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 07/18/2014 - 2:15 am
White kids are making fun of the whole nazi and Hitler thing, look at all those youtube parodies and “ERB” using Hitler as a rapper.
I dont think its bad thing because they take all the seriousness out of it and anti-Whites dont have as much of an effect when they call you “nazi.
Back to Bob’s point. Us pro-Whites are NOT a dying bread, anti-Whites are. Even the most professional anti-Whites are predicting it wrong, they assume all the old people are the pro-Whites and all the young are the anti-Whites, but they are dead wrong.
#13 by Jason on 07/18/2014 - 9:18 am
Indeed, it is the White anti-Whites who are dying out! Who will elect them? The coming Brown majority doesn’t want them. And real Whites are going to demand their own spokesmen, just like Latinos, Asians and Blacks have. This will happen, at the very least, in reaction to the growing political aggressiveness of non-Whites.
(A lot of Whites I knew thought letting Blacks have the Presidency and taste some power would be enough to satisfy them for a few generations – lol. Sometimes the naivety of my fellow Whites makes me chuckle).
Whether it is the Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity types on the Right, or the Chris Matthews and Phil Donahue types on the Left, no one will want to listen to them soon.
Tim Wise’s kind projects a lot. They say you are a HATER when they are the ones that hate. And they say you are DYING OUT, when they know their own days are numbered.
#14 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 07/18/2014 - 8:50 pm
Exactly, anti-Whites have pushed propaganda down our throats portraying ALL older Whites as “meannazimonsters” The anti-Whites did this so they could intimidate the people who were not born into an anti-White society, the anti-Whites dont want them saying anything to younger Whites that could harm their religion … AND it worked. Look at how many older Whites are openly anti-White, they are trying to prove that they are not “meannazimonsters” to the younger ones.
But one BIG mistake the anti-Whites made was just ASSUMING all younger Whites were anti-Whites, just because they were born into an anti-White society and had all this anti-White propaganda shoved down their throats all their lives. Look at North Korea as an example, people who are born in North Korea NEVER have seen the outside world, don’t even have internet access, they are told from birth that the outside world is a huge disaster and they are living in a paradise, yet there are still thousands of people trying to cross the into the South Korean border despite being born into all this false propaganda.
Don’t the anti-Whites EVER learn? Your natural human feelings, comfort zones and being able to tell right from wrong, triumphs ALL this unnatural intimidation and forced propaganda. Young people are not what the anti-Whites assume they are.
Before I ever came across the Mantra, I knew there wasn’t something right, I could clearly see all White countries are being invaded because of White traitors and non-Whites countries were left alone. I could clearly see with my own eyes.
#15 by Simmons on 07/18/2014 - 7:17 am
Someone with a 4chan acct could upload “Anti-racist Hitler” to them and send it world wide.
I’m pretty sure that blacks killed off a good portion of the effectiveness of the word “racist” they used it like people use antibiotics till overdone. I’ve said for years that blacks are killing liberalism, blacks screw up everything, and thank god for them at least in this case. Mind you none of the RCs have done squat except write essays and pretend to be intellectuals. Think of that idiot George Will sitting there pretending some idiot Democratic hack is an intellectual of worth that we must all respond to with essays.
#16 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 07/18/2014 - 9:06 pm
Simmons, dont quote me on this but I don’t think you need an account to upload, you can just publish to 4chan as “anonymous.” I think its a good idea to target the area where “memes are born”
#17 by jo3w on 07/19/2014 - 6:18 pm
One of the reasons I have never fallen in with a typical WN group is due to framing. I like to fame things a little differently than most. I like to think that blacks are good at dissolving systems that can’t coincide with their innate culture and disposition. Why should Black people accept blame for not being able to adapt to White culture as readily as White do? For me that is what is at the heart of freedom of association. A liberals solution to the problem is to change MY culture and rules to adapt to others culture and personality. My solution is to allow people to segregate, ie French can choose to stay French and so on. At no point do I feel that I need to look down on other people to justify my desire to live among my own.
#18 by Asgardian on 07/18/2014 - 8:42 am
Mtvs “look different” propaganda piece blew up in their faces. Many young white millennial kids believe anti white polices are more prevalent than “racism”.
The future is now the revolution Will be televised.
#19 by seapea on 07/18/2014 - 10:29 am
Correction: The Revolution will be STREAMED in 1080p.
#20 by Asgardian on 07/18/2014 - 12:09 pm
Good point seapea.
#21 by Laura on 07/19/2014 - 12:02 pm
New Audio Bob at the bottom of the article.
#22 by wretchedWhiterabbit on 07/19/2014 - 7:50 pm
Speaking to Cleric Preston’s point about anti-White labels back-firing.
Lately, one of the most frequent anti-White arguments that I encounter is “karma”.
We’ve seen it before…colonialism, slavery, evil, White devil, etc.
When the anti-White retort is, “What comes around goes around,” I sometimes point out that White people are growing weary of bearing the brunt of the world’s sins; and Karma can also come BACK around, possibly with more vengeance than they’re prepared to endure, so maybe this would be a good time to consider breaking the cycle and ending White genocide for the greater good of Mankind.
#23 by Jason on 07/19/2014 - 8:50 pm
When the anti-White says KARMA you have won. Period. They have just admitted White Genocide is real. You can say something like “so you don’t deny White Genocide, you just say we deserve it”, and walk away.
You already have the victory when they throw out the KARMA thing. Make the point that they have just confessed White Genocide is real and STOP. Let it sink in. Any further discussion dilutes the point.
#24 by wretchedWhiterabbit on 07/21/2014 - 3:11 pm
of course, they are justifying, which is why I said “sometimes”
#25 by Benjamin Newells on 07/19/2014 - 10:57 pm
wretchedWhiterabbit, what you’ve been using is actually very off-message much like your recent youtube comment.
Jason is spot on.
#26 by wretchedWhiterabbit on 07/21/2014 - 4:26 pm
That’s ok, dude. Any time a White person addresses the issues of genetic morality from a pro-White perspective, we are told we “sound like we came from Stormfront”, and are called “racist”, “Nazi”, etc. I’m used to it. Thanks for your support and “on-message” comment on the video you referenced.
#27 by Polar Bear on 07/20/2014 - 8:39 pm
Fantastic new audio!
#28 by Yankee Rebel on 07/22/2014 - 8:32 am
I really liked the new audio. Bob had some clarifying things to say about the latest articles he wrote which made the pieces have more meaning for me. Loyalty is what motivates us Bugsters and I hope I will be able to fight the good fight for a long time, too. Bob reminds me of the story about an older man during the American Revolution who was barricaded in his barn along a path frequently used by the British soldiers. The man , despite not having the use of his own legs, was able to pick off many unsuspecting enemies until he was discovered and finally ambushed by a large group of British soldiers. Bob is like that.