Archive for August 16th, 2014
Description of ACTION!
From a BUGSER:
I wanted both you and Bob to have a few points from the conversation in order to demonstrate how amateur these professors actually are.
Once you overcome fear and take one of them on, you find that they’re using the same tired old arguments that we get from the low level anti-Whites.
As long as you keep them on White genocide it goes great. Don’t let them pull you into tailgating.
I fell for it briefly but was able to bring it back to White genocide.
I went 10 rounds with an anti-White professor.
I think this is important because you can actually see the things that get them the most worked up and angry. So I’m writing to mention just a couple of the most effective points.
Bob’s “chasing down” argument really fired up this professor and I was able to come back with the “funding diversity to Idaho point.”
The other point that really fired up this professor was my repeated point of “84 schools in Britain without a single White child”- announced in May 2013 by the British government.
It’s an excellent point because you can compare it to two main island nations both African and Asian.
My argument:
“The British government announced in May 2013 that there are 84 schools without a single White child left in them…
if Japan had 84 schools with no Asian children it would be called genocide…
if Haiti had 84 schools with no black children it would be called genocide…
Why isn’t this genocide when done in Britain?”
Professor’s argument:
“I know all about this from (insert anti-White media source here)… and the problem is that they are self segregating and moving away… not really genocide… we just need to integrate them properly…”
My response:
This gave me the opportunity to say “so the only problem you have with White genocide is that the victims are escaping?”… I then tacked on Bob’s point that the White victims had to be “chased down.”
Talk about a meltdown. If I could explain the look I received, I would say that it was genuine fear… a professor starting to realize that all the old anti-White arguments no longer work and their whole world view is just plain evil.
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