Colbert of Comedy Central, calls a new million-dollar Federal program “truthy.”
“Truthy” was set up by a far leftist in the government and approved by Comedy Central.
Here is where “truthy” gets interesting to BUGS:
It is a special, read emergency, program to fight memes on the internet!
No one had any idea how powerful Samizdat was until the Soviet attempt to retake Russia failed because of the use of what is now the old tech of fax from the building where the revolution holed up.
Every paid Soviet expert would have laughed his ass off if you had said that FAXES would be the main instrument in bringing down the superpower subject of his expertise.
It is easy for big-time Experts to totally miss the subtlety that leads to real changes in real power. And no experts are ever going to ask WHY every single paid expert on the Soviet Union totally missed its complete crackup.
So the things BBG talked about in his recent article and “truthy” are totally unnoticed. Another thing that was unnoticed outside of people like me and BBG was how the ADL attack on us repeatedly assured readers that the White Genocide meme “will not go viral.”
“Do anything to me, but PLEASE don’t throw me in that thar briar patch!!!”
So now the Feds are starting a program to fight “untrue memes” on the internet.
We progress.

#1 by Fred R on 08/29/2014 - 6:58 pm
The article says “click on the Truthy button when you see a suspicious meme!”
I can think of a few suspicious memes that need to be reported; “nation of immigrants, diversity is our strength, we all bleed red, white privilege.”
#2 by wretchedWhiterabbit on 08/29/2014 - 6:59 pm
LOL That’s good stuff !
since they are *not* tracking hate speech
they don’t need to make up any new speech restrictions right
#3 by Fellow Aussie on 08/29/2014 - 10:09 pm
Can’t wait for ‘Truthy’ to get up and running.
Sound like a banned books register that will be published. You know the place you go to get your next ‘to read’ list.
Maybe they realized that their efforts will expose their true nature to the sunlight and that’s why they have delayed it.
#4 by Asgardian on 08/29/2014 - 11:48 pm
They can fight THIS all they want.
#5 by Yankee Rebel on 09/01/2014 - 11:48 pm
Wait a minute, the N.Y. Post is reporting on a “Hate crime” that was committed against a “White” person?!! What the hell is going on?
#6 by Simmons on 08/30/2014 - 7:20 am
Probably to the point that they are doing most of our work for us, they print off a rambling joke of an essay, we respond “just more anti-white nonsense.” Reagan did this to Carter in his most effective debate line with “there you go again” in response to Carter’s babbling on like he just read a NYT’s editorial and wanted to sound “smart.”
I honestly don’t think the Junior George Wills can save the anti-whites now, for even our essayists are realizing that they are responding to an evil joke.
“White Liberal” is a punchline to a cosmic joke
#7 by Henry Davenport on 08/31/2014 - 1:19 am
I didn’t know Bob had written about “Truthy” when I posted this comment on it on SF:
Any twitter warriors might want to check out the links I refer to in the three statements I have in bold in that comment.
#8 by Henry Davenport on 09/02/2014 - 12:08 am
September White House message needs your initials to become visible to Whites all over the world.
And speaking of reaching Whites all over the world, I think the website of the President of the United States is a fairly good way to do that:
#9 by Tom Bowie on 09/02/2014 - 1:22 pm
Looking around Twitter I’ve noticed something. Our Meme is the largest/dominant in #AntiRacist, #Diversity and other hash-tags of this nature. There are also many Trending hash-tags where our Meme makes a very strong showing; perhaps the strongest of any Meme at times.
There was no plan to accomplish this exact aspect, just the general work of spreading the Mantra. I have no doubt that we’re not the only ones who’ve noticed. I suspect Truthy will Claim they are astounded as to what they find and need many more millions to combat it as well as a modified mission statement.
I can only hope they don’t take to long in Suddenly rolling in the Grey-Goo; time is valuable after all. While I’m sure there’ll be additional obstacles in this Sudden Discovery by Truthy, I suspect it’ll not be long before clever folks find out how to overcome them.
#10 by Henry Davenport on 09/02/2014 - 2:04 pm
Lol, Tom! And maybe a little concern shown from Truthy’s “fans” about that dangerous meme would lead Truthy to the grey goo more quickly.
You can click on the “contact” tab on this page to let Ms. Holbrook know of your concern. I just did. (Tom, the meme you’re referring to is #WhiteGenocide ? Let me know if you have in mind another…I included #AntiWhite…and I’ll let her know my concern about that one also)
Also, we can tweet to Truthy:
I just tweeted this (I haven’t been on twitter in awhile and wasn’t completely sure which memes to include):
@truthyatindiana Thank you for your good work in monitoring the memes #WhiteGenocide and #AntiWhite
#11 by Henry Davenport on 09/02/2014 - 2:07 pm
Lol, Truthy will soon have to study its own role in meme propagation! 😀
#12 by Tom Bowie on 09/02/2014 - 4:58 pm
Great going HD!
I was perhaps a bit less subtle as in addition to the hash-tags #WhitegeNOcide and #AntiWhite, I included a horribly wicked picture I’d found on Twitter, of the Mantra.
I think I used up most of my daily allotment of subtle replying to a Benedictine Nun who has a daily internet paper; she’d made a fairly well re-Tweeted comment on Genocide. Hopefully the good Sister will like the bait. (I’ll do my best to save her and her many followers from a lifetime of sinful GeNOcide,)
#13 by WmWhite on 09/02/2014 - 6:10 pm
(Information, Diffusion, Research at Indiana University)
Truthy is a research project that helps you understand how communication spreads on Twitter.
We currently focus on tweets about politics, social movements and news.
Tweets, instagrams, “Generation Like,”
These are the areas our white youth maturate and “come of age” in today. It’s all about glitz and slick advertising –ripe territory for meme development.
#14 by Laura on 09/03/2014 - 11:29 am
New Audio Bob posted.
#15 by Yankee Rebel on 09/03/2014 - 11:19 pm
Great audio! I was thinking the same thing about “Truthy” being a spying program on BUGS. What a waste of taxpayer’s money! Almost anything could be a meme- from commercials to campaign ads. The anti-Whites are getting more and more desperate to prevent being exposed for promoting White Genocide.
#16 by Polar Bear on 09/04/2014 - 1:04 am
Thanks for the audio Laura 😉
#17 by Daniel Genseric on 09/05/2014 - 8:52 am
They are chasing down PRO-WHITE DISSIDENTS, not the memes. The people BEHIND the memes and those they serve to protect.
#18 by Henry Davenport on 09/07/2014 - 3:08 pm
Re the audio, I have doubts that Truthy is the spawn of Bugs. It was funded in 2011.
But I was fascinated by Bob’s remarks toward the end about massive political change in the Information Age being brought about in large measure by exposure, as in the case of the Soviet Union and satellite countries, rather than by the traditional forms of overthrowing a gov’t.
Here’s a rough graph of the history of the word “meme” in books, which unfortunately goes only up to 2008…it’s the period since then that we’d be interested in. Check back in a few years I guess.
#19 by Jason on 09/07/2014 - 4:13 pm
The word ‘meme’ itself goes back to 1976. It was coined by Richard Dawkins as an analogue of the word ‘gene’. It was talked about years ago in certain circles but I think it has only gotten broad public mention in recent years.