Archive for September 16th, 2014
Be Careful What You Ask For – the 1932 GERMAN Election
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History, How Things Work on 09/16/2014
In the 1932 German election, the Nazi Party got exactly a third of the vote and the Stalinist Communist Party got exactly one in six. Together the two totalitarian parties got half of the vote and a bare majority of the seats in the Reichstag.
This produced a milestone in history: The next German government would have to include Communists or Nazis. Hermann Goering presided over the Reichstag because the Nazi constituted the plurality.
Please note what history never mentions: It took two to tango: The Communists elected Hitler every bit as much as Nazis did.
How did the German Jews vote in 1932?
If you take out the Nazi third, that leaves two thirds of the electorate. If Jews voted proportionately, one in four would have voted for a Stalinist State.
But the fact is that Jews traditionally vote for the left, the far left. Even William Buckley said that “Jews live like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans.” The Founder of Commentary, the Jewish conservative magazine stated flatly, “For most Jews the term ‘conservative Jew’ as an oxymoron.”
Until I wrote this article, no experienced political analyst would doubt that in 1932 Jews voted at least 2 to 1 for the Communist Party.
Which in this story as it turned out, was the same as voting FOR Hitler!
Be careful what you ask for!
German Jewish voters in 1932 WANTED concentration camps.
They DEMANDED an absolute dictatorship.
They saw the Terror Lenin bragged about and called it good.
The 1932 Jewish electorate asked for it and they GOT it, secret police, concentration camps, the whole nine yards.
Be careful what you ask for.
And where in this story do we find the SuperJews, those who know all and determine all?
What the German Jews did in 1932 was not exactly penetrating SuperKnowledge. They voted for concentration camps and secret police, and they GOT concentration camps and secret police.
But those wonderful concentration camps and secret police got THEM, not the goyim Stalinists were after.
And it is impossible to analyze the 1932 German election without concluding that a higher percentage of Jews voted for dictatorship and concentration camps than German gentiles.
Is this All-Knowing Jewish Genius at work?
Or is it a people with a grudge being maliciously stupid?
This 1932 election is bad for both Jews and monomaniacal anti-Semites.
Neither Jews nor monomaniacal anti-semites want German Jews portrayed as a group of morons whose hatred of those around them exploded in their faces.

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