A few months ago, though now seems to be decades, our Meme was really breaking through.
Because of our discipline.
We were united in the discipline of the Roman Legions: We hammered at ONE subject and stood shoulder to shoulder. We concentrated on one front: the planned destruction of the white race.
No Roman Army in Gaul was ever unaware that equally great battles were being waged against the Greeks. But each army fought on one front. A centurion in Iberia who could not pay attention to the Iberian Front because he felt the Real War was out in Persia would have been ejected very, very fast.
Even if he was right. ESPECIALLY if he was right.
Roman soldiers were successful because they did not go scattering and screaming after whatever enemies they saw, but stayed on their own front in their own formation.
What destroyed Rome’s enemies was not A Conspiracy Amongst them Against the Romans.
Rome’s enemies were destroyed because the individuals who made them up could not discipline themselves into a step-by-step, one position at a time formation.
Each of the Romans enemies hit what he saw. Someone would see Romans, yell, and everybody would charge THERE.
As the rabble piled up flailing against one group of Romans, the rest of the Roman force would proceed, step by step, to wipe them out.
It seems long, long ago, though it is only a matter of months, we adopted this straightforward, UNCLUTTERED Roman strategy after YEARS of my coaching.
It was VISIBLY working, WORLD WIDE.
There was a reason I kept insisting on that Roman model. In fact, there were SIXTY YEARS of reasons I demanded this strategy. It took the Roman Republic CENTURIES of reasons to finally find this world conquering strategy.
Let me emphasize once again How HARD this discipline is to develop and how nearly impossible it is to MAINTAIN.
The Roman soldier in Iberia may have been correct in thinking that the CRITICAL fighting was being done in Greece. But for a practical, professional Roman officer, the only relevance Greece has to his job is that some of the forces he has to DO HIS JOB IN IBERIA may be transferred to Greece, and he must be ready for that.
If the Iberian general started demanding that his staff forget Iberia and dedicate its thinking to THE REAL STRUGGLE IN GREECE he would be not only fired but embarrassed.
At the other extreme, instead of refusing to forget his own duties and fixate on the Greek Front, the Iberian Commander could deny that a Greek Front EXISTS. Then he would be Jared Taylor.
God bless both of them and I appreciate their dedication, but neither “IT IS THE JEWS” nor “THERE ARE NO JEWS” has a place on OUR front.
The reason I do not fight on the Jewish Front or the Ebola Front is because I’m on the front facing white traitors, not trying to spread my forces to cover ALL OTHER anti-whites.
Even if David Duke’s attacks on Jews were more important than mine against white traitors, I am not going to start competing with Dr. Duke in his area. My criticism of Jews begins and ends with what official Jewish statements refer to as “Jewish Opinion” on immigration and race.
The reason our people get off onto Clutter is not because they are betraying us.
Your most fanatical soldiers are often the ones who defy discipline.
That does NOT excuse them. But they are anything BUT traitors.
A soldier who cannot pay attention to the front under Coach Bob should apply for transfer, not raise hell at Old Bob, because Bob is doing precisely what he has told you for a decade that he is doing.
#1 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 12:16 pm
Take a look at this, Bob.
I can’t tell you what it means, but if you’re not aware of it, I think you’ll want to keep abreast.
#2 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 12:19 pm
Also take a look at this. A Northwest outfit is now spreading your meme right in your own back yard.
You can get as frustrated as you want over “hijacking”, but memes are made to be hijacked. That’s the whole point.
#3 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 1:15 pm
“This is not our private army – it’s a loose cannon, steered by nothing but an idea, but generally, loose cannons tend to hit something. And since we are surrounded by nothing but Jews and their tools, on every single side (including both up and down), a loose cannon is fine.”
#4 by Jason on 10/04/2014 - 1:26 pm
“If white people had a country of our own, this wouldn’t be happening”
That’s why India, Egypt, and Persia stayed so lily White.
#5 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 1:33 pm
Sure, but ARIACWFAW just racked up some more views and no BUGSer had to lift a finger.
#6 by Daniel Genseric on 10/04/2014 - 5:40 pm
It took a while, but you finally said something relevant again.
#7 by Jason on 10/04/2014 - 9:05 pm
Yes, I don’t mind BUGS memes getting out there My point was that we’ve had entire White nations go non-White several times in the past, due to MANY factors, most importantly White Traitors. Although, in the past they had the excuse that they really didn’t understand what would happen from “race-mixing” and the process probably took place slowly.
It still looks like a lack of loyalty (by certain Whites) was the PRIME causal factor in those cases for turning White countries Brown.
#8 by Lord Nelson on 10/04/2014 - 3:24 pm
“A soldier who cannot pay attention to the front under Coach Bob should apply for transfer, not raise hell at Old Bob because Bob is doing precisely what he has told you for a decade that he is doing.”
Sounds fair to me.
There are always Pro-White forums where people can go to sound off. But this is a working thread were we do what WE do. Anyone who does not agree with our methods yet still sticks around here to bitch about it, is obviously up to no good.
#9 by Carloman on 10/04/2014 - 3:40 pm
I like Bob’s analogy of the Roman Legion, where we and David Duke are fighting on different fronts. It shows that we are all in the same Army, fighting for the same thing.
Another analogy that I think we can also use, when appropriate, is the analogy of the poster and the art exhibition. A poster advertising an art exhibition is a not a substitute for the art exhibition itself. In this analogy, we here at BUGS are like the poster advertising the art exhibition, and David Duke is a part of the art exhibition itself. We are not a substitute for David Duke, but, without us, David Duke will only be speaking to people who already agree with us.
Both the Roman Legion analogy and the art exhibition analogy emphasize that we are all on the same side, working toward the same goal. Those who recognize the source of the art exhibition analogy will especially be able to appreciate the connection.
#10 by Steadiness on 10/04/2014 - 4:13 pm
Meanwhile, in democracy, every government agency and NGO has job #1 of politics. Including the CDC, which is why they are so laughably ineffective in the face of an actual infectious disease.
Don’t be the CDC. Be effective.
#11 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 4:24 pm
I’ve been blocked here before and I can be blocked again. It doesn’t make two shits worth of difference to me, so take it up with your coach, who has already told you wussies to fight your own battles and leave him the hell out of it.
But he probably didn’t mean that, did he? ‘Cause you don’t like that idea, not one little bit.
You’re just another anonymous whiner with delusions of grandeur.
Oh god, Brer Bob, please don’t block me from association with this anonymous net-pussy.
Please, Brer Bob, do anything you want with me, just don’t segregate me this valiant web-warrior.
I don’t think I could take it.
#12 by Lord Nelson on 10/05/2014 - 11:30 am
I really have no idea what you’re on about. And I don’t really want to know, because I really don’t care.
Whatever your problem is, it has sweet jack all to do with me. And you don’t need to bring it here.
#13 by Henry Davenport on 10/04/2014 - 6:13 pm
The fight the jewsers wage seems to me analogous more to the war the U.S. has waged against Islamic countries that has created more Islamist enemies, than to the Roman fight on the Greek front while we’re fighting Iberians.
Courageous and impassioned Robert Ransdell stirs me just like he stirs most pro-whites, but as I look at what’s happened to him so far, and what I expect to keep happening, I’m reminded of the refrain, “When you’re taking flak, you know you’re over the target,” which jewsers love to recite as they plunge to the ground in flames.
jewsers’ rules of war:
1. Always carry loud, blaring trumpets to announce your presence to the enemy before you arrive.
2. Hold aloft banners with messages to ignite everyone in sight to give you a fight that’s worth your mettle, and to repulse anyone who might cross over to your lines.
#14 by Henry Davenport on 10/04/2014 - 6:40 pm
No net-pussy you, Jimmy.
You destroy the enemy, destroy new BUGS websites, destroy new BUGS projects, and attempt to destroy the personal reputations of people on your own side.
It’s all the same to you, so long as you get to destroy, get to wreak revenge for inflated slights, and most important of all, get attention.
You’re a born warrior (or maybe your environments have toughened you to that), and that’s the truth.
#15 by Henry Davenport on 10/04/2014 - 6:51 pm
I suspect that last fact is why Bob is allowing you to be here. It’s just my guess, but I mention it for the possible benefit of others who might be wondering.
#16 by Bob on 10/04/2014 - 7:21 pm
I see not reason to continue this fight with Jimmy.
This may surprise you, but this article was not written at him.
Jimmy is right that memes are made to be borrowed.
Like any other thing borrowed, the borrower is obligated not to damage the article.
I DO NOT keep up with these fights, but from what I can see, Jimmy is taking care not to damage our message.
Give an old man a break. I’ve had enough of these internal wars for sixty years and it’s time to call this one off.
“Internal wars.” Notice how politics sounds like Mafioso.
Politics is not Mafioso.
Politics is MUCH nastier.
#17 by Henry Davenport on 10/04/2014 - 7:28 pm
Great, Bob. I hope the cessation of hostilities will include the hijacked site fightwhitegenocide.com being returned to its owner, and the important project it was sponsoring resumed.
#18 by Henry Davenport on 10/04/2014 - 7:40 pm
I didn’t include, “an apology for and retraction of lies told about close friends of yours and mine,” since I take your point,
Politics is not Mafioso.
Politics is MUCH nastier.
Count me out of that kind of politics, Bob. When that kind of politics is done against friends of mine, I’m going to speak up strongly.
#19 by Jason on 10/04/2014 - 8:59 pm
There is no “internal fight” going on. Not sure why it keeps getting called that.
#20 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 7:24 pm
Oh god.
Jimmy’s gone out and defiled BUGS’ precious again.
Better tell Bob. Better email Laura. Looks like that rat- bastard is wearing his “White & Normal” T-shirt that seapea had made up, too. Can’t have that.
And looky there. He’s associating himself with low class Whites families, too.
I hope to hell he didn’t pose in a Nazi Salute so they could photograph him on their cell phone.
My god, how is this going to affect our respectability?
Call the thought police! No.. wait… we ARE the thought police.
#21 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 8:51 pm
You got it, Dawg. How am I doing?
I bet ol’e Lord Sniffleson is eat up with envy now. That’ll teach him not to belittle the man I love.
Check out my new T-shirt.
Gotta burn that pro-White donation somehow. No offense to DD, but I can’t blow it all on gambling and chasing women.
#22 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 9:05 pm
Me neither. Respectable conservatives are no allies of ours.
No siree, Bob.
#23 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 9:27 pm
How perspicacious of you, Jason.
Failure to respirate is also the leading cause of mortality in strangulation deaths.
Is there any other point to your observation other than to infer that Whites are to blame?
I’m sure there must be some other explanation. Certainly wouldn’t have gone through that little song and dance in pursuit of a hidden agenda, now would you?
Of course not, you just happened to have some free time on your hands and thought you’d drop by and lend us White folks the benefit of your excess of cerebral energy.
Very genteel of you, I must say. Very genteel, indeed.
#24 by Henry Davenport on 10/04/2014 - 10:16 pm
No Jimmy, I respectfully disagree with you, it’s not Jason who’s a YKW, it’s you who’s a YKW.
But thanks for launching an intelligent discussion, and now you can call me a YKW.
I have to be out for awhile, but when I get back I’ll call you a YKW back.
Then you can call me and Jason both a YKW.
I’m glad that Bob has set this up so you could launch an intelligent discussion with us instead of us having to fight.
#25 by Jason on 10/04/2014 - 10:22 pm
The point is the same as it ever was.
The observation is obvious; the implications apparently not.
You say that to make this obvious observation is to blame Whites. That is not correct. White Traitors were to blame. What other explanation is there for why Egypt, India, Iran and other White societies turned non-White?
The point has been repeated a hundred times on BUGS but it doesn’t fit the narrative that says White Traitors don’t exist, so you ignore it.
If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit. The White Traitor gets off scot-free.
#26 by Jason on 10/04/2014 - 10:30 pm
When Bob says there is an “internal war” going on it implies some equivalence between the “two sides”.
I rather resent that.
There is ONE person, who is proudly NOT a BUGSER, attacking everyone else with name calling.
#27 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/04/2014 - 10:43 pm
You’re so obviously a hasbarat that it embarrasses me to think there could be even ONE genuine pro-White on this board who is stupid enough not to recognize your talking points.
Now go get your buddy, Jewseric to vouch for you.
That’ll clear everything up. 🙂
#28 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 10/04/2014 - 11:17 pm
Loved this article.
#29 by Jason on 10/04/2014 - 11:18 pm
Not seeing TREASON anywhere makes it easy to be blind to one’s own disloyalty. Say like, deliberately twisting the words of the most effective pro-White meme or our age.
“With Loyalty Toward None” should not be the slogan of any pro-White group.
#30 by Daniel Genseric on 10/05/2014 - 2:00 pm
Oh noes. Big Brain I Swing a Big Stick, er.. i mean Timmy, has assaulted my character and reputation. What to do?
Alas, all hope is lost. Timmaaaa has found me out. I am a part of the cunning and crafty coven of Evil Genius Super Villain YKW’s. haha! These Comic Book Pro-Whites are hi-larious! And their footsie-jammies render them oh-so-adorable and cuddly. awwwwwww Timmeeee
Seriously though. Let’s move forward now that little Timmy got the negative attention he desires. David Ben Moshe of the Jewish Task Force( jtf.org ) stopped by the pal talk room last night. He said he stands opposed to white genocide and massive third world immigration into white countries. He will likely stop by to chat with Bob next Saturday. (Hopefully, Bob is reading this. Hopefully, Bob can attend… Bob?)
We don’t even necessarily get this level of candor from certain members of Fearless Doctoral WN Leadership. Why create enemies where they don’t exist, Dick?
#31 by Asgardian on 10/05/2014 - 2:39 pm
Wow that’s great daniel.
#32 by Benjamin Newells on 10/06/2014 - 6:12 am
How do you know it was him?
#33 by Daniel Genseric on 10/06/2014 - 9:18 am
Well, there are no guarantees in life, and especially on the ‘net.
However, let’s just say a deviated septum is somewhat audible in certain cases. Besides that, he provided many details about his radio show that are only available through a great deal of research.
Perphaps the audio/video recording is up?
#34 by Jason on 10/04/2014 - 10:50 pm
Well until Bob starts reading what his own BUGSERS are saying, and learns to distinguish it from what PROUD anti-BUGSERS say, I am up and out.
If someone sets fire to a family’s home is that an “internal war”?
#35 by Undercover Lover on 10/04/2014 - 11:15 pm
Are people still arguing about this?
I mean really?
Jimmy if you want to go after jews, that’s fine, but do it somewhere else. We’re here to push the meme of white genocide. The only issue that matters.
We all know Barbara Spectre is a Jew but what if she wasn’t a Jew. Would that make her genocidal rant any less evil?
I have not met many Jews in my life. I have met many whites, and other non-whites. The most fanatical anti-whites I’ve met have always been white. You cannot honestly say that we let these people off the hook.
Our enemies “Jewishness” or lack thereof is irreverent. Are David Cole and Norman Finklestein also your enemies? Or what about Raphael Lemkin, the guy whose word we are using to stop this crime.
I mean really? Is “Jewishness” all you care about? We have enemies of every colour. I want them all. At least all the ones with power. You are a fool if you don’t want that.
#36 by Mark WN on 10/05/2014 - 1:43 am
This is so discouraging.
For the past three posted columns, there is this quibbling and hair splitting about Jew-this and Jew-that…so-&-so said this…, so-&-so did this…and an worrisome exchange of escalating insults between a group of “supposed” like-minded individuals here. The longer these insults continue, the more I worry not necessarily everybody involved is on “our” team.
I don’t post too often here, as I spend my time raiding. I couldn’t begin to know all the details of the conflict(s), but this ongoing blow-by-blow recap makes me dizzy and my eyes gloss over.
Hello…in the meantime, as each precious month passes, our people –
-are being blended out of existence
-are being mugged, raped, murdered; driven out of one white school, one white neighborhood, one white city after another
As for the Jared Taylors and David Dukes of the world, I wish they were pushing MANTRA logic, but they aren’t. Their roles shouldn’t be viewed as adversarial, but complementary. Despite their many faults, there is still a significant amount of truth to what they say.
Unfortunately, Taylor focuses only on race realism, immigration, and the anti-White media. At least it’s better than nothing. On the positive side, Taylor’s message is easy to digest for PC Joe Sixpacks and Sally Soccermoms – a gateway for potential future BUGsers. Philosophical and esoteric quibbling about Taylor’s faults, inconsistency, omissions is a waste of time.
Unfortunately, Duke NOW focuses only on the Jew thing in media, govt, finance, academia, etc. At least in PAST writings and statements, he has touched heavily on the pending extinction of our people through race mixing. Philosophical and esoteric quibbling about Duke’s faults, inconsistency, omissions is also a waste of time.
I happen to agree with Bob that it is optimal to completely ignore the damn “Jew” thing (the “WHO”) and focus solely on the “WHAT”, ie White genocide…period !
Philosophical and esoteric quibbling about who’s to blame more – Jews or White traitors is also a waste of time.
A racial/demographic catastrophe is right around the corner FOR OUR PEOPLE – that should be the main focus of those who are on board with BUGS.
#37 by Henry Davenport on 10/05/2014 - 2:09 am
Your main points of course are correct, and since you’ve been wisely attending to business, here’s a summary for you:
1. A person who wrote about jewish stuff on a BUGS website was asked by the owner of the site to edit it out.
2. In response, the owner was blocked from access to the site and was still blocked weeks later the last I heard.
THAT is what people here should be focused on and be angry about!
Everything else you see on these threads is a completely separate issue, maybe important in its own right, but also serving as a smokescreen.
#38 by Scott on 10/05/2014 - 2:50 am
1) So what is being done to change that?
2) Who is responsible for doing what?
3) What can be done to make sure it doesn’t happen again?
Be smart enough to quit responding to someone who is running their mouth. Stop trying to get the last word in. It’s hard to do, but it’s obviously only effective at wasting your time. The only thing that matters are the three questions listed above. So those who know what’s going on and have insider information and ability to change this need to hurry up and fix it. The rest of us can’t do anything. I already know one damn good BUGSer who basically quit because of this.
#39 by Henry Davenport on 10/05/2014 - 3:52 am
I managed to follow the advice in your first sentence pretty well the first day, but then the lies suddenly got more than I could stand. You have no idea what a complete sh*thead this man has been.
I haven’t talked with anyone who were direct victims for awhile, but I may tomorrow. The last I heard, this man’s sidekick had not only blocked the owner from the site, but had apparently made it impossible or difficult to even find out where the site is registered now (I don’t know computers and don’t know if I’m using the right words), and so the problem hasn’t been able to be corrected, unless something further has happened in the last couple of weeks.
As to what can be done to make sure it doesn’t happen again, I’d say don’t start a website with your technical man being someone who’s shown various signs of oddness. If he’s the only technical man available, just wait until someone more steady and more knowable comes along.
But maybe it’s better to work with whatever you have and get what done while you can, taking your chances with what may come. The tech guy was doing a great job with the site, and he and Jimmy did some fine street actions…he’s probably a decent guy (hard to tell, because he’s hard to get to know) who just had extremely poor judgment in trying to be fair (as he saw it) to Jimmy.
But I do NOT understand his continuing to not turn the site back over to the owner, assuming that situation hasn’t changed. I hope to find out tomorrow.
#40 by Henry Davenport on 10/05/2014 - 5:33 pm
fightwhitegenocide.com is in the process of being returned to its owner.
#41 by Secret Squirrel on 10/05/2014 - 4:30 am
“As the rabble piled up flailing against one group of Romans, the rest of the Roman force would proceed, step by step, to wipe them out.”
Understood Bob.
#42 by Asgardian on 10/05/2014 - 1:44 pm
I was never a member of stormfront or VNN or David dukes website. I stumbled across horus and bugs doing a Google search on the coming white minority in america. I understand why employs his particular method of sticking 2 white genocide and ONLY white genocide.
Again what has screaming it’s the JOOS accomplished? Seriously where has it gotten our ppl?
#43 by Henry Davenport on 10/05/2014 - 5:57 pm
Another White House message going up:
I hope everyone will take truly just the one minute required to run the little drill at the link below on that message. You will be amazed.
#44 by Simmons on 10/05/2014 - 6:15 pm
You think we all sound stupid? Hah! An essay outfit including Jared Taylor wanted to go to Hungary and hold a conference of essays of esoteric stuff that would be totally unquotable (because they like it that way) well lo and behold people they label “anti-racists” shut it down.
Jimmy blabbing about jewser shat that no one will remember sounds better than flying to an EU country ran by “anti-racists” to babble about essays that a few dozen people will care about in the face of the world’s greatest propaganda war.
Whites want to be liberated from PC, not debate its details.
#45 by jo3w on 10/06/2014 - 12:38 pm
“Whites want to be liberated from PC”
I’m going to work that into a mini.
#46 by Henry Davenport on 10/06/2014 - 1:32 pm
“As is happening in other churches today, the ordained clergy of the Church that is our state religion, Our Most Holy Church of Political Correctness, are gazing out on pews that are less and less occupied, and in which many of the parishioners who remain are fidgeting restlessly and thinking how absurd the fool they are listening to is.”
That’s the start of an essay rather than a mini…I think I can finish it, and then ask you who are more out in the world if you think the content is accurate.
#47 by shari on 10/05/2014 - 7:34 pm
” whites want to be liberated from PC, not debate it’s details.” You got that right!
#48 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/06/2014 - 7:59 am
#49 by -Gar5- on 10/06/2014 - 9:17 am
Nice work for the one where you’re standing with that “Diversity is a codeword for White genocide” sign, and the “Nazi is a code word for White and Normal”.
Have you got any response from that sign?
#50 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/06/2014 - 3:07 pm
It’s difficult to tell. Sample size is very small. Results were positive yesterday, but it’d be a mistake to generalize. What I can probably say with fairly good assurance is the message(s) as they appeared yesterday are more polarizing.
If you see polarization is “positive”, and at this point I do, then the I suspect the message combination is positive.
#51 by Jason on 10/06/2014 - 12:07 pm
Can’t we just agree that there will be people who are not BUGSERS who use some of our memes and leave it at that. There is little we can do about it anyway.
Seems to me the answer is just to quit calling them BUGSERS. Let them go on their way and exercise free speech as they see fit. If we try force some fake union that is where the drama starts. Just agree to disagree and let it go?
#52 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/06/2014 - 3:12 pm
Fantastic idea!
#53 by time for freedom on 10/06/2014 - 5:21 pm
#54 by time for freedom on 10/06/2014 - 5:40 pm
#55 by Denounce Genocidists on 10/07/2014 - 3:54 pm
A legionnaire knows and acknowledges the Legion`s history.
#56 by Rob Roy on 10/07/2014 - 6:20 pm
Nobody gets a pass for pushing white genocide. The word is anti-white.