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“Diversity” Just Means Chasing Down Whites

Posted by Bob on October 9th, 2014 under Coaching Session

The big difference between my thinking and that of other of our political thinkers is that their preferred statements get longer while mine get shorter.

It is amazing how few people know the meaning of the word “meme.”

Meme is a twenty-first century word. With the Internet we can more and more clearly see how spreading the most impressive or fun information is useful precisely because it sells so well.  photo nycprovincials.png

There is no longer even the slightest pretense that those who control information have anything useful to say.

Actually, the fact that those who control information have nothing to say, was true for the two thousand years since Aristotle said that women are born with less teeth than men.

Galen was being recopied saying some mythical “humors” caused all disease and bleeding was the big cure, and you were burned at the stake for saying the world was not created in seven days.

Today the stake is reserved for people like us, but even the drooling public no longer looks to Big Names to tell them Truth.

The one big truth the Web has taught is that what used to be Authority is and always has been laughable.

In the twenty-first century even the New York City Provincials are coming to realize that masses of words and mountains of information are no substitute for learning to THINK.

Memes are repeated to give a sensible Way of Thinking, not a mountain of information.

Once Newton pinned his mind on gravity, and followed that reality like a bloodhound, about everything that had been said by The Wise about the nature of the universe was seen to be ridiculous.

You can’t read your way out of thinking that is silly to begin with.

  1. #1 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/09/2014 - 6:28 pm

    Bob :

    Today the stake is reserved for people like us, but even the drooling public no longer looks to Big Names to tell them Truth.

    Civilization, at its most basic level, is a social contract between a society’s males and the state. The males abdicate their individual power to violence to the state on guarantee that the state will use its resultant monopoly on said violence to protect the collective territorial interests of the males with whom the contract was made.

    The U.S. government is in violation, and has in fact, REVERSED the spirit of its initial social contract with its White male founders.

    The only territorial sovereignty the U.S. government respects, at this point in time, is that of the j3w infested state of Israhell.

    So you see, White man. There is no need for you to continue waiting for some group or political party to do your bidding. The contract was not initiated between two organizations. It was initiated between White men as individuals in the formation of a union. The mission of that union has now become the destruction of the individual White men who created it. It must therefore be dissolved in the reverse manner of its creation.

    Individual White male initiative. It’s the way we roll.

    • #2 by Rob Roy on 10/10/2014 - 1:45 pm

      A lot of items come with instruction manuals that most people will never read. People don’t need books to tell them what is obvious to everyone. The truth is what is simply true, and most people know the truth when they hear it.

    • #3 by activism on 10/11/2014 - 5:24 am

      White males have decided white genocide is in their “collective territorial interests” thus they have the contract they want. White males would not become pro white if Jews disappeared.

    • #4 by jo3w on 10/11/2014 - 7:20 am

      “The only territorial sovereignty the U.S. government respects, at this point in time, is that of the j3w infested state of Israhell.”

      Mimmy, why did you leave the o out of my name?

  2. #5 by Jason on 10/09/2014 - 7:58 pm

    I don’t know if this was authorized by Bob but it is an interesting PDF on memes by the Southern Nationalist website that uses the Mantra as an example.

    • #6 by Secret Squirrel on 10/11/2014 - 7:16 pm

      I’ve praised him here before and I’ll do it again. Michael Cushman does great work.

  3. #7 by Carloman on 10/10/2014 - 1:02 pm

    Aristotle did NOT say that men were born with more teeth than women.

    The passage in question comes from The History of Animals (ΤΩΝ ΠΕΡΙ ΤΑ ΖΩΙΑ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΩΝ) Book 2, chapter 3, paragraph 20. The paragraph begins, “Males have more teeth than females in the case of men, sheep, goats, and swine; . . .” He said “have,” not “are born with”; the word used in Greek is “Εχουσι,” which can only mean “have”; never “are born with.”

    To understand that passage you have to understand Athenian society in the third century before Christ. To a third-century Athenian, getting married was like buying a horse. You would never buy a horse without checking its teeth, nor would a man marry without first checking his bride’s teeth. A man would marry in his thirties to a bride who was fourteen years old. By the time he was married, a man’s wisdom teeth had already come out, but his bride’s had not come out yet, so, at the time of marriage, a man had more teeth than a woman. In the next paragraph, Aristotle even mentions that wisdom teeth sometimes come out later in women than in men.

    I really hate it when people take cheap shots at Aristotle, who was one of the greatest White men who ever lived. Aristotle was the first person in history to come up with a mathematical model to accurately predict the movements of the planets. Modern astronomy could not have developed had Aristotle not taken that first step.

    • #8 by Rob Roy on 10/10/2014 - 4:24 pm

      A cheap shot at Atistotle? Is that all you got out of this article? Bob was making a point about being told WHAT to think instead of HOW to think.

      Diversity is being used to genocide our race so forgive me if I don’t stay awake at night worrying about what people say about Aristotle.

      • #9 by Carloman on 10/10/2014 - 5:06 pm

        That was not ALL that I got out of the article. On the whole, the article was excellent. But anything in an otherwise excellent article that causes someone to think, “Hey, wait a minute!” could cause the reader to loose the rest of the article.

        Before becoming a BUGSer I studied Ayn Rand’s Philosophy of Objectivism for a number of years before deciding that it was all hogwash. That explanation for Aristotles statement on teeth was taught in one of the Objectivism classes that I took. Everyone who has studied Objectivism thoroughly will be familiar with that example and the explanation for it.

        Objectivism is an intellectual trap that catches many intellegent people. We want to win them over to our side. Someone who has studied Objectivism and reads this article may very well read that line and stop right there, never finishing the article. We don’t want that to happen.

        Students of Objectivism aside, I don’t like it when great White men are put down for no reason. Aristotle never committed treason against his race. His methodology was thoroughly empirical. If he made a mistake about the number of teeth that men and women have, it was only because his sample consisted of older men and younger women.

        • #10 by WmWhite on 10/11/2014 - 8:30 am

          I know as well as you that our main purpose at BUGs is white genocide but I also very much appreciate little gems of knowledge/wisdom like your Aristotle teeth explanation.

          I was also a big ‘Ayn Rander’ back in HS and freshman year in college but dropped the Objectivism claptrap soon after finding Kant and then Heidegger –all of which I can’t remember much of today. lol
          Bob’s ability to take whatever knowledge and anecdotal wisdom he has collected over the years and use it to focus in on ‘white genocide’ has always amazed me.

    • #11 by Jason on 10/10/2014 - 6:11 pm

      That’s interesting – the broader point for us isn’t whether Aristotle was right or wrong on some specific issue, but rather that priests/scholars a 1,000 years later treated his words as sacred and didn’t bother to understand their context.

      Science proceeds by looking at facts, in the observable world. I think Aristotle would have agreed with that. But Medieval scholars apparently totally misunderstood that.

    • #12 by Mike M on 10/11/2014 - 2:59 pm

      Thanks for the explanation. It was very interesting.

  4. #13 by wretched Whiterabbit on 10/10/2014 - 1:42 pm

    LMWAO So, Newton was a pinhead, and Aristotle was ridiculous . . . heh heh heh

    “adopt an illegal alien from central america”
    “if your family is ALL White, you are racists”
    “your family MUST become multiCULTural”

    that’s geNOcide

  5. #14 by Carloman on 10/10/2014 - 1:56 pm

    Newton said that he stood on the shoulders of giants. Aristotle was one of them.

    All White people should think of themselves as standing on the shoulders of giants.

    • #15 by Rob Roy on 10/10/2014 - 2:18 pm

      I admit I don’t know anything about Newton, but I am familiar with that quote. Funny how memes WORK.

  6. #16 by Bob on 10/11/2014 - 2:25 pm

    Jason, I was happy to see that link.
    Carloman, do you feel all better now?

    • #17 by Carloman on 10/11/2014 - 11:17 pm

      Yes, I feel better.

      But I don’t agree that “everything that was said by The Wise about the nature of the universe was seen to be ridiculous.”

      Aristotle’s didn’t understand the connection between physics and mathematics, so he developed a physics that didn’t depend on mathematics. You can’t go very far in physics without mathematics, but that doesn’t make it ridiculous, either. He taught, for example, that things made out of earth, such as rocks, seek the earth. Not very sophisticated, certainly, but that was just the beginning of physics. You have to start somewhere.

        • #19 by Carloman on 10/12/2014 - 7:27 pm

          So you think that I have to “provide input on everything and anything in the most obnoxious, self unaware, or creepy manner possible.”

          No, that’s not true. I don’t provide input on anything just to say something. Reading the original article, Bob is saying that memes can be used to show how prior thinking was ridiculous, which is true, but then uses as an analogy Sir Isaac Newton and Aristotle. So, in the analogy, Aristotle’s thinking would be analogous to anti-racists’ thinking today. That’s just plain wrong on so many levels. Anti-racism is a recent construct invented by Leon Trotsky. Prior to that, people’s thinking was similar to Bob’s and to BUGSers today. But prior to Aristotle, people didn’t think like Sir Isaac Newton. Aristotle was one step in the chain that led up to Sir Isaac Newton. Leon Trotsky was not one step in the chain that led up to anyone who maintains a pro-White position today.

          Back when I was a student of Objectivism, I listened to a series of lectures entitled, “Aristotle as Scientist: A Proper Verdict,” during which the lecturer went through Aristotle’s writings and showed that he really was right on most things (and actually better than Sir Isaac Newton in a couple of ways). Ayn Rand wanted to position herself as a successor to Aristotle, which she was certainly not. But anyone who has listened to those lectures and comes over here may come to the conclusion that he is in the wrong place, that he belongs with the Ayn Rand people. Aristotle is one of us. We ought to own him. We shouldn’t abandon him to the Ayn Rand crowd.

          That is why I wrote the above comments. I never comment just to say something. Anything that can pull the reader off message must be avoided. Using Aristotle as an analogy for anti-Whites or anything ridiculous is off message and will cause us to loose some very intelligent people. We don’t want to loose anybody.

          • #20 by Secret Squirrel on 10/12/2014 - 7:52 pm

            Definition 2 is the most accurate one IMO. The funny part is a sperglord provided definition 4, as predicted by definition 2.

            WN is full of sperglords. They can’t see the forest for the bark on the one tree, they are arguing with each other over.

            • #21 by Secret Squirrel on 10/12/2014 - 7:58 pm

              I’m sure you will next tell me, definition 2 was written after definition 4. And I will tell you to quit being a sperglord.

          • #22 by Secret Squirrel on 10/12/2014 - 7:54 pm

            “We don’t want to loose anybody.”

            BUGS is about the quality of the message, not the number of people. BUGS isn’t Big Tent.

            • #23 by Carloman on 10/12/2014 - 8:36 pm

              It’s about quality AND numbers. The more quality people posting the Mantra, the sooner we win.

              (I didn’t bother looking up what definition 2 or definition 4 was, so I won’t answer that part.)

              It’s not just Objectivists we want to win over. Aristotle plays an important part in Roman Catholic theology. Anyone who’s studied Roman Catholic theology comes away with a deep appreciation of Aristotle. (That doesn’t describe me, but it does describe a women I once dated.) A Roman Catholic reader may take a slight to Aristotle as a subtle form of anti-Catholicism. I don’t know about you, but if a former Objectivist or a Roman Catholic wants to become a BUGSer, I certainly wouldn’t want to say or do anything that might send him away.

              Back in my student of Objectivism days, we once did a survey of what religion we were brought up with. Two thirds of the group was brought up Jewish, and one third was brought up Roman Catholic. There wasn’t a single Protestant in the group. If you were to survey a Libertarian group, my guess would be that you would find a lot of Protestants but no Catholics.

              So I’m wondering whether most BUGSers come from Protestant backgrounds. Certain messages that appeal to Protestants would repel Roman Catholics, and vice versa.

              • #24 by Jason on 10/12/2014 - 10:37 pm

                But it is true we are not a membership organization. This is the reason Bob will go out of his way to offend someone if he thinks they are a TTGH type. People who are so sensitive about some issue, say abortion, that they can’t tolerate any other opinion, end up causing more trouble than they are worth.

                We aren’t a political party. I agree with you about Aristotle, but if a person is actually going to get so bent out of shape over comment about him, well that person would never be a BUGSER anyway. Anyone who puts his opinion about guys who have been dead for 2,500 years above the survival of his race isn’t a potential recruit, IMO.

                • #25 by Carloman on 10/12/2014 - 11:05 pm

                  Okay. Well, I’ve made my point, so I think I can let it rest at this point.

  7. #26 by wretched Whiterabbit on 10/11/2014 - 6:17 pm

    YEA! Full-on push for integration of White families has begun!!
    Germany is going to “allow” its citizens to take in refugees “to ease the pressure on government” for the CRISIS that the government CREATED in the first place!!

    I guess the antiWhite celebrity promotion of miscegenation and cross-adoption was moving too slowly.

  8. #27 by Henry Davenport on 10/12/2014 - 2:07 am

    Has everyone tested how easy it is to initial our White House messages with mailinator?

    Either Nov. 1 or Jan 1 I plan to have a White House message, Quit chasing down Whites!, using the example of what some group is trying to do in Harrison, Arkansas. Maybe Jan 1, so I’ll have time to collect email addresses of media, etc. that should be notified in Harrison. If anyone wants to help with that, please feel very welcome.

  9. #28 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 10/12/2014 - 9:01 pm

    @Wretched Whiterabbit

    I cringed when I read that. hopefully the majority of them dont fall for it. Just pure evilness.

    Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians but White countries for EVERYBODY! Its White genocide! spread the word!!

  10. #29 by Simmons on 10/13/2014 - 9:24 am

    Thanks carolman, just don’t beat a dead horse like this is some essay site, we do that enough debating memes amongst the obsessives here.

    And we are all about the memes here.

    Anyway some battlefield intelligence is warranted, MSNBC the flagship media of the Theocracy of Political Correctness is failing badly. Of course the geniuses who run the ToPC cannot figure out why, and our essayists are still writing essays on yesterday’s outrage and cannot help the ToPC in any meaningful way.

    The lockdown cap that was placed on speech by the ToPC is going to crack and our memes will be able to work their way to the top. Huh?

    You think with the latest Ebola scare that the white libs of power are going to care about the Black Racists’ whining about a dead thug? Or that the other moonbat lefties are going to be happy when the ethnic extremist jews wall off their country?

  11. #30 by Henry Davenport on 10/13/2014 - 1:38 pm

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