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This Aristotle Stuff Lets Me Make a Useful Overview of BUGS Outlook

Posted by Bob on October 17th, 2014 under Coaching Session

Carloman was upset about my quotation on Aristotle (which I got from Joe Sobran’s Introduction to my last book).

As is usual for a pissed off new BUGSER, the more we explained how getting off onto Aristotle or the like is a classic disease we avoid like the plague, the more Carloman wrote about it.

He said, “I don’t know about you, but if a former Objectivist or a Roman Catholic wants to become a BUGSer, I certainly wouldn’t want to say or do anything that might send him away.”

Actually, if I am the expert on what BUGS is about, this is dead wrong.  photo aristotle.jpg

Jason stated our actual approach perfectly:
“…we are not a membership organization. THIS IS THE REASON BOB WILL GO OUT OF HIS WAY TO OFFEND SOMEONE IF HE THINKS THEY ARE A TTGH (Take Their Toys and Go Home) TYPE. People who are so sensitive about some issue, say abortion, that they can’t tolerate any other opinion, end up causing more trouble than they are worth.”

“We aren’t a political party. I agree with you about Aristotle, but if a person is actually going to get so bent out of shape over comment about him, well that person would never be a BUGSER anyway. Anyone who puts his opinion about guys who have been dead for 2,500 years above the survival of his race isn’t a potential recruit, IMO.”

Jason, a veteran BUGSER, is dead right.

Jews or Aristotle, we don’t want people who take attention away from the memes about our race just when we are making progress no one else has even approached for decades.

This approach is difficult, because we BUGSERS are the kind of people who have strong opinions across the board. It takes a LOT of lip biting to stick to the point on the web.

All BUGSERS have VERY strong opinions on many things, but there is only one MISSION.

It is unique, and it works for us.

That is why we are FEW, and probably always will be.

  1. #1 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 10/17/2014 - 3:25 pm

    I have to admit, I did get pissed about what Bob said about White South Africans, but at the same time I do/did realize there is NO changing Bob’s opinion of us South Africans and we have one mission, and that is to stop the global White genocide, so I do always try to stay on message. I don’t know if that’ll make me a TTGH type? Regardless I will keep swarming.

  2. #2 by Carloman on 10/17/2014 - 3:32 pm

    I thought the whole point was not to mention something that is going to detract attention from our message.
    We don’t mention Jews because, as soon as people start discussion Jews, they loose our message.
    We don’t mention Black crime rates because, as soon as people start discussing Black crime rates, they loose our message.
    I certainly don’t discuss Aristotle while posting the Mantra, because it has nothing to do with our message.
    Your previous article was about Diversity meaning chasing down Whites. I just don’t think that Aristotle had anything to do with that message. And the whole point is to stay on message.
    I don’t want to take away from the memes about our race; I thought that using Aristotle as an example, as you did in your article, was taking away from the memes about our race. Or let me clarify that. Most people who read that will not even notice it, but a few people will come to that point and not even bother to finish reading. You tell us not to mention Jews, even though Jewsers are correct, because they are off-message. I agree. But bringing up Aristotle is just as off-message, although fewer people will notice it.
    I really don’t see the point of going out of your way to offend someone. I’m certainly not going to stop being a BUGSer because of what you wrote on Aristotle. In fact, I don’t want to write anything more about Aristotle here at all. I was bringing it up to show why it should not be brought up. But you seemed to be establishing a meme to the effect that the anti-Whites will be swept away because they’re just as ridiculous as Aristotle. That’s certainly not a meme that we should establish.

    • #3 by Mike M on 10/17/2014 - 5:32 pm

      I looked for the article with Aristotle but I didn’t find it. I thought that your explanation about why Aristotle was saying that women had less teeth was very interesting.

      If I can avoid to understand anything better, I’m all up for it. It’s like stating quotes, I’d rather check if they are true or not first. It doesn’t change the fact that White Genocide is happening, but at least I can’t be told a quote is untrue.

      • #4 by Mike M on 10/17/2014 - 5:33 pm

        I wanted to say “If I can avoir to make a fool out of myself, and understand anything better”.

    • #5 by Denounce Genocidists on 10/18/2014 - 7:25 am

      “Your previous article was about Diversity meaning chasing down Whites. I just don’t think that Aristotle had anything to do with that message”

      The thought process that created the message.

      Aristotle quotes were the received wisdom of the Educated.

      Diversity being a wonderful thing even though it means genocide for whites is the received wisdom of the modern Educated.

      “But you seemed to be establishing a meme to the effect that the anti-Whites will be swept away because they’re just as ridiculous as Aristotle.”

      No, we are establishing the meme that anti-whites via their genocidal anti-whiteness are as ridiculous as the doctors that bled people to death because they believed in silly words in an ancient book.

      When you don`t get what the Coach is saying it`s best to rethink your assumptions.

      • #6 by Carloman on 10/18/2014 - 9:56 pm

        I just did a Google search of “Aristotle bloodletting.” I was unable to find any articles that said that Aristotle advocated bloodletting. The two closest that I found were an article on

        which states “It was during the times of Aristotle and Hippocrates that the concept of the four humours was born. In short, the body consisted of four fluids. They were defined as blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. In order for one to be healthy, the four fluids had to remain in balance. Bloodletting was one way to do that.”

        The other was Galen’s book, where Galen quotes Aristotle’s works on anatomy to justify bloodletting.

        Aristotle was a pioneer in anatomy. He spent a lot of time studying and dissecting animals. But he was not a doctor, and, as far as I know, he did not give out medical advice.

        I understand Bob’s point about believing the received wisdom of the Educated without understanding it. I just don’t think he made it very well. One of the good things that I learned from studying Objectivism (and there are good parts to it, even though on the whole it’s just another Jewish system designed to destroy us) is that, when giving an example to make a point, you never use an example that will invoke a strong reaction from anyone, because then the original point will be lost. It’s quite similar to Bob’s telling us not to mention the Jews. The rest I’ve already said, so I don’t care to repeat myself.

        • #7 by Denounce Genocidists on 10/19/2014 - 11:18 am

          “when giving an example to make a point, you never use an example that will invoke a strong reaction from anyone”

          So lets apply this line of reasoning across the board.

          We can`t whale on the icons of Conservatism because it might offend a Conservative “anyone”.

          Now we`re in a world of pain and screwing up our mission.

          • #8 by Denounce Genocidists on 10/19/2014 - 12:01 pm

            But it`s OK, because anyone putting any subject above Aristotelianism (thanks Carolman now I know how to spell that) would obviously “know no Greek”.

          • #9 by Carloman on 10/19/2014 - 10:29 pm

            Okay, I worded that wrong. What I should have said is that you don’t want to invoke a strong reaction on something that will detract from your main point. If it’s your main point, then obviously okay to invoke a strong reaction. (It was late at night when I wrote that.)

            • #10 by Undercover Lover on 10/20/2014 - 5:43 am

              I think you’re being a little silly with this Aristotle stuff Carloman. I mean the points you’re making don’t even matter.

  3. #11 by Scott on 10/17/2014 - 4:58 pm

    Love your style Bob! That’s why I’ll push the memes till the day I die. No one would/could ever piss me off so much that I would quit spreading memes. I’m here because I believe this is the most effective way to help my people. Not because I’m looking to make friends here with people who share my exact political views. My views, and theirs, are irrelevant if Whites cease to exist. We are a coalition who believe that right now, the most important thing is to stop White GeNOcide. The rest of our political views are irrelevant if we cannot make this happen, since there will be no whites around to implement those political views.

  4. #12 by -Sentinel- on 10/19/2014 - 11:51 am

    The quote by Jason is great.. very well said.

    There are two parts to this thing – one is pushing our memes and the other is understanding it all.

    And like I say, BUGS is a message, not a message board.

    One part is pushing the message and the other is earning an understanding of why we’re in this situation. Understanding the imbeciles with whom we’re dealing. So when it seems like Bob is contradicting himself, he’s probably just making his point.

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