Archive for October 24th, 2014

A Meme is a Million Miles From a Play on Words

Anti-whites base the history of technology on all mankind. The reason you have your computer is because All Mankind accumulated that knowledge and wrote it down. 

The white man’s half-clothed barbarian ancestors discovered this accumulated knowledge and, as Newton put it, “I saw far because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Please remember that Newton was justifying himself to a bunch of superstitious idiots who thought they were Intellectuals.

Sound familiar?

In Newton’s time, a speaker or writer was FINED for contradicting Galen in any way! Like saying you shouldn’t take pints of blood out of a pneumonia patient.

Such were the “giants” Newton had to say he got his concepts from.  photo willis3.jpg

Our problem is that anti-white history says that “all mankind” built up, step by step, modern Western technology. So the only reason we have explosives is because the Chinese had black powder and some Chinese wrote it down and our primitive ancestors somehow got it from them.

According to anti-white history Egyptians had developed Brain Surgery before someone showed our half-naked barbarian ancestors how to take a bath. It turns out that this Egyptian neurosurgery was trepanation, opening the skull to take off pressure, a primitive procedure carried out by shaman for thousands of years.

Not only did Egyptians not invent brain surgery, they didn’t know there WAS a brain. It was a spare part and they had no idea of its functions, as their animal-headed gods demonstrate.

The brain was first described in the late 17th century in the Circle of Willis. Galen put all thought in the heart.

An engineering student will try to tell you that Calculus was actually just a natural development from Euclid. Like any serious knowledge of the brain, Calculus is entirely a product, not just of white civilization, but of white WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

Try to do Calculus with Roman Numerals.

But Mommy Professor not only spreads this crap, he DEPENDS on it.

No historian has the slightest interest in how, when Great Civilizations’ ships kept to the coasts or inside an inland sea, the illiterate savages of Northern Europe were navigating the open oceans. They only did that “on the shoulders of the giants” who rowed around the Mediterranean.

Romans got soap from the Gauls. But the Romans were supposed to be the Giants who taught Gauls how to bathe at all. One historian was so frustrated at this contradiction he said that “Romans found soap in ROMAN GAUL.”

A meme is a very serious thing. Thinking out the implications of a meme is a productive and endless process. A meme reflects what Germans call a Weltanschauung, a world view.
