Archive for October, 2014

Anti-White Welcomes Ebola To America

White Genocide is not a wisp of a concept. Anti-Whites accuse BUGSERS of being unrealistic and hysterical. Today Ebola expert David Quamenn postulated in an interview with Anderson Cooper a race treason on CNN beyond imagination and he is mainstream. Listen to him. Watch him:

If your blood does not run cold you need to be boxed and buried. Your soul is dead.

What is the mental process that connects an historical event nearly 200 years ago with a vital public health threat today and considers it a moral issue? “We in America, how dare we turn our backs on Liberia, given the fact that this is a country that was founded in the 1820s, 1830s because of American slavery?” is how he opposes shutting down flights from infected areas and quarentines.

This anti-White is positing that something your great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather putatively did that he deems an unforgiveable sin requires you to put at risk your life, your child’s life and your grandchild’s life. He is shouting out pure hate for White people that spans over eleven generations. When he says Americans he is not referring to Blacks, Indians, Hispanics, Jews or Asians. He means Whites, Christians of European ancestry.  photo davidquammen.png

Anti-racism is so ingrained in David Quamenn’s psyche that he is willing to sacrifice millions of White people to salve his conscience. This psychosis is mainstream. It is taught in the schools. It spews forth from your television hour upon hour. It dominates the Washington establishment.

This genocidal mindset must be stopped. BUGSERS are in a battle for our race. Minds are changed by by the repetitive exposition of the facts. The weapon is the Mantra. It alone boils the issue down to an undeniable, palatable syrup. The action needed is posting of the Mantra.

Today our borders are being held ajar to assure that the epidemic scourging Africa can be shared by Americans. The demented intellectual David Quammen sees a medical Holodomor as a price we must pay to redeem ourselves of the sin of slavery that was abolished c. 150 years ago. He is clearly a university graduate inoculated against commonsense by Mommy Professor.

If ever you doubted that anti-Whites will promote the elimination of the White race listen to this man. Your fear is justified. Your horror is natural. Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.

Today the threat is immediate. It is on every flight with passengers from West Africa. This is not imaginary. They are promoting the deadly disease of diversity. Do not forget to post the Mantra at least once today. It quarantines anti-Racists.

Newbies to this site, please read the Mantra. It is brief. It explains our mission.



“War Makes Both Sides More and More Similar”

This is the reason that, to those whose world is built around Jews, I am routinely called a “traitor.”

Dr. David has called me a “traitor” in a recent dialogue.  A former BUGSER called me a traitor a couple of times in our Skype discussion.  He then admitted that was not the proper word, but without any apology.

One apologizes for major erroneous insults, like calling someone a Jew. To him or to David “treason” is a cheap word.

What once was loyalty now means only a proper attitude toward the enemy.

In 1920s the attitudes of older Brits were referred to as “pre-War.”  Those outdated ideas had what to the Lost Generation was a fixation on the British Empire, Anglo-Saxon Common Law versus Norman “Roman Law.”

To the post-War, or Lost Generation, loyalty depended on one’s attitude to the Evil Germans.

By the end of World War II, the Communist Party in Britain was looked upon by the 1945 Labor Government as fully anti-German and patriotic. Anyone who had hesitated to rush into World War II was a “traitor.”

In 1776 both Americans and Britons could easily debate the issues that led to the Revolutionary War. Few foreigners would understand it.

In 1861 few foreigners could understand the battles over states rights and territorial slavery that started the shooting.  By 1865 the questions were such that few in 1861 would have understood them.

At each point discussed above, only the combatants could understand the new discussion.

So I am freely called a “traitor” because that word, which was the ONLY way of getting thrown into the worst circle of Hell to Dante, is a cheap word to those in the war for white survival in the twenty-first century.

I hail back to a time when loyalty meant an attitude toward my own people, not toward The Enemy, be that Enemy German or Jew.

I fight to protect my OWN. The War Generation fights against The Enemy.

And here is the critical point: To me, one is loyal or a traitor because of one’s attitude towards one’s OWN people. To today’s Lost Generation or Modern Thought, depending on your attitude, all that matters is one’s attitude towards The Enemy.

Stormfronters regularly called me a traitor when I denounced the white gentile traitors I have been fighting all my life, both the traitor Southerners on integration and the American Marxists.

I am a traitor because the white gentiles I hate so much are just victims of the Jew.

Look at the above sentence.

That sentence is the essence of what this article says.  photo lostgeneration.jpg

Dante simply represented the “Of course!” of his age when he consigned traitors to the worst part of Hell.  By my old definition, other groups out to destroy my race deserve anything I can give them in return.

But by definition, I cannot call a person a traitor unless he is part of my OWN group.

By my definition and the traditional one, no matter what his excuse, the traitor must be a part of the group he betrays.

This is not just a definition, it is an attitude.  As I said, it was the “of course” in the Western world of Dante.

I agree that to be a Jew is a declaration that one is an alien to me. Today Jews refer to “the Jewish attitude” as totally anti-white. Especially since Franz Boas, the “Jewish attitude” has been to be, as Dr. Dave says, to be an ALIEN enemy to white survival.

This self-proclaimed enmity to white survival makes what Jews readily proclaim as their anti-white attitude makes Jews as a group our enemy, and they are our most effective enemy by far.   But that does not make the colored Muslim world a part of my group.

Our enemies TODAY are legion. Every Wordist makes destroying our kind his first priority. Bible Christians are now in a full-scale effort to get coloreds into the one invincible all-white mountain areas by an all-out third world adoption program there.

This is now a war on a number of fronts. Our enemies are legion. Even World War II Britain could not concentrate entirely on hating Germans with no regard to the Japanese or even the Italians.

A British or American Marxist in 1943 would declare any Ally a “traitor” to the exact extent that that Ally concentrated on anything but opening a “second front” to get the pressure off Comrade Stalin in the USSR. Many a person who wanted more pressure on Asia received that label.

So if I say we should concentrate on developing our memes against ALL anti-whites separately, without any of the old contexts that allows the other side to react in an old familiar context, I am a Traitor.

To me, Jews are no excuse for treason.  I have spent a whole lifetime fighting for my own people, but all it takes for me to be denounced as a “traitor” is for me to let any of my concentration go to our OTHER enemies.

It makes no difference to people who consider “traitor” a cheap word to throw around that I can HEAR Jews declaring “the Jewish attitude” to be fanatically anti-white.


But that doesn’t mean a damned thing to those whose loyalty is entirely to anti-Semitism.

If this attitude strikes anyone as “pre-War,” it suits me right to the ground.

I fought the whole damned war on our side, and the person who calls me a traitor is definitely part of a Lost Generation.
