Archive for December 18th, 2014
The King of TTGHs
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History on 12/18/2014
From January to December, 1936, Edward VIII was King of England.
He was openly and totally pro-Hitler.
His ambition was to get Germany a means to attack the USSR directly.
Edward VIII gave up his crown to marry Mrs. Simpson, a divorced woman who was working on her second divorce. As head of the Church of England, he had to give up his crown.
Hitler said that, if he had been warned and could get to the King, he might have prevented the abdication.
Edward VIII went to Germany to celebrate his marriage! He was that openly pro-Hitler!
In his demoted position as Royal Duke, Edward was sent to work in Paris, but removed because he was so pro-German! During the Blitz, he wrote letters to Berlin supporting the Blitz, because, as is true, Britain started open civilian bombing.
The King still had enormous powers. Staying out of politics is entirely voluntary. No declaration of war could have been effected without the monarch’s signature. The House of Lords gave us its right to block legislation, like war, because the King had announced in the early 1830’s that, if they tried it, the King would appoint peers to give the democratic ones the majority.
And in 1939, the peers were overwhelmingly opposed to war.
Pat Buchanan wrote a book about how insane the British September of 1939 declaration of war against Germany was.
Without that declaration, Germany would have expended its energies against Russia. Germany would have won, but their dumbass Napoleonic strategy would have taken war out of fashion and the Lebensraum would have been won.
Britain would have returned a long way toward monarchy and the European Empires would have remained. The United States would still be largely isolationist outside of the Monroe Doctrine, and Britain and Germany would jointly rule the world.
We would have gone after our Communists here and in South America.
But King Edward wanted his way. He wanted to defy all those who would limit him.
In the end, his decision was TTGH. If he wasn’t allowed to do what he wanted, he would Take His Toys and Go Home in the name of Romance.
TTGH: As a Matter of Principle – or Romance – we will have our own way and the cause be damned.
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