Archive for December 30th, 2014
Starting With Reality
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 12/30/2014
The reality is that a brown-skinned society means a place of poverty.
An Oriental society takes white inventions and matches them, then becomes stuck at that level.
To see why the world growth rate is flattening out, look at its COLOR.
The Renaissance is a destructive myth.
Real advances in Europe began when, for example, the very existence of air resulted in using the existence of air to hold two teams of horses together. Absolutely nobody has ever been able to attribute THAT to some Greek philosopher, and damned few people are aware of that breakthrough.
Opposing teams of horses were hitched by putting two metal disks together and then pumping all of the air out of them. Nothing held them but air pressure.
This was about the time of Newton. Newton did the same thing with gravity. No Greek philosopher had ever NOTICED gravity, just as they never noticed air.
I am still developing the concept of SUBBASICS, but the discovery and existence of AIR and GRAVITY are the sort of things only whites have a talent for.
A fellow student of mine at the University of Virginia was taking his PhD in economics. He was largely libertarian with some Southern sympathies thrown in. I converted him to his lifelong pro-white stance.
I pointed out to him that very Nobel Prize won by Orientals was won for CONTINUING on a subject. Only whites BEGAN new subject was a 100% rule. His expertise was way out of my league, but he studied this statement in detail, expecting exceptions.
We were both astonished when he discovered this was a 100% rule, at least as of the sixties.
You can imagine how impossible it would be to make such a search and analysis now.
I start with reality. The chairman of the professors’ organization recently was an outright Marxist. He quotes Marx as saying “Truth is a bourgeois concept.”
Nobody else started out with basic reality. Those genius Arabs who got swept away by windstorms never imagines that Air might have WEIGHT! A million years of lifting never led any non-white to analyze, or even recognize, GRAVITY.
Years ago, I quoted the Chief Physician to Louis XIV when he denounced the idea, which we now consider new, that syphilis was a bacterial disease. Not only was the bacterial concept not discovered centuries later, but he quoted a long list of medical writers, all of them German, who wrote extensively on the Germ Theory of Disease.
Not one of those writers is quoted today.
He denounced them because they “cited no Authority,” meaning no Galen or some old Greek. That sort of thinking killed millions.
Bacterial disease was, like air and gravity, a SUBBASIC.
There are big animals and animals we can barely see. So a natural assumption, IN THE WHITE WORLD, would be that there are even smaller animals.
If air can blow you away in a wind storm, air must obviously WEIGH something.
We have been overcoming gravity for a billion years. But nobody used it to explain things until Newton.
Occam’s Razor is the essence of white thinking. But all white education before Newton led into the endlessly blind alley of Scholasticism.
The color of the skin is the reality. Vacuum is a reality. Gravity is a reality.
You can deny them and quote Confucius and Galen.
Or you can start with reality.
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