Under a powerful monarchy the most important question is that of the succession to the throne.
It is also the most dangerous.
Because it involves a discussion of the death of the ruling monarch.
Any discussion of the future of genetics is strictly limited for the same reason. That is a major reason why Hitler is still such an overwhelming excuse NOT to discuss it.
The present patchwork of how to select future genes is doomed.
I am not saying it is just wrong, but that it simply won’t serve. Right now the white race is threatened, but in a few decades there will be a sudden realization that it is the Oriental race that is really dying out.
When that reality finally bashes its way into the universities, there will be those who say it was predicated long ago by Aristotle. Others will write books to show how it was “developing in the literature.”
I do not think that the example of everybody so obviously getting caught totally with their pants down, the uselessness of academia in anything dealing with the future, will be so blatantly revealed.
And the Silence has so thoroughly covered that catastrophe that almost no one will have any idea what I am talking about.
When you criticize today’s method of choosing future generations, it is much like discussing what would happen when the present tyrant dies. The ruling establishment starts screaming “Hitler!!!!”
The “Christians” start screaming that they are going to get you for that, because God has Ordained what is rather amusingly called The Traditional Family.
The bottom line is that the more absolute the present monarch is, the more each person’s present power rests on his survival. The more important the succession is, the more danger to anyone who even mentions the succession.
The simple silliness of the Communist system or bringing it down overnight was never discussed by any recognized Soviet Expert. He would be talking about the end of his whole industry’s livelihood.
No one would publish it. You were dealing with a group whose whole profession was theorizing about the permanent Soviet presence, the second of the Great Powers.
No knowledge of the total absurdity of the Soviet Empire in the real world made up any part of the discussions of those who got paid for it.
Today, the entire tens of trillions of dollars spent on Human Betterment constitute an industry based on the assumption that “children will be produced.” So the whole industry based on what to do with the children who are “Produced.”
This was the basic problem not only with the Soviet Studies Industry but also with the Marxist system itself.
Marxist assumed that “goods will be produced.”
As Lenin said, “Economics is Soviet Leadership and electricity.”
So Marxism said that there was only one real subject in the world: The DISTRIBUTION of income.
Mommy Professor can only explicate Marx’s text. She/He is chained to the Book. He/She cannot handle the consequences of that text or comprehend the basis of it.
#1 by TheSeeker OfTruth on 01/04/2015 - 3:08 pm
Bob, it does not behoove you to bash sex simply because you aren’t getting any.
#2 by Daniel Genseric on 01/04/2015 - 6:04 pm
“Economics is Soviet Leadership and electricity.”
So Marxism said that there was only one real subject in the world: The DISTRIBUTION of income.”-Bob
In any contemporary, anti-capitalist industry or company, Success/Progress is defined as Leadership OF Quality Ideas. Just as in the case of Marxist-Leninist Soviet Union, the Neo-Bolsheviks are concerned with one thing and only one thing in Industry, the Distribution of Quality, i.e., the RE-DISTRIBUTION of ideas.
Can there exist any other reality in a proposition state?
As usual, and with an eye toward a top-down, continuous pursuit of Quality, production takes a back seat to harvesting ideas. Many learn the hard way that you put your own head on the chopping block as soon as you deviate from this model and dare to have an original thought.
God forbid that thought actually spurs an INCREASE in efficiency and production.
The Continuous Improvement movement’s mantra has now become “Sales, Quality, DISTRIBUTION, and Cost” (SQDC)… PBO said it best in his second term, “You didn’t BUILD that!”
And so another critical distinction between Communism and National SOCIALISM has been drawn, Distribution vs. Production. It remains the law of the land.
Proletariat be damned: If you DISTRIBUTE it, they will buy.
Or as gangsters say in America, “Fuck you. Pay me.”
#3 by Simmons on 01/05/2015 - 10:34 am
The simple truth plainly and repetitively spoken. In 1984 Burger King of all outfits did such a thing by producing a commercial called “Soviet Fashion Show” or something like that. They did something that Buckley and his crowd would never stoop to doing, mocking the mighty Soviets. If I’m wrong Bob please correct me, I was youngish and not a subscriber to NR at the time.
Political Correctness is our Soviet these days, propped up by the Mommy Prof establishment with able help from the conservatives who make a living with DAILY OUTRAGE.
#4 by activism on 01/07/2015 - 12:46 am
What is meant by a sudden realization the oriental race is dying out?
Does anyone care to try to make a large movement of mantra posters? A YouTube video to advertise it as a solution to wg could easily reach thousands, and if only 2 out of every 100 viewers joined that movement it could be successful.
#5 by -Gar5- on 01/08/2015 - 3:55 am
He’s talking about allowing parents to change their children’s genetics before birth.
When that technology becomes popular, Asians would probably try to make their kids look more White, as they do with skin Whitening cream today.
#6 by Rose on 01/08/2015 - 9:05 am
When I first heard about all that Designer Babies business, I thought that when it became widely accessible that India would turn into a large Pagan White country overnight lol
#7 by Secret Squirrel on 01/08/2015 - 12:11 pm
Also when Asian countries become wealthy, they stop having children.
#8 by Laura on 01/08/2015 - 12:45 pm
I think what Bob was talking about with “sudden realization the oriental race is dying out”, is that in a few decades, their race (with its low birth rates and aging population) is going to rapidly decline. Then there will be the realization that their race is also in danger.
And who would ever point that out but Bob.