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Country Rabbit Strikes Again, Complete With the Right Wording

Posted by Bob on January 11th, 2015 under General

White Rabbit tells me this is Country Rabbit’s second sign: billboard

Please note the wording: “Diversity means chasing down the last white person.”

Another of our sign groups tried that wording and the sign company rejected it.

Why did they reject it?

Because diversity means chasing down the last white person is the flat truth. Pro-whites refuse to use my words because of ego problems. Anti-whites HIRE people like me and USE their product.

Country Rabbit sees quality and USES this old professional staffer’s out put.

Like the respectable conservatives before them, professional pro-whites are afraid of being upstaged by a dedicated old man.

The Country Rabbits, the White Rabbits, and other BUGSERS will use the good stuff and win this battle anyway, as frustrated conservatives finally had to fall back onto my work to elect Reagan and bring down the USSR.

I suppose it’s a bit odd to tell a rabbit to sic ’em,  but Go For It, Country Rabbit!

    • #2 by Secret Squirrel on 01/11/2015 - 7:31 pm

      I see likes to win the argument, by purging pro-white comments. Must be awesome to be a morally righteous anti-white.

  1. #3 by Lord Nelson on 01/11/2015 - 5:47 pm

    Had to be the first to comment. Excellent!

    I have been thinking are there not Pro-Whites out there who have some professional advertising background. Or any background who could also bring professional input for future signs.

    First time I saw the slogan “Ju Suis Charlie” after the recent Paris attacks I knew it was a stroke of genius. Completely emotional and perfect for what it was designed to do. That is, deflect attention from the obvious real issue. With the exception of Bob, I can’t imagine anyone on our side coming up with somthing like that. And only my time spent here helped me recognize it for what it was.

    I like to think my 20 years experience in direct sale helped me to give good solid advice about staying on message in the heat of a live debate. Asking the questions, answering with questions, keeping control etc.. But direct sales is a different animal than marketing. And high level propoganda is on a whole other level again.

    I do hope there are gifted BUGSers here who are paying attention and learning fast. Bob’s and the rest of us are relying on your creative talent coming through.

    Edit: Damn it Laura you beat me to it 🙂

  2. #4 by -polydoros on 01/11/2015 - 5:56 pm

    The Mini-Mantras thread is now closed? Anyway, here’s a collection of mantras with the “chasing down” wording:

    When was the last time anyone said that a particular country, neighborhood, school or workplace was too Black? That it needed to bring in more non-Blacks to promote “Diversity”?

    Have you ever heard anyone say that? No, I didn’t think so.

    Diversity means chasing down every White country, neighborhood, school and workplace until they become non-White.

    Diversity means chasing down the last White person. It’s genocide.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

    No “anti-racists” say a 100% Black area needs more diversity.

    No “anti-racists” say a 100% Asian area needs more diversity.

    According to “anti-racists”, they are already 100% diverse.

    They say ALL & ONLY White area need to be more diverse, and that White areas only stop needing to be more diverse when there are no White people left in them.

    Diversity means chasing down the last White person. It’s genocide.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    Nobody says Black children and Black areas are too Black and need to be chased down with “Diversity”

    Nobody says Asian children and Asian areas are too Asian and need to be chased down with “Diversity”

    “Anti-racists” only say White children and White areas are “too White” and need to be chased down with “Diversity”

    “Diversity” means chasing down the last White person. It’s genocide.

    “Anti-racist” is a code word for anti-white.

    Could any sane person not realize that flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with non-Whites and telling everyone to “assimilate” to create a blended humanity is White genocide?

    Africa will still be full of Africans and Asia will still be full of Asians.

    Only White children will suffer from this.

    It is genocide plain and simple!

    Diversity Means Chasing Down The Last White Person. It’s Genocide.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    No one is flooding Africa with mass immigration and forced assimilation until there are no Black countries left.

    No one is flooding Asia with mass immigration and forced assimilation until there are no Asian countries left.

    But ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are targeted for mass immigration and forced assimilation until there are no more White countries.

    That’s genocide.

    Diversity Means Chasing Down The Last White Person.

    The words “immigration”, “tolerance” and “assimilation” are being used to PROMOTE a program of geNOcide against White children.

    Open borders, FORCED integration, and assimilation is GENOCIDE.

    Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done to White children.

    Then they call it “Diversity”

    Diversity means chasing down the last White child.


    Why is it that EVERY white country is forced to be multicultural/multiracial?

    Why is it that EVERY white country is told to end its own race/culture?

    No one asks that of -ANY- non-White country.

    Immigration/assimilation is FORCED upon ONLY White countries.

    Anti-whites call themselves “anti-racists” but their actions lead to the elimination of only one race, the White race.

    The purpose of “anti-racism” is to genocide White children.

    Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.

    Diversity Means Chasing Down The Last White Person. It’s genocide.

    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Cities✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighborhoods✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Workplaces✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Schools✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Sports✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything✓
    Anti-Whites say there should be no Whites✓
    Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
    "Diversity" means chasing down the last White person. It's genocide.
    STOP White geNOcide!

    When we have: Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for EVERYBODY, what do we have over periods of time?

    We have fewer and fewer White children

    When we mix more and more non-Whites with fewer and fewer Whites in the same living space?

    In time, White extinction. It's genocide because this doesn’t happen by chance. It is being forced upon Whites just like a rapist does not take no for an answer

    How is this not White geNOcide?

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white

    Diversity Means Chasing Down The Last White Person.

    • #5 by Rose on 01/11/2015 - 7:34 pm

      Guess i’ll post this here.

      Just something I use on anti-Whites when they pull out the dictionary definition of genocide.

      “Websters doesn’t define international law, the UN does [insert picture + link to UN definition of genocide]”

      • #6 by Lord Nelson on 01/11/2015 - 10:28 pm

        I am using the work produced here by BUGS. But the war keeps evolving and so it never ends.

  3. #7 by Lord Nelson on 01/11/2015 - 7:00 pm

    Just a quick point. There is a distinction between a serious political message and dealing with jut the usual Anti-White diversions you may find in live exchanges. Below is a brilliant replay from a Pro-White I saw recently:

    Anti-White: Guess what Nazi. My sister lives with a Black man.

    Pro-White: Have you stopped masterbating over it yet?

    Off message I know. But sometimes it helps to remember to treat these sick fools with the contempt they deserve.


    • #8 by Jason on 01/11/2015 - 10:09 pm

      Pointing out how SICK and twisted these anti-Whites are is great. Yes, it is off message, but an occasional reminder of what contemptible trash these people are is effective.

    • #9 by time for freedom on 01/12/2015 - 6:14 pm

      Anti-White: Guess what Nazi. My sister lives with a Black man.

      Pro-White: That doesn’t mean the rest of us White people should be forced to do so as well anti-white.

      How’s that??

      • #10 by Lord Nelson on 01/12/2015 - 7:16 pm


        With respect. That is awful.

        In the example I gave, the Anti-White was also off message. And was just trying to yank the Pro-Whites chain. And the Pro-White simply took the opportunity to have some fun at the Anti-Whites expense.

        Loosen up! Make fun and laugh at these idiots. (This is important!)

        While still pushing our message.

        • #11 by time for freedom on 01/12/2015 - 7:38 pm

          And, if you don’t mind, I decided to bring it back to the fact that many anti-whites implicitly argue that just because some misguided white people intermarry with non-whites, we ALL should feel compelled to do so.

          Moreover, I also decided to point out the forceful nature of the anti-white’s program to achieve white assimilation.

          Lastly, and most importantly, I added the further admonition of “anti-white” to scold and publicly display the other person for what he really is, and anti-White freak.

          I accomplished all that with a couple of lines. Not so awful after all there Lord Nelson.

          Listen, I want you to come on Paltalk on Saturday at 2pm PST and join the Fight White Genocide voice chat room. I have a lot to learn in regard to ‘debating’ with anti-whites and I believe that you could show me a great deal.

          • #12 by Lord Nelson on 01/13/2015 - 7:33 am

            My point was not about a peeing contest over who can squeeze ‘white genocide’ the most times into the shortest possible sentence. I was just saying that sometimes it’s ok to just have fun.

            Don’t be too rigid. We are not a religious cult.

            I have been on paltalk, and learned a lot. If I can make it, I will be there this Saturday too.

  4. #13 by Scott on 01/11/2015 - 10:50 pm


  5. #14 by -polydoros on 01/11/2015 - 11:35 pm

    Since we’re exchanging weapons:

    -Anti-White makes a hostile reply:
    [The Iron Question:] Are you for or against White genocide?
    [/] Answer this: Are you for or against White genocide? Yes or no. [don’t let them wriggle out of it.]
    [or:] You use X [e.g. religion, history] to justify your Anti-White-ism and White Genocide?
    [or:] So you are justifying genocide.

    -On history:
    So you are using history to justify an ONGOING genocide?
    [or:] Whites have never committed a unique crime, but they have an infinite number of unique achievements.
    Though more to the point, you are using history to justify an ONGOING genocide.

    -“racist”/“nazi”/“KKK”/“white supremacism”/“hate”/“race baiting”/etc.:
    In place of childish name-calling, answer this: Are you for or against White genocide?
    [or:] What aspect of opposing ANTI-WHITE-ism and WHITE GENOCIDE is “nazi”? [etc.]

    So protesting White Genocide is “racist”? Thanks for reinforcing the fact that anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-white.

    “Nazi” is a word used by anti-whites to incite violence against people protesting White genocide.

    Is only the KKK against White GENOCIDE?

    -“White supremacism”:
    So opposing GENOCIDE makes one a “supremacist”? Is that how you feel about Tibetans?
    You’re proof that anti-racist is just code for anti-white.

    -“White privilege”:
    Even if there WERE “White privilege” how does this justify White Genocide?
    [or:] If there WERE “White privilege” then explain White flight.

    -When an anti-White screams, threatens:
    This goes to show that anti-whites consist of Screamers, Thugs, and Thought Police.
    [or:] Anti-Whites scream and use violence until they can get the Thought Police to come in and shut down freedom of speech about White genocide.
    [or:] The anti-Whites consist of Screamers, Thugs and Thought Police. Susan [/whoever] is a Screamer, but wishes she was the Thought Police. Lol
    [follow up:] Don’t try to change the subject, Mr. Thought Police. YOU just admitted that you want to have FREEDOM OF SPEECH shut down.

    -When someone writes something obviously anti-white:
    Every reply you ever write to me is anti-white, and yet you claim to be anti-racist. Though thanks for reinforcing the fact that anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-white.

    -“Take your meds”/“get lost”/etc.:
    Do you also talk that way to Tibetans protesting their genocide?

    -“What’s your point?”:
    I’m against the genocide of my people. Are you against White genocide, or are you using history [/whatever] to justify genocide?

    -“White people are bound to go extinct”:
    Anti-White. That is another “Inevitable Future”. So many Inevitable Futures have been proclaimed over the decades and very few come to fruition.
    [or:] Psychopaths always push too far though. People are waking up about this genocidal scheme.

    -“Whites don’t have enough children, so it’s Whites’ own fault”:
    Conditions have been created by anti-whites that lead to low birth-rates of White children. Look up the genocide conventions:
    So you are justifying genocide?

    -“You keep repeating the same thing; you sound like a crazy zealot”:
    It takes a lot of repetition to counter the anti-white propaganda coming from the MSM and “education” system. More to the point though: Are you for or against White genocide?

    -“What is a White person/country?”
    You have no problem identifying White people [/White countries] when imposing “diversity”/White genocide, but now you’ve magically forgotten? Are you anti-white?
    [or:] You have no trouble defining white people when you want to talk about slavery/colonization, but now you’ve magically forgotten? Are you anti-white?

    -“There are no White countries”:
    You anti-whites are chasing down Whites with “diversity” so effectively then?

    -“I oppose any genocide”/”I am opposed to human genocide”:
    You talk about “any genocide” yet support flooding EVERY & ONLY White countries with non-whites?

    -“I respect all persons”:
    “Somebody who respects all persons” is also anti-white and pushes White genocide?
    [or:] You talk about “respect” yet support chasing down White people with “diversity”?

    -“There is only one race, the human race”/“We all bleed red”/etc.:
    Humans aren’t a race. Humans are a species. So how does it feel to support genocide? How does it feel to support the destruction of an entire race?
    [or:] Saying that we are all the “human race” so it doesn’t matter that White children are genocided? Get a moral compass.
    [or:] Though how does that justify the genocide of little White children?
    [or:] You talk about “a species” yet support flooding EVERY & ONLY White countries with non-whites?

    -“I am white”:
    Just because you are White doesn’t mean you can’t be anti-White.  That is what the term TRAITOR was invented for.

    -“White people aren’t being chased down by “diversity”/“There is no genocide”:
    If White people aren’t being chased down by “diversity”, then explain White flight.
    [or:] Wow. You deny that there is White genocide? It’s hard to see White GENOCIDE when you are an anti-White.
    For others reading this: evidence of White Genocide here:
    [or:] You deny the existence of White genocide but you don’t even know the definition of genocide!
    [additionally:] Definition of genocide here: And evidence of anti-white policies and White genocide:

    -“You are the genocidalist”:
    So if Tibetans oppose their genocide it means they wish to genocide all other peoples? That’s ridiculous. Yet you anti-whites resort to nothing to justify the genocide of White people.

    -“Why would it be a problem to have half asian, half black, half indian, half anything children or grandchildren?”:
    Are you ever suggesting other groups for elimination or is it just little White children you wish to genocide?

    -“Why should I care about my race?”:
    That is the SOCIOPATH’S QUESTION. Only a sociopath doesn’t care about the future of his people.

    -“If your biggest source of pride is skin color you’re pathetic”:
    Actually, this is about White genocide. People of conscience care about genocide. So should you.

    -“What do you plan to do with the non-whites?”:
    Considering it is anti-whites who are FORCE flooding our countries with non-whites, I suggest it is up to the anti-whites to pay money to sort out this mess.

    -“You are a government agent”:
    Lol, so you think White people have to be PAID to protest our OWN GENOCIDE?! You anti-whites are unbelievable.

    -“Divide and conquer”/“Everyone is being targeted for genocide”:
    By saying that protesting White Genocide is divisive you are in effect an accomplice to genocide.

    -“Tyranny is color blind”/”It’s globalization”:
    So that’s why so-called “diversity” is being imposed on Every & Only White countries?… From an anti-white perspective that makes perfect sense!

    -“No one cares”:
    People of conscience care about genocide. Get a moral perspective [/compass].

    -“You are such a sad, fearful person”:
    In place of childish name-calling, answer this: Are you for or against White genocide?

    -“You are inbred”/any other perverse response:
    Says the anti-white genocidal freak who justifies chasing down White children.

    -“Quit playing the victim”:
    People of conscience care about genocide. Are you for or against the genocide of White children?
    /Why do you hate little White children?
    /Why do you want to genocide little White babies?

    -“You are obsessed by race”:
    Race is a protected category according to the genocide conventions: So you are justifying genocide?

    -“You are obsessed by minorities/non-whites”:
    This ISN’T about so-called minorities. This is about so-called “anti-racists” (anti-whites) flooding Every & Only White countries with non-whites and FORCE assimilating them. So you support the genocide of little White children?

    -“What are you going to do with the non-whites?”:
    Considering it is Anti-whites who are FORCE flooding our countries with non-whites, I suggest it is up to the Anti-whites to pay money to sort out this mess.

    -“Whites are genociding non-whites overseas”:
    Anti-Whites in government are doing this. Answer this: Are you for or against White genocide?
    [or:] The anti-whites who are pushing “diversity” in Every & Only White countries are the same criminals creating wars overseas. Considering the Anti-whites are responsible for this mess, it is their responsibility to pay reparations to fix it.

    -“It is false that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white”:
    [Flip the script:] “Anti-racists” don’t call Tibetans “racist” for protesting their genocide. “Anti-racists” only do that to people protesting White genocide.
    [or:] “Racist” is an anti-white hate word used by anti-whites who want White Genocide.

    -“Borders don’t matter”/”It’s freedom”:
    YOU are the one justifying genocide. It doesn’t matter whether you call it “peace, love, and light” or “the final solution.” Governments flooding all White populations and only White populations with millions of people from all over the world and telling everyone to “mix in” in some attempt to create a blended humanity is genocide…

    -“we don’t want White people here anyway”:
    Anti-whites are chasing down White people with ‘Diversity’ WHEREVER White people have made their homes. [Follow up:]

    -“That was a stupid website/video”:
    Anti-White. Did you even see the video [website]?? [This is a spur for others to look it up]
    [followup to a further reply:] Others can look it up and come to their own conclusions.

    -During interrogation:
    [sneaky preface to a question/statement:] As an anti-white, [. . .]

    -Anti-white tries to do the interrogating:
    WE ask the questions, because YOU support/justify genocide of MY people!

    -To interupt the flow of an exchange:
    Look up before writing another reply.

    -To end an exchange with an anti-White:
    Note to others: Notice how the anti-White … etc.
    [or:] PERIOD / FULL STOP.

  6. #15 by -polydoros on 01/11/2015 - 11:52 pm

    I know the above list is quite long. Though I have it in a document that I always have opened when doing mantra work. When an anti-White makes a certain response I just do a keyword search of the document (hold the “shift” key on the keyboard while holding down the “f” key) and type in the keyword, e.g. “bleed” for “we all bleed red”, and it takes me straight to an appropriate response.

    In the same document I also have these longer responses:

    -“We all bleed red”/“There are good and bad people of all races”/etc.:
    There are good and bad people of ALL RACES…
    ONLY white countries and EVERY white country must have their race and cultures DESTROYED via massive third world immigration and FORCED assimilation.
    The law calls this program GENOCIDE – but it’s commonly known as

    -“Divide and conquer”:
    The Chinese government says that protesting Tibetan genocide is “divisive”. According to the Chinese government, Tibetans are INDIVISIBLE from the rest of China. THEREFORE China can continue the genocide of Tibet.
    By saying that protesting Genocide is divisive you are in effect an accomplice to genocide.

    • #16 by Laura on 01/12/2015 - 2:43 pm

      It’s good to see mini’s filling the comments again, especially when there is a new HOT meme.

      It has reminded me that BUGS is a seminar where the classroom gets actual work DONE. And the comment section is free game.

      This is very useful, -polydoros. Thank you.

      • #17 by -polydoros on 01/12/2015 - 8:03 pm

        That’s good to hear. Hopefully you’ll forward the article I wrote called “Golden Ages” to Bob, and he’ll approve of it for use at BUGS and/or give feedback on it?

  7. #18 by Jason on 01/12/2015 - 12:15 am

    Congratulations guys. Alabama has proven once again to be a state full of heroes.

  8. #19 by Henry Davenport on 01/12/2015 - 1:52 am

    That sign is so beautiful.

    Congrats, Bob!


    When anyone asks us what our goal is, I think a good answer is,

    “A future with White children”

    I’ve been thinking that maybe it would have been better if we’d named White GeNOcide Project that.

    Wouldn’t it be better to have news reports saying “the website ‘A Future With White Children’…”

    I wonder if there is some way we could change the name of it. Sure, it must be easy! If it still seems a good idea in the morning! 😉

  9. #25 by Jason on 01/12/2015 - 3:35 pm

    This is another “opinion” piece on the sign on that AL website:

    • #26 by Laura on 01/12/2015 - 4:40 pm

      Lol at this line in that article, Jason – “The two phrases are commonly used by something called the White Genocide Project, a group of white supremacists and separatists.”

      How can we be supremacists and separatists at the same time?!? 🙂

      • #27 by Jason on 01/12/2015 - 5:13 pm

        It’s amazing how stupid they can be! How can you be supreme over something if want to be separate from it.

        • #28 by Lord Nelson on 01/12/2015 - 5:53 pm

          They are obviously using the terms: Separatists & Segregationists, to try to counter our main White Genocide point. In other words: If you are against mass non White immigration into all White countries, then by default you are for Segregation and are a White separatist.

          It may appear stupid to us. But to the the average brainwashed fool it will link us in their minds to the image of those old fashioned Southern racists that their TV has has already planted in their heads.

          Tactics keep evolving. And we adapt too. While always staying on message!

          • #29 by time for freedom on 01/12/2015 - 6:20 pm

            So by logical extension Lord…Anti-segregationists MUST be in favor of White Genocide, by their own admission.

            • #30 by Lord Nelson on 01/12/2015 - 6:38 pm


              I know it makes no sense. Ask yourself what sense does “Ju Suis Charlie” make? You’re thinking logically which is fine. But remember that our enemy deals in lies deceit and EMOTION.

              Just like there could be no logical reason for Asian people to want to do away with themselves in Asia. Hence, if you want to brainwash an ethnic group in to happily accepting their own genocide, you must avoid logic at all cost. And try to deflect people with emotion.

              • #31 by time for freedom on 01/12/2015 - 7:48 pm

                You’ve missed my point here. We can make a meme which demonstrates that the term segregationist is somehow related to white people trying to escape the system of white genocide, AND, the anti-whites who use the term know it.

                “Segregationist” is the anti-white’s HATEFUL codeword for White individuals who just want to escape the system of WHITE GENOCIDE!!

                It’s a start, and it does state the truth.

                • #32 by -polydoros on 01/12/2015 - 8:12 pm

                  Have you tested it in the field?

                  IME (in my experience) the following are effective:

                  In place of childish name-calling, answer this: Are you for or against White genocide?

                  [or:] So opposing GENOCIDE makes one a “supremacist”? Is that how you feel about Tibetans?
                  You’re proof that anti-racist is just codeword for anti-white.


                  PS: The above are short replies (i.e. like using a Roman sword/gladius). It would also be good to have a mini-mantra (a pilum) on “supremacism”, maybe making a parallel with Tibet?….

                  I’ll work on it and test it in the field…….

  10. #33 by Undercover Lover on 01/12/2015 - 5:12 pm

    They seem to have switched to “supremacist” and “separatist” in this most recent mantra goodness. I don’t remember seeing “racist,” or “nazi.” I do recall seeing a few “kkk”s from some of the comments I read.

    • #34 by Jason on 01/13/2015 - 4:53 am

      I haven’t heard them praise Multiculturalism in a while – has anyone else? Looks like we did serious damage to that term.

  11. #35 by Laura on 01/12/2015 - 5:45 pm

    SPLC article on the billboard and Bob’s comments!!!

    Love this line – “Robert Whitaker, the curmudgeonly segregationist who wrote the 221-word white nationalist mantra that has recently become incredibly popular…”

    • #36 by Rose on 01/12/2015 - 9:00 pm

      Uh-oh, anti-Whites gonna give Bob his David Duke moment?

      Would love to see O’Reilly interview Bob LOL

      • #37 by Secret Squirrel on 01/13/2015 - 12:43 am

        Bob would need a bullhorn to talk to that drunken blowhard.

    • #38 by Jason on 01/13/2015 - 12:47 am

      “Curmudgeonly” is code for can’t be cowed.

  12. #39 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 01/12/2015 - 10:36 pm

    Anti-Whites seem to be freaking out over this billboard. Are they’re trying to outdo themselves now so they can be silent on the later billboards? Haha

    Also timeforfreedom made a thread about countering “segregation”

  13. #40 by Laura on 01/12/2015 - 10:40 pm

    Guys, I have complied all the media reports on the new billboard on FWG. Please keep hitting each of these sites with mini mantras.

    If there are media reports I have missed, please let me know.

  14. #43 by Undercover Lover on 01/13/2015 - 1:40 am

    This sign seems to be doing quite well. Looks like the owner is taking a lot of heat. Hopefully he doesn’t take it down. But I suppose it has already achieved it’s primary objective even if he does. It already got all these anti-whites to say and talk about our memes. I’d say sustaining our memes on the local population is simply a bonus.

    Also I think I’ve found another word in the league of “chasing.” I’ve started using “inflict” as in

    “Anti-racists” say they must inflict Diversity on us whites to end racism.
    We all know that something that get’s declared “Diverse” was formerly white.
    Diversity means Chasing Down The Last White Person.
    It’s Genocide.
    “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.

  15. #44 by Simmons on 01/13/2015 - 7:11 am

    The word you’re looking for is “targeting”, when you want the anti-whites to have a blow out you trip their emotional buttons which lie right under the surface of their personalities.

    “Targeting white children again, no wonder people hate you, and even your political allies don’t respect you.”

  16. #45 by Ice Knight on 01/13/2015 - 8:59 am

    Bob makes it onto Fox News Alabama – great interview!

    These billboards are great at getting our enemies to spread our message for us.

    • #46 by Laura on 01/13/2015 - 9:16 am

      Congratulations Coach! You did GREAT!

    • #47 by Daniel Genseric on 01/13/2015 - 9:20 am

      Yeah buddy!

    • #48 by Rose on 01/13/2015 - 9:36 am

      “Bob Whitaker says he’s NOT racist”

      Well DUHHHH

      Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White.

      They showed that billboard even. Never thought i’d live to see ol’ Bob on Fox LOL

      They keep pushing our message, Bob’s gonna have lots more appearances.

  17. #51 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 01/13/2015 - 10:52 am

    Bob on fox? Thats amazing. Though I wish they gave him more time to speak. The reporters kept repeating “Bob says the board is NOT racist” Why do you guys think that is?

    • #52 by Rose on 01/13/2015 - 11:04 am

      They kept calling Bob a “Political Conservative” too. That’s a long ways away from anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

      Respectable anti-Whites are showing US some RESPECT lol.

  18. #53 by -Sentinel- on 01/13/2015 - 2:18 pm

    Great work, BUGS!!!

  19. #54 by -polydoros on 01/13/2015 - 3:51 pm

    This is a major success!

    My concern is that the anti-whites will keep cycling through Good Old Labels (GOL) while we react to them. Even the word “racist” hasn’t been discredited enough with the masses. (And even if it were, I think we should NEVER let up on it.)

    So how about a multi-purpose line added to the end of our mini-mantras?:


    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white
    Diversity means chasing down the last White person
    All anti-white codewords push white genocide

  20. #55 by -polydoros on 01/13/2015 - 3:53 pm

    A bright future for our Black children; said the Black Hero
    A bright future for our Asian children; said the Asian Hero
    A bright future for our White children; said the “segregationist”??

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white
    Diversity means chasing down the last White person
    All anti-white codewords push white genocide

    I’m proud to be Black; said a Black man.
    I’m proud to be Asian; said an Asian man
    I’m proud to be White; said a “supremacist”??

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white
    Diversity means chasing down the last White person
    All anti-white codewords push white genocide

    • #56 by -polydoros on 01/13/2015 - 3:54 pm

      PS: I’ll be testing these in the field and come back with a report.

    • #57 by Benjamin Newells on 01/16/2015 - 4:58 am

      On Twitter, I’ve been using:

      “White supremacist” is just a placeholder for “racist”.
      “Anti-racist” is a code word for #AntiWhite

      And you could switch “White supremacist” for anything really.

      • #58 by -polydoros on 01/16/2015 - 9:29 pm

        Thanks, Benjamin, that sounds good! I’ve copied and pasted it. 😀

  21. #59 by TheSeeker OfTruth on 01/13/2015 - 8:16 pm

    It looks like the “Bob” problem has been solved. wow…just wow.

    Congratulations are in order to the folks who worked very hard and put in the legwork to get this thing up! Y’all got out there and did something! Take a bow and a pat on the back, you deserve it!

  22. #60 by Jason on 01/14/2015 - 7:29 am

    The site Heartiste, which is one of the main “pick up artist” sites is positively covering the sign. The thread has 115 comments.

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