Archive for March 27th, 2015
If Whites Had Gay Rights
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 03/27/2015
Years ago Pat Boone, a celebrity in the know but pro-white, announced that Gay Lib had a special power which was denied to every other minority group, even blacks and women’s lib:
While every non-white male group has enormous power AFTER a movie is shown, only Gay Lib Representatives were allowed in to cut anything they didn’t like BEFORE the movie left the studio.
Gays are now beginning their campaign to have gays kissing on television.
TV shows have begun gently poking fun at the fact that gays don’t really kiss on TV. Most series have the obligatory part where a black male falls SINCERELY in love with a blondish white girl.
It is NEVER just a black guy wanting a white girl because she’s prettier or to prove he’s a man despite being black, no, sir, every time he is deeply, genuinely in love and there is a deep French kiss to show it.
The Dexter series included that required scenario and so did the House of Cards series and most other series since 2000.
Gays, despite their superior minority power, are still just beginning their campaign because they face religious opposition and a public that can still be openly turned off by SOME things.
But we all know gays will get their way in time, so we should ask why this is true?
And what is NOT true about Gay Power or, for that matter, all of the minority power that we run into every day?
Did the gays or the blacks or the Hispanics gain all this censorship power by a Massive Torchlight Parade that Overthrew the Government on Der Tag?
In the Real World, the Real way the real power we face every day was developed is totally alien to the News and Jews approach.
The way Gay Lib will get its French kisses in daytime TV and the way blacks have achieved their dream of French-kissing between white women and black men is utterly alien to the Torch Light Parade types and totally familiar to BUGSERS:
Gay Lib never lets a single remark which can possibly be interpreted in the most paranoid way as saying something they don’t want said about gays get by without raising hell.
Sound familiar?
It certainly wouldn’t sound familiar on the pro-white side with one single exception:
ALL of the minority power we are buried under began by a consistent message.
ALL of the minority powers we now face met a puzzled public in its day: the New York Times routinely called homosexuals “queers” a few decades ago.
Gay Lib crushed the crusade to CURE people of homosexuality. We face a similar, and even crazier and more outspoken, program, to “cure” people of being whites, that “cancer of humanity.”
The responses we got on March Against White Genocide on the Spring Equinox were totally familiar to an old history junkie like me:
“What is this?”
“DUHHH! What is white genocide?”
The response to the beginning of every message has always been “What are they talking about?” aka “DUUUH!” and, always, INSULTS.
We are exactly where all the power we are up against began. This is a FACT, a memory, it is NOT identifying WITH them.
I have finally realized what kept bouncing around in my mind all these years when I kept mentioning – not fully understanding – my own statement that revolutions occur when the established party in power and the only real opposition – finally cease their dual control, as Conservative and Labour did in Britain and the two-party system does in America.
Everybody is predicting that whites will become minorities in today’s white countries. But it will be a long, LONG time before whites cease to be the overwhelming MINORITY.
White rule lasted longest in low-state South Carolina and in South Africa. All white areas have always been notoriously anti-white, like Minnesota electing Senator Humphrey, or New York, electing Javits.
Minorities rule. And whites are on their way to being a minority.
The shrinking white population will be many times as large as the most inflated estimates of our gay population.
All the powers that be began exactly the way we did.
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