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Waiting in Line the Liberal Way

Posted by polydoros on May 10th, 2015 under General

The stone altar of Political Correctness flows with blood every day. Before the altar is a line of Whites about to be sacrificed. In the line of the SELECTED RACE they demand to be sacrificed, the Liberals keep pushing OTHER Whites in front of them. Thus Liberals hope to avoid what they are forcing on others.

It is ingrained in the Liberal/Witchdoctor that it is good to sacrifice the best.  photo cross.jpg

Yet there is a difference in scale.

From a crop, herd, or group of people, a Witchdoctor sacrifices the best INDIVIDUALS in order to appease angry spirits.
But a Liberal demands the sacrifice of an ENTIRE RACE in order to appease the angry spirits of Political Correctness.

Ironically, Liberals belong to the same group they demand to be completely sacrificed!

Insanity accounts for part of it, but Liberals are also cowardly hypocrites.

They think they can ingratiate themselves with the priesthood of Political Correctness by supporting White Genocide.

Meanwhile, at the altar of Political Correctness, the blood is flowing, and the line to the high priest and the sacrificial stone is getting shorter. Liberals try moving further back in the line to avoid being sacrificed, but people are waking up to this scam in droves.

The Liberals’ children don’t like the idea of being sacrificed either.

  1. #1 by Jason on 05/10/2015 - 8:01 am

    Great article again polydoros and great graphic BBG.

    These Liberal Anti-Whites are never so smug as when they are stabbing their own people in the back … and thinking it is a Holy Sacrifice.

    • #2 by JPOutlook on 05/10/2015 - 10:51 am

      “Great graphic”?


      Jesus Christ has, in his day, sufferered and overcome much more than That insipid provocation…

  2. #3 by Secret Squirrel on 05/10/2015 - 11:53 am

    Jim Jones died not from drinking the kool-aid, but from a bullet through the head. Like Jim, the White anti-Whites demand diversity, but when it comes to their town, they run from it just like everyone else.

  3. #4 by jo3w on 05/10/2015 - 12:20 pm

    Thier original sin is simply being born White. The river of diversity can wash their sin away!

  4. #5 by Denounce Genocidists on 05/10/2015 - 4:19 pm

    Good Marxists shout “Long live the revolution” before their comrades execute them.

  5. #6 by Yankee Rebel on 05/11/2015 - 12:10 am

    My only problem with this article is the use of the term, Liberal, instead of the more accurate term, anti-White. The terms Liberal and Conservative have no meaning now.

  6. #7 by Jason on 05/11/2015 - 10:49 am

    OT: I am writing letters to Red Ice, Renegade Radio, Alex Jones and even TOO to suggest Bob as a guest.

    Please do the same. Let them know he wrote The Mantra, that he has decades of experience in Washington DC, worked for Reagan and has worked in the pro-White movement for decades.

    He has had 3 books published and has great stories. And he is willing to take controversial stands (to say the least!). He is good radio and these will be historic interviews.

    Let them know a dedicated group of people will spread the news about any show.

    Use emails, tweets, and whatever other means there are.

  7. #8 by Bob on 05/11/2015 - 10:58 am

    Excellent work again, polydoros!

  8. #9 by Yankee Rebel on 05/12/2015 - 1:06 am

    Like Tom Metzger said, I don’t care if a person is liberal or conservative as long as they are pro-White!

  9. #10 by Electric on 05/12/2015 - 12:36 pm

    Polydoros I enjoy your articles. Keep em coming! 🙂

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