Archive for May 24th, 2015

Perot’s Peak and our 2016 Campaign

If you want to see The Silence at work, look at Wikipedia’s piece on Ross Perot.

It is a long series of put-downs and awkward incidents in Perot’s life.

If you mention Perot to anyone today, he will either not recognize the name or repeat one of those put-downs.

You can tell it causes real pain for Wikipedia to repeat the one unique thing in Perot’s life that The Silence wants minimized.

They do not devote a sentence to it. It is part of the sentence: “In June of 1992, national polls showed Perot leading the sitting President and the Democratic nominee with 39 percent of the popular vote!”  photo perot.jpg

This never happened before or since.

But because of the cloud of crap everybody throws out when Perot’s name is mentioned, The Silence covers this critical history with drivel.

And everybody repeats it.

Perot came out of nowhere. In an interview on Larry King at CNN, King asked him why he himself did not run for president.

Larry King was not a popular show back then, but the mail this question generated was overwhelming, with demands for Perot to go on the ballot.

The idea did not come from Perot.

Wikipedia then makes up a figure of gigillions of his own dollars the power-mad Perot put into his campaign.

A man who had no idea he was going to be drafted is portrayed as power mad.

But others have spent more than Perot did without any effect at all.

To someone who is as familiar with MediaSpeak as I am, Wikipedia gave out the usual dirt to cover the one point The Silence must avoid:

In June of 1992, national polls showed Perot leading the sitting President and the Democratic nominee with 39 percent of the popular vote!

Nothing is as important as this is to a Party seeking to overthrow the establishment.

When Perot got up to 39 percent, the Almighty USSR had simply fallen apart.

“Not with a blast but with a whimper.”

In fact, not even a whimper!

Perot’s platform was Saying the Unsayable.

He refused to accept Business As Usual in politics.

He Said the Unsayable to both the left and the kept “opposition.”

In the national debate, both Perot and his vice presidential candidate were asked about abortion.

Instead of trying to get the “dissatisfied” vote of anti-abortionists, they said what most voters think: It’s not an issue with them.

At a time when the Internet was new, Perot proposed to do something that scared politicians half to death: Perot wanted issues to be subjected to a spontaneous poll online. He wanted the PEOPLE to get in on it!

Perot’s Lesson is hidden behind bits of dirt about him just as grassroots rebellion is hidden under Abortion and the chasing down of Whites is hidden behind details about Hitler’s mustache.

The only other real threat to the ruling parties was Wallace in 1968. He got less than 14 percent of the vote, but his American Party is still more active than other third parties.

Perot’s party was destroyed by Pat Buchanan. It gave him its nomination in 2000.

Buchanan had won the New Hampshire primary against Bush.

Then Buchanan turned into a harmless theocrat.

He accepted the Perot Party nomination and then spent all his time attacking abortion and evolution.

His polls started up at a respectable – for a third party – several percent of the vote and then dropped like a rock.

He ended with a vote down where the Prohibition Party gets today, and falling.

The American Freedom Party can become important only if its theme is: “We ain’t going to take it anymore!”

Perot was gotten out of the campaign by the thugs going after his daughter, something any BUGSER can clearly understand.

No Marxists. No theocrats.

