Archive for May, 2015
Waiting in Line the Liberal Way
The stone altar of Political Correctness flows with blood every day. Before the altar is a line of Whites about to be sacrificed. In the line of the SELECTED RACE they demand to be sacrificed, the Liberals keep pushing OTHER Whites in front of them. Thus Liberals hope to avoid what they are forcing on others.
It is ingrained in the Liberal/Witchdoctor that it is good to sacrifice the best.
Yet there is a difference in scale.
From a crop, herd, or group of people, a Witchdoctor sacrifices the best INDIVIDUALS in order to appease angry spirits.
But a Liberal demands the sacrifice of an ENTIRE RACE in order to appease the angry spirits of Political Correctness.
Ironically, Liberals belong to the same group they demand to be completely sacrificed!
Insanity accounts for part of it, but Liberals are also cowardly hypocrites.
They think they can ingratiate themselves with the priesthood of Political Correctness by supporting White Genocide.
Meanwhile, at the altar of Political Correctness, the blood is flowing, and the line to the high priest and the sacrificial stone is getting shorter. Liberals try moving further back in the line to avoid being sacrificed, but people are waking up to this scam in droves.
The Liberals’ children don’t like the idea of being sacrificed either.
Announcement – BUGS Staff Meeting
This evening at 6pm ET in the Fight White Genocide Room on Paltalk we will be holding a private meeting to discuss moving forward with Bob’s vice presidential candidacy ie his new website, logo & how we are going to use this new platform to get the white genocide message to the people. To brainstorm ideas and get some free flowing discussion on this new direction and the opportunities it presents.
Additionally William Johnson lawyer & AFP Chairman will give an update on the status of the campaign, the states we are registering in and the activism projects we are undertaking initially.
Bugsers, if you haven’t received an email from me and would like to participate please email me at to receive the “lockword” to enter the room and agenda/info pack.
Conservatism Rules on Campus
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 05/06/2015
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
This is a profound truth, and it applies to other words than “treason.”
Real conservatism means conserving the privileges of the ruling class.
Our professors, our billionaires, our yuppies, all our news media, our entire educational system, is still called “liberal,” “progressive,” or even, hardee har har, “revolutionaries!”
In 1789 America, if you still called those who demanded independence “rebels,” you would probably be slapped in an Insane Asylum.
In 1995, no sane Russian would call Communists “revolutionaries.”
One of the chapters of my last book was titled, “We Need Less Marxists and More Revolutionaries.”
We still have to use the word “liberal” for our ruling class, as Polydoros did (Liberals and Witchdoctors), because we must address our general audience at the drooling idiot level that makes them slaves.
Psychological warfare vs. building a movement: an open letter to pro-whites fighting White Genocide
Posted by Henry Davenport in General on 05/03/2015
Most pro-Whites think ONLY in terms of BUILDING A MOVEMENT.
This is a very difficult thing to do when your people have been conquered not by force of arms, but by a huge psy-op program that has made their minds unable to even understand that they have been conquered.
It’s as if when Germany occupied and ruled part of France during WWII, the French had been psy-opped to not even know that the Germans were there, and to regard as the soul of evil anyone who told them that Germans were there and were ruling them.
A counter psy-op operation to undo some of the French population’s mental conditioning would have been a necessary prelude or at least a necessary accompaniment to forming any kind of effective French resistance.
Today we drive the terms “anti-white” and “White Genocide” and the other STOP WHITE GENOCIDE repeater phrases into White minds and into public discourse as a counter psy-op to release White minds and release public discourse from decades of anti-white conditioning.
BUGS is not trying to directly build a movement. BUGS is shifting the Zeitgeist so that a movement can be built.
Many pro-Whites reject the BUGS methods because they view them only in terms of their immediate return or lack of return in building a movement.
That’s why many pro-Whites see no purpose to holding up banners to public view (which television news clips often spread much further) that say “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide,” or “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” or “‘Diversity’ means chasing down Whites,” etc. etc.
They see no purpose to that because they aren’t thinking in terms of a unified, worldwide White counter psy-op program to undo anti-white conditioning and open up public discourse to pro-Whites. They are thinking in immediate terms of building a movement.
They plan to build a movement by educating, but as one of our number has said, “You can’t educate the masses when you’re in the middle of psychological warfare.”
You can educate one-by-one, but White Genocide will be completed before that slow process has built an effective movement.
But even though very few pro-whites will be persuaded by any argument at all to do other than what they’ve been doing, just by exposure we have most of them using the terms “anti-white” and “White Genocide” now, and it’s by exposure that we’ll have mainstream Whites using those terms also.
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