Archive for July 13th, 2015
NEW #WhiteGenocide Billboard in Arkansas
This is a quotation from Bob Whitaker, whose heretical statements on establishment racial policy have gone viral on the internet and are now being used all over Europe.
Anti-white authorities both here and abroad have been demanding the suppression of these statements.
No reason for this suppression has been given other than the signs and statements are heresy.
In an Op-Ed published by the New York Times on June 22nd, leaders of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) demanded that these signs be remove.
Other Whitaker “mantra” signs have been removed because of such demands.
“They’re just a bunch of shirt-tail Hitlers,” says Whitaker, 74, from his home in South Carolina, “Just like Adolf, all they say is that I am daring to disagree with the Party Line. They never answer anything I say, they just demand that heresy be banned.”
SPLC accused Whitaker of having inspired the Charleston church shooting on June 17th. There is no evidence whatsoever of any truth in this charge.
“Just like their Uncle Adolf,” says Whitaker, “They accuse all opponents of criminal acts with no evidence.
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