Power, money and fame are three different things.
My motto is “ I don’t need riches, I don’t need fame….”
“All I ask is to rule the world.”
You now understand personally that this is not a joke, but a PROFOUND truth.
The president will change nothing important.
People who are after power USE whatever they can.
Celebrities and politicians USE power-seekers.
Power-seekers are like writers. A lot of them, like me, ARE writers.
The profound point here is that there are THREE categories: rich, famous, and powerful.
People who must spend their time getting elected have almost no time to think about power.
People seriously into making money don’t have time to get down into the circus where real ideas are generated and compete.
Now that you have expended so much time and effort exercising real power, it would be a shame if you did not take advantage of this experience to get the new look at the world you have earned.
You will not end up as one of the screaming old drunks at conventions who yell, “Power comes from the barrel of a gun!!!!!” or the professors and students who scream, “Rich people have all the power!”
But those like me who actually exercised power always loved those clowns.
In the same way that a screaming old drunk or a student demonstration is loved by the guys who are doing a break-in two miles away.
#1 by Henry Davenport on 07/28/2015 - 6:31 pm
The increasing power of our memes in the mainstream still feels insecure to me, since SF’ers haven’t started dividing up the credit for it yet! 🙂
#2 by Secret Squirrel on 07/28/2015 - 7:06 pm
“Now that you have expended so much time and effort exercising real power, it would be a shame if you did not take advantage of this experience to get the new look at the world you have earned.”
I saw a comment that went something like, “I bet Bob Whitaker wished he had invented that word.”
It reminded me of Bob’s “Your best work will not be your own.”
#3 by shari on 07/28/2015 - 8:47 pm
You know this sounds rather biblical. Rev1:16. “And out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword” True thinking is like that. It exposes liars (anti-whites) like that. The mantra does that.
#4 by Rose on 07/29/2015 - 10:51 am
The “Power comes from the barrel of a gun!!!!!” & “Rich people have all the power!” types attack those who exercise real power for “poor image” whilst using and/or amplifying OUR memes.
Man, you just gotta LOVE those clowns.
#5 by Jason on 07/30/2015 - 8:44 am
How about those of us who would like 90% power but with a sprinkling of wealth and fame? 🙂
#6 by Jason on 07/30/2015 - 9:21 am
Bob has mentioned Perot and Mussolini as movements that took their “leaders” by surprise. The current Trump success is along the same lines.
Trump mentioned building a wall with Mexico and making them pay for it. It was like an electric shock to the country’s psyche. Trump said he was surprised by the enthusiasm that has pushed him to number one.
Just last week I heard Michael Savage (Weiner) say “just what would happen if 100,000 men on motorcycles showed up in D.C and demanded their country back.”
It’s starting to feel like something that could actually happen.
#7 by -scythian- on 08/01/2015 - 12:56 am
What would happen if 100,000 Aryans on motorcycles armed w/ baseball bats showed up in D.C? And what would happen if they were armed with the names of every White girl raped tattooed in their heads?
#8 by Secret Squirrel on 08/01/2015 - 1:54 am
I would rather 1000 lawyers, each armed with White Genocide lawsuits, showed up at D.C. and said I’m here. Pay me now.
#9 by Jason on 08/01/2015 - 2:28 am
You are absolutely right. White Genocide money punishments are the key.
#10 by activism on 08/14/2015 - 1:11 pm
On the CNN show called The Seventies, the commentary on the steps of Women’s Liberation is: 1) articulate the problem. 2) then people began to write about it (Bugs is in this step). 3) then you have lawsuits. 4) then legislation. Worth noting they also had many women protesting in the street.
#11 by -scythian- on 08/01/2015 - 2:23 am
B/c ANYBODY other than anti-white “leadership” would be better for our White children.
#12 by Denounce Genocidists on 08/02/2015 - 11:35 am
Seems to have been a long time since anyone has argued here at BUGS that our stuff does`nt bring home the bacon.
No one has taken any laughable cheap shots that BUGSers are bandwagoning the Cuckservative thing.
Silence is consent.
#13 by Tom Bowie on 08/03/2015 - 5:26 pm
Perhaps it’s just that I have a whimsical outlook at times but, the Anti-Whites like to give us the illusion of a choice.
I’d rather have 100,00 angry folks at the exits from DC while 1,000 Lawyers come a calling; let the Anti-Whites have a choice.
I’ve heard “Turnabout is Fair Play”.
#14 by -scythian- on 08/04/2015 - 6:50 pm
Whether there is a spectacle or not, there certainly at least has to be an understanding that those thousand lawyers are backed by force. Which brings me to the question of law enforcement in Aryan countries, by law enforcement I mean local cops up to the military in each and every Aryan country; there’s an inherent flaw in an enforcement industry that continuously takes orders from the anti-white establishment and can therefore be flipped over to our side.
Wouldn’t an eternal money punishment be much more secure if it were backed by an unofficial pro-white fighting force whose basic objective would be to protect & allow real pro-white spokesmen (e.g. 1000 lawyers) to speak anywhere they wish? Can a political army of Aryans built on a pro-white foundation ever be made to be anti-white?
And if non-whites and even anti-whites form their own groups in reaction to such a development, that would only work to further benefit said pro-white force and our people in general.
I know BUGS is about doing and not talking about doing, but someone has to mention it in the first place.
#15 by Secret Squirrel on 08/04/2015 - 8:49 pm
Gays have a lot of power in our society and they don’t need special Gay Commando Units to enforce it. Stop playing “Aryan Sim City” for a minute or two and read Bob’s article, What if Whites Had Gay Rights.
#16 by -scythian- on 08/06/2015 - 2:13 am
If you’re counting on a few hermaphrodites in black dresses to grant White people their group rights, then I can tell you those rights won’t last – go ask gays in Russia.
And who said anything about “commando units”? Do you want to see real pro-white spokesmen being protected by police (who would just be doing their jobs) from anti-white mobs or would it be better if mantra speakers could defend themselves? Which do you think will be more respected?
And I don’t get what you mean by “playing Aryan Sim City”; I post the mantra online & offline all the time. Trust me, I’m well aware of the power of propaganda.
#17 by Secret Squirrel on 08/06/2015 - 2:46 am
I was joking about Aryan Sim City, because an Aryan Fighting Force sounds ridiculous, considering the situation we are in right now.
“I’m well aware of the power of propaganda.”
Doesn’t sound like you believe in it at all.
Here’s more examples: There are no anti-racist commandos, no feminist commandos, no transgender commandos, no jew commandos, no gay commandos, no lesbian commandos, no American Indian commandos, no black commandos, no open border commandos, no global warming commandos, no Christian commandos, etc. Yet they all have incredible power in America, regardless of who is in office.
Propaganda demolished the Soviet Union and they had armed thugs and snitches all over the place, enforcing the establishment line.
#18 by Secret Squirrel on 08/06/2015 - 3:40 am
If you mean security staff. I am sure they will have them, just like anyone in politics. These lawyers will not be poor. After a few successful cases, there will be a stampede to be one of these lawyers, as they will extract vast sums of money. It will become a major industry.
#19 by -scythian- on 08/10/2015 - 12:06 am
No I mean “commando units” that can fight in jungles to secure White people’s group self defense rights.
Are anti-whites just going to start handing over vast sums of money if there isn’t anybody willing to enforce the money punishment? You’d be satisfied w/ enforcement who’d essentially be mercenaries. Mercenaries are the easiest to flip.
Didn’t the anti-whites flip law enforcement when there propaganda led to troops forcing White kids to integrate at bayonet point? That was a bad deed backed by force, and you are the one being naive if you don’t think good deeds must be backed by force.
All those “incredibly powerful” groups (other than Christians) you mentioned above are a disparate coalition, congregation members in the church of political correctness who like every coalition in human history will scatter about to their own corners covering their own asses as soon as they are confronted by a great power. So are they worth emulating, or just learning SOME things from?
When Jason uses the term “Aryan Sim City” he’s referring to Storm Fronters who don’t do the work (propaganda) to make such a thing a reality. So don’t ever accuse me of “playing Aryan Sim City” again, boy!
Christianity would not exist if Christian propaganda did not raise Christian armies to defend Christendom.
The Soviet Union would exist today if their military decided to crush the revolution, or a civil war would’ve occurred.
I’m making the point that politics and war are inseparable. Does this upset you? Am I not allowed to talk about anything else other than strictly mantra here?
I remember a few years ago Ann Coulter (who’s only a semi-respectable & quite tame compared to us) was scheduled to speak at some Canadian college; mommy professor commanded her trained punk-ass dogs to riot against her. Her physical safety, even her life, was in jeopardy. What did the cops do? What they always do; “prevent trouble”. So they carried her to safety & of course canceled the speech. Her free speech successfully stifled.
Now all I’m saying is that propaganda doesn’t only have to be preparing the masses & recruiting other propagandists. Wouldn’t it be much better if a mantra speaker doesn’t have to get scuttled away by the cops in the face of an anti-white mob, but instead had people around who’d literally knock the living sh*t out of the oppressors & go on with the scheduled speech? B/c wouldn’t the mantra weapon be magnified & be put to its full potential if somebody spoke it?
There are people who agree w/ us who don’t have the acumen or willingness for propaganda work but do have the acumen and willingness with their fists. Why would you shun such people?
#20 by Secret Squirrel on 08/06/2015 - 6:29 am
Some of us have been using this Indian tribe as an example of the anti-White double standard. Now they are coming under attack, just like Japan is. There are no coincidences in politics. The Mantra has made the anti-Whites react again.
#21 by Tom Bowie on 08/06/2015 - 5:36 pm
It occurs to me that I’ve overlooked something obvious in part.
If at some point if there are none or few Lawyers and, 1000,000 Whites march on DC to end White GeNOcide; 5,000 Lawyers will drop whatever they’re doing in a stampede towards DC. Some located close at hand will begin arriving well before the march is complete. (Any march will likely pass a Lawyer or two in DC so-to-say.)
While Lawyers may not be faster than a speeding bullet, their speed is well known to exceed some emergency vehicles.
#22 by Jason on 08/10/2015 - 12:43 am
I should never have mentioned the line about 100,000 men on motorcycles. It starts fantasies about Torch Light Parades.
Sorry, my mistake, I apologize!
#23 by -scythian- on 08/10/2015 - 1:25 am
Why don’t you address me directly? Who said anything about “Torch Light Parades”? Do you consider the small groups holding up White genocide signs that we see on the ‘Fight White Genocide’ website as being “Torch Light Paradists”? Wouldn’t in fact any one of these groups make much more of an impression if they were larger & more organized? And wouldn’t a guarantee of security within anyone of these groups by itself serve as a recruitment tool for the group? What’s the limited # of people allowed to launch a White genocide rally before you start calling them “Torch Light Paradists”?
#24 by Jason on 08/10/2015 - 3:33 am
It was actually a general statement on my part it wasn’t just directed at you. And it was self-criticism. I was originally commenting on the changing mood of the country (I hope it is changing). But it can sound like I’m saying “hey fellas, people will be marching on D.C. soon”, which is unlikely.
Anyway, if a group of people decide to publicly protest White Genocide and someone wants to peacefully offer protection against thugs, I have no objection.
I think the main fear people have about engaging in public pro-White activity is job loss and social stigma more than physical beatings (although the threat of violence is real).
I have no doubts about the physical courage of Whites. But they don’t quite feel morally entitled to be on their own side – yet.
#25 by Tom Bowie on 08/10/2015 - 10:54 am
You’re quite right about the changing mood from what I see. I’ve been having a few yard sales; the biggest seller is the Mantra by far.
I don’t need to explain or clarify it except in very rare cases and only in perhaps one point at most.
I’ve only encountered 1 person on the party Anti-White line; I knew it in advance by something they said. I didn’t let it stop me, they pretended not to hear me as they scurried about with their head hung low.
Occasionally I’m made to blush a bit; somebody will thank me for what I’m doing. I’m just not accustomed to such treatment, it’s somewhat unnerving now that I’ve grown to think of running my yap as normal.
They’re still a bit demoralized but that’ll change as it sinks in and they take moral authority. For some folk those marches/rallies will be a kind of therapy and they’ll happen because they’re needed.
#26 by Henry Davenport on 08/10/2015 - 11:58 am
“They’re still a bit demoralized but that’ll change as it sinks in and they take moral authority. For some folk those marches/rallies will be a kind of therapy and they’ll happen because they’re needed.”
Good point. I think I can guess one person for whom that may have been the case. 🙂
“…the biggest seller is the Mantra by far.
I don’t need to explain or clarify it except in very rare cases and only in perhaps one point at most.”
I’m interested what the one point is.
#27 by Tom Bowie on 08/11/2015 - 11:44 am
It’s a minor point of who, easily handled with other talking points. (At least I think it’s likely a minor point.)
Many know the who in general however some assume it’s non-Whites doing it but fail to see somebody is letting them in. A rare person will even see it as those wealthy figures in the shadows who own the sock puppets called elected leaders.
I tend to think many if not most would figure out the who at least to the extent of pointing the finger at the political critters given a bit of time to think on it. Living in an area that’s become more diverse over the years our folk have a general idea of things but, I’m hitting the nail on the head in a way they’ve never heard.
Just as they’ve never realized it’s White GeNOcide, our folk may know the creatures at the top are > insert bad name of choice here < they haven't come to the point whereby they think of them as Traitors.
We come into big words and their usage with what we say. "GeNOcide" is a BIG word and "White GeNOcide" is a Huge, Gigantic, Epic and even BIGGER term. Many White Nationalists still don't get those words and some of us have struggled with them at times; the fact that in my area our folk get them is staggering. The concept of Traitors is another BIG one and a Traitor on that scale i.e. selling out their own Race in this way is the BIGGEST of all concepts for our Race to come to grips with.
Additionally they've been hit with "they're coming across the border" and much propaganda pointing the finger away from the who.
As a general breakdown:
1) Some see it as something that's occurring or is happening as an accident or more commonly being done by non-Whites out of greed to get what we have.
2) Many see it happening because of mismanagement/incompetence/other in leadership.
3) Some see it as happening because somebody wants it to happen.
(Most common view is #2; second common is #1 and, #3 is the least common.)
The Mantra points out the what not the who but, as soon as the what is understood our people what to know the rest of the equation. Many are simply not ready to understand the who fully and will need a bit of time especially to have a more in depth understanding. I think the most important thing is that they understand the What.
I'd say the folks I talk to come to grips with a BIG word (GeNOcide) and the BIGGER term (White GeNOcide) much better than I'm handling my success. I chalk it up to mostly the area I'm in but, they understand at least to a large extent exactly what I'm saying the first time.
Likely our Folk's understanding of the who and the BIGGEST concept (Traitors and Evil on that level) will sink in well before I come to grips with my success. (As you'll recall from our conversations, my First awakening was not to race or the problem itself but rather the darkness and evil in another man's heart. In this way at least I came from understanding the BIGGEST concept backwards as if I lived my live in reverse; mentally it's sort of like living backwards in time while everybody else lives in time as it's understood.)
After having accepted the BIGGEST concept we tend take it for granted and forget it was a struggle at first to understand.
#28 by wretched Whiterabbit on 08/12/2015 - 11:46 am
I often suspect that the “Who?” question is bait, intended to lure one into making statements that can be attacked with typical antiWhite namecalling and dehumanization tactics. Rather than risk stepping into a trap, I prefer to use a White Rabbit response, such as, “I’m not pointing fingers. I’m only pointing out the problem, White genocide. My primary goal is to STOP the ongoing genocide of MY race. Once enough people are awakened and acting in opposition to the crimes of White genocide, then, as a people, we can deal with the questions of who the responsible antiWhites are and how they should be punished for their crimes.”
#29 by wretched Whiterabbit on 08/12/2015 - 11:46 am
oops, unintentional double-tap