Archive for July, 2015
NEW #WhiteGenocide Billboard in Arkansas
This is a quotation from Bob Whitaker, whose heretical statements on establishment racial policy have gone viral on the internet and are now being used all over Europe.
Anti-white authorities both here and abroad have been demanding the suppression of these statements.
No reason for this suppression has been given other than the signs and statements are heresy.
In an Op-Ed published by the New York Times on June 22nd, leaders of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) demanded that these signs be remove.
Other Whitaker “mantra” signs have been removed because of such demands.
“They’re just a bunch of shirt-tail Hitlers,” says Whitaker, 74, from his home in South Carolina, “Just like Adolf, all they say is that I am daring to disagree with the Party Line. They never answer anything I say, they just demand that heresy be banned.”
SPLC accused Whitaker of having inspired the Charleston church shooting on June 17th. There is no evidence whatsoever of any truth in this charge.
“Just like their Uncle Adolf,” says Whitaker, “They accuse all opponents of criminal acts with no evidence.
For further information and pictures please visit”
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 07/12/2015
A decade ago, when the Mantra was just beginning to be adopted, after a decade of work, I would have been satisfied if your response to the title above was, “Yea, sure.”
You are now BUGSERS.
I don’t expect anyone else to see the potential in WHITE SELF-HATRED IS SICK!!!
They will say, “That’s true” and tell me an Obama joke, just as they did all my life, the standard joke varying.
But over the years, we have honed down the Mantra. We have tried it and make it work.
I looked at the potential of this meme, and couldn’t WAIT to show it to a real BUGSER.
He made an Obama joke.
After all my years of loneliness and work and expense, this was a lot more than a letdown.
I could be wrong, or given my gut feeling as a propagandist, there has got to be at least one BUGSER who sees this as the next step.
After our experience with developing other memes, WHITE SELF-HATRED IS SICK!!! seems to leave anti-whites in the sort of vacuum our successful memes have produced.
Now our opponents must find some way to argue in favor of self-hatred.
Not guilt, not “facing our responsibilities, but HATRED.
Does anyone here who has actually been out there see the potential here?
The Only Native Americans are in Tierra del Fuego
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 07/10/2015
A Native American would be a person who, unlike me, belongs to a group which was in the present United States before anyone else and was not replaced by someone else.
When Columbus arrived, the entire American population consisted of people descended from waves of immigrants who had gone across the land bridge which existed temporarily from Siberia to Alaska.
This group populated both North and South America from the Eskimos and Aleuts (two groups) still in the extreme north to those who had been driven all the way down to the miserable tip end of South America, next stop Antarctica, which is called “that land beyond argument”, Tierra del Fuego.
Tierra del Fuego is so awful that, in order to stay alive in the cold, its population has the highest metabolism of any people on earth.
It is doubtful they got there by choice.
“Native American” is a term developed by white-haters who are militantly ignorant of real history.
Drawing in and ON the subconscious
Bob wrote in a comment to HD’s article: “Psychological warfare vs. building a movement”:
‘The Mantra approach first attacks the hypnosis anti-whites have to use here. […] If you think about it, Mantra statements sound a lot like what you would say to break the spell of hypnosis.
That spell of a Dream World is broken when the long, hypnotic stream of clichés is interrupted by real world words like “genocide” and “chasing whites down.”’
Here is another important comment, by Horus:
…’I have been saying non stop that CodeWord is the heavy hitter in the Mantra. CodeWord means that someone is hiding something. Something nefarious is going on. And it draws in and ON the subconscious. Very important.’
To expand on this: ‘it draws in and ON the subconscious’.
The “chasing DOWN” meme is also in this category. Note also “tear DOWN this wall”. DOWN. The language is hypnotic. As many here probably already know, it’s a word hypnotists use to communicate directly with the unconscious/subconscious mind.
Also the term SUBbasics.
Even the wording “SELF-Hatred is Sick!!!” – it’s the same category of words that draws in and ON the subconscious. SELF.
And that’s one of the most characteristic attributes of Bob’s work. It works especially on the SUBconscious mind.
The conscious awareness may find it too obvious and therefore unintellectual, but later the new way of seeing the world rises to the surface.
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