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Subbasics – Stop Tailgating and Nail Down Points

Posted by Bob on August 20th, 2015 under Coaching Session

You are dealing with someone who says genocide. So you debate definitions.

The hardest rule of subbasics is to first consider the entirety of what they have just said.  photo subbasics.jpg

“So you admit that diversity is only interested in doing away with one race, the white race.”

“You agree that diversity means to chase down the last white country and the last whites in the last white country.”

“But you says that is not genocide because you plan to use as little violence as possible.”

On another subject, “white country” or “The white race,” we tailgate.

When they say there is no white race and no white country, the obvious answer is that they are always blaming the white race for taking America and Australia from the natives.

That completely stopped my CNN interviewer, of course.

  1. #1 by Rose on 08/21/2015 - 7:24 am

    “Whites STOLE America from the Indians.

    Whites BUILT America on the backs on Black slaves.

    America is a White Supremacist nation TODAY

    but America was NEVER quote White unqoute.

    Not to mention… quote Whites unqoute don’t EXIST”

    Aside from being Orwellian doublethink, how is this silly crap anything other than justification for ongoing White GENOCIDE?

  2. #2 by Jason on 08/21/2015 - 7:49 am

    The hardest rule of subbasics is to first consider the entirety of what they have just said.

    That is truly the hardest thing. It can be rough to do in the moment but if you can get off alone and think their statement through SLOWLY it pays big dividends.

  3. #3 by Jason on 08/26/2015 - 7:52 am

    PLEASE don’t stop pushing Mantra memes! Everyone is caught up in the Trump campaign and #cuckservative memes, but remember, NONE of them address White Genocide.

    The goal is to make White survival socially legitimate. To ultimately make it something people talk about in polite society! We aren’t there yet. Please keep pushing.

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