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Donald Trump and Ice Station Hillary

Posted by Bob on August 31st, 2015 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

Hillary Clinton’s whole personality is Ice Station Hillary. She makes the Republican cuckservatives look real and warm by comparison.

Even her advantage is cold numbers.

By electing Reagan I knew we could bring down the silly ass USSR, I also knew he would do nothing about gut issues of my working people like busing and quotas.

I saw today’s problems clearly before 1960.  It’s no surprise I saw Reagan clearly after years of working on that side.  photo hillary4.jpg

I made news back then actually representing real working people at real marches and real strikes and real press conferences.

Unlike every highly paid Soviet specialist, I not only predicted, but helped bring on the Soviet collapse.


I believe Trump has a great chance of being elected, by process of elimination.

But it never occurred to me that cuckservatives could listen to or deal with real working people.

Reaganites did with working people what Democrats do with blacks: They bought them by the lot from their owners.

Cuckservatives did not hire me to deal with working people. They went to the Religious Right, which then took care of the working folks’ politics the same way black churches do.

It is expected that those who think Trump is electable are the ones who think he might be seriously helpful.

Like Reagan on race, I see Trump as eminently electable, but useless.

  1. #1 by Yankee Rebel on 09/01/2015 - 12:29 am

    Go ahead and elect the Donald. It won’t matter one bit in the fight to stop White Genocide. The important thing is to keep spreading our memes.

  2. #2 by Secret Squirrel on 09/02/2015 - 5:37 am


    Paid specialists will never knowingly do anything, that puts themselves out of work.

    ” They went to the Religious Right, which then took care of the working folks’ politics the same way black churches do.”

    Makes sense now. Eric Erickson uses his religious conviction to convince Whites not to be noisy and fight, because the Bible says they should be meek and humble. After posting that article, he Tweets about sniffing dogs’ butts.

    • #3 by Jason on 09/02/2015 - 7:34 am

      Yeah on Eric Erickson types, isn’t there supposed to be a difference between cuckoldry and Christianity?

      There is a creepy little strain of so-called “Christian” who has NO loyalty to anyone and acts like it is a great virtue.

  3. #4 by Jason on 09/03/2015 - 9:34 am

    The cuckservative shows that the traitor is far worse than the enemy. White working people have never been fools for Political Correctness.

    The Left said they hated Whites especially working people, who they called Archie Bunker types. Since working people didn’t have graduate degrees in Obedience, they told the anti-White Left to go to hell.

    But the Religious Right seemed to be on their side so that made it easy for those Faith & Values leaders who “don’t see race” to stab them in the back.

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