Archive for December 1st, 2015

Don’t Worry About Yourself, Get THEM!

Jason made me proud in his comments on my “Science Fiction Goes Senile.”

Who but a veteran BUGSER would look past all the comments he could make about the state of science fiction, and the whole subject of the Decline of Literature and hone in on the one deadly line that shows what standard and packaged jackasses anti-whites are.  photo fish.jpg

Jason knows this because he has been in at the kill.

AMPWs are terribly upset because we don’t let them be intellectual.

You can’t beat pseudointellectuals by pseudointellectualism.

I have never heard a single clergymen ever quote Jesus’s words, “It is enough to call a fish a fish.”

Put yourself in the enemy’s shoes. One more long and respectful article does them no harm.

But a one sentence stating just how stupid they are is, as Jason says, devastating.
