Archive for January, 2016

Will 2016 be a Three-Way Race??

About the beginning of 2008, I noted a comment going around about the Clintons being popular with blacks because “Bill Clinton is a white black man.” It was wildly popular quote.

At that time I gave my usual little warning:

I pointed out in these pages that while white anti-whites were delighted with “Clinton is a white black man” it would not be that long before blacks would want a real BLACK man.

When I said that no one even heard of the brand new junior senator from Illinois named Obama.

Now there is something else that could be as unexpected as Obama which nobody but me would notice.

Having been through what seems like a hundred presidential elections, I assumed that Trump would do what every other Republican who excites the grassroots does, he suddenly realizes he might get a Real Nomination.

The Republican Powers That Be tell him to abandon all that GrassRoots crap and put on his puppet strings and he does. That is what I expected Trump to do.  photo election1860B.jpg

But this one is feeling a bit different.

Trump can afford to run on a third party ticket.

God knows I don’t want to get everybody here confused with election arithmetic the way I did with the 1932 German election. So just let me say this:

In three way race against a regular Republican and a regular Democrat, Trump might win.

I hope this arithmetic doesn’t causes the chaos my election stats on the 1932 German election did, so please pay close attention to the outstanding American example; Lincoln’s election in 1860.

Lincoln was, at the time, an extremist. He got only forty percent of the popular vote.

But Lincoln’s opponents, the Democrats, had split up, and nominated three different candidates.

Lincoln was not allowed to even campaign below the Mason-Dixon Line. He wrote off the South the way Republicans have to write off the minority vote.

The Accepted Wisdom was that you couldn’t win if you wrote off a major portion of the electorate. But Lincoln’s supporters DID write us off and they DID win.

Trump would write off the dying old National Review types and all eleven of the surviving Liberal Republicans. He could write off the minorities the Republicans have always said they have to appeal to.

Lincoln did it. Trump could do it.

There could be enough Americans out there to win a three-way race.

As with blacks wanting a BLACK, I just bring this up now because if it happens, everybody will have predicted it.

So I bring it up now.



If Social Engineers were Civil Engineers

If EVERY building designed by a civil engineer collapsed, how long do you think it would take for the engineer to be investigated?

Even if the first time around investigators thought somebody else was to blame…

At least after the civil engineer’s NEXT building collapsed an extremely careful investigation would be carried out, right?

But what if the civil engineer never got the blame, and building after building – EVERY single one of them designed by the same engineer – collapses, killing many people……

Any sane observer would wonder what on Earth is going on, right? Why isn’t the civil engineer getting the blame?  photo bldg collapse.jpg

Amazing as it sounds, this has actually been happening…

The only difference is it isn’t called civil engineering but SOCIAL ENGINEERING.

Marx designed Communism.

And EVERY communist Workers Paradise needed machine guns and guard towers to stop people from fleeing.

Shouldn’t that tell you something?……

But for those in the religion of Political Correctness these facts do not mean anything.

The same happens for Liberals/Witchdoctors, who use handed-down prescriptions that never work, so they blame OTHERS, especially disbelievers, for the ill-effects.

Those who take Liberals/Witchdoctors seriously, the Cuckservatives, follow right along. These cuckolds, that most derided group, allow any and every stranger to move into their area, to take over their living space while they are degraded.

Shouldn’t that tell you something?……………………

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


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The Key To Freedom

Audio Bob – Article – The Key to Freedom -Trivializing the Holocaust

Is it allowing Heresy or expanding the Inquisition?

The key historical event for the founding fathers was the Inquisition and the religious wars.  photo foundingfathers2.jpg

In our time, the key event is the Holocaust.

In fact, it will not be long before “trivializing the holocaust” will be a crime, for which Germans and probably some Englishmen will be imprisoned and Americans will be shouted down.

Trivializing the holocaust means mentioning any other historical event or mass murder in the same context as the holocaust.

So, discussing Stalin’s mass murders or the Chinese cultural revolution, in any way putting the Holocaust in perspective, will go from being disapproved as it is now, to an actual crime.

The Founding Fathers considered the Inquisition and the religious wars, one of which wiped out a third of the population of Germany, the outstanding events of their day.

So today, the key to freedom is considered to be stopping any thought that might be considered the cause of the Holocaust.

The Founding Fathers had a concept of freedom, which was based on ALLOWING ideas rather than stopping incorrect ideas.

This fundamental mentality makes the Founding Fathers impossible to understand.





One good thing has happened in this campaign year:

Donald Trump, who is a billionaire who has not had to share the fate of us mere mortals on the ground, has run headfirst into the Screamocracy us mere mortals have to deal with.

He has had to limit his audience to supporters and have people kicked out who are screaming while he tries to talk.Cultural_Revolution

The British Parliament is considering banning Trump from the country because he violated their Hate Laws on American soil.

Billionaires like Bill Gates and his father are firmly on the other side, because they do not live in the atmosphere of our Screamocracy, where you are routinely yelled down or physically assaulted if you say anything Politically Incorrect.

In Europe, the old crap about freedom has simply been abandoned.

Colored hordes, Instant Refugees, are just marching in. Europeans are scared to try to keep them out.

This is my campaign: bankrupt universities that ban speakers because “There might be trouble.”

Then if anybody un-PC shows up, the campus screamers riot.

If I am president, FEAR will no longer rule.

Bob Whitaker for President Campaign Site



#Whitaker2016 Update & FWG Upcoming Events

Campaign Update:

  • Bob will be joining Paltalk this Saturday, Jan 16 from 5pm ET for a few hours to discuss his campaign and answer any questions. We will also discuss the recent Iowa robocall campaign, which reached 133k people, and the American Freedom Party’s endorsement of Trump. 336 media contacts were emailed the associated press release, which was also posted on the AFP site and several other sites. This campaign has generated over 3,500 articles. Most link to the press release which is headed with “‘Diversity’ equals White Genocide” and quotes Bob. Trump articleIt’s possible these robocalls could force Trump to say where he stands on White Genocide. Though the Iowa robocall was not worded as we would have preferred, this and the other robocalls have generated a huge amount of publicity for the American Freedom Party and towards Bob’s campaign. How can we use this publicity to promote Bob’s campaign and his goal to keep Trump HONEST? If you are unable to attend the Paltalk session, it will be recorded.
  • There are bumper stickers for sale at Bob’s campaign site   Proceeds from the sales will be used to help fund the campaign. We hope to have additional designs available soon.
  • Bob has written another robocall script. The script needs to be shortened a little, we need to decide which state to target, and we need to do a little fund raising for the campaign to pay for activism like this. The time limit for a robocall is 50 seconds. Bob senses that these robocalls have had some SERIOUS impact. Lets keep ’em going. Here’s the script:

This is Bob Whitaker reminding you that a Nation of Immigrants has no citizens.

If you repeat the mindless slogan “a Nation of Immigrants” you are saying that it doesn’t matter that you were born here or served in our armed forces. You are only allowed to stay here because bureaucrats give you documents that undocumented workers do not have.

A Nation of Immigrants can be kept or kicked out by bureaucrats like any other immigrant can.

Bob Whitaker is running for president on the American Freedom Party ticket.

Some clowns talk about a Nation of Immigrants. Other clowns keep saying that America was stolen from the Indians.

If you are a white person who says that, then all your property in America, including your right to reside here, should be treated like any other stolen property.

You should be kicked out and your stolen property confiscated by government bureaucrats.

You like to repeat that silly slogan.

Bob Whitaker would like to remind you that armed robbery is a felony not a slogan.

The real Founding Fathers wrote the real Constitution. They wrote it in 1787 and they did not say a word about immigrants. The Constitution says that America has only one purpose:

“to secure the blessings of liberty for OURSELVES and OUR posterity.”

Not for immigrants.

“For OURSELVES and OUR posterity.”

The only reason for immigration was if it did ourselves and posterity good.

Bob Whitaker will make fun of the silly slogans and enforce the real Constitution.

FWG Update:

  • March Against White Genocide (MAWG) – March 19th, 2016
    It’s that time of year again, and people are starting to ask about this years March Against White Genocide. The date has been set for March 19th, 2016. This is the day before the first day of Spring, so hopefully it will bring good celestial energy for the event. So Spring into Action on March 19th, 2016 and Get Out, Get Active and Get Pictures of your activism protesting White Genocide. Is there anyone out there that would be interested in creating this year’s flyer for the event? Bob will be doing an endorsement video for this years MAWG event. “Presidential candidate endorses day of activism for fighting white genocide”.
  • Arkansas Billboard is due for renewal. It will remain up until the end of March.
  • We have been trying to get another billboard up in Nevada. Eyeslevel has put together the design shown below, but we have been rejected again by 3 different billboard companies in Nevada, the latest being Saunders Outdoor Advertising. Ryan Saunders tells me “the message doesn’t fit with company standards”. No free speech for pro-whites.

Nevada billboard design
