Archive for February, 2016

When the Black Voters Are On Leave

Bernie is appealing to the Black vote.  Hillary is where it counts, dealing with its owners.

Where the owners don’t have specific names on the cards, wild fantasies about “getting the Black vote” are conjured up.

In 1952 and 1956 the National Democrats didn’t have a dog’s chance of beating Eisenhower, so instructions didn’t go out on that race. Moderate Republicans promptly moved dreams on these episodes.

Every single election you would get the old refrain a hundred times:

“This time we will get the ‘Negro’ vote!”

These pinheads would then breathlessly announce that Eisenhower got over forty percent of “the Black vote.” All Republicans had to do was what they wanted to do anyway:   Reject all appeals to protect the White race and American borders, and that independent Black vote would rush to their side.

That went on for DECADES!

Actually, “getting the Black vote” meant they could reject any candidates the media told them made them look like Rednecks instead of Suburbanites.

But there were also some candidates with brains and a spine.

On those candidates, the Black “voters” had their orders.

The Black “vote” never backed any Republicans when the race was close.

The 2010 election demonstrated what every newsman knows; a nonentity got nominated because the list that was handed out was wrong.

Any newsman who reported that would ruin his career. There is the same ban on it that has been enforced coast-to-coast against any sign saying “Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.

But my favorite real piece of art by the owners of the Black vote took in the 1966 Democratic Senate Primary.  At that time the South Carolina candidate did not want to be the “Black candidate.”  photo hollings.jpg

How many Black votes a candidate got was calculated by looking at two wards, one in Charleston and one in Columbia, each of which happened to be “Ward 9” where the population was almost entirely Black.

The successful Democratic nominee had to face a serious Republican in the coming election.

So he had to stick his opponent with getting the two Wards.

So Fritz Hollings went straight to the owners of the Black vote and had the cards handed out so that he got the entire Black vote, except for the two Wards 9.   It was a work of ART!

The cards handed out in the tax deductible Black churches had Hollings’ OPPONENT only in the two Ward 9s!   Outside the two Ward 9s, the statewide Black vote was solidly for Hollings, but Hollings won in November by claiming he did NOT get the Black “vote.”


And the media dared not even mention it, then as now.

So Bernie can “appeal to minorities” until his little heart bursts, but Hillary has channels to the real Black “vote.”

Keep watching.



SC Washes Out New Hampshire

South Carolina was once known as a rebellious electorate. Once the primary happens here you will see the pattern no other political analyst has noticed.

No famous political analyst becomes famous for being right. No one ever checks their predictions. A public political writer makes his living by saying what he should say when he needs to say it.

You would be astonished by the difference in what a staffer writes to his boss and the public commentaries:

Goof real advice up and you’re dead.

We just had a not unusual New Hampshire primary. The rebels won. This time in both parties.  photo trumpsanders.jpg

SC will, as always, wash that out.

Rebellious? In recent times The SC electorate has a doglike loyalty that would make Lassie jealous.

Black or white, those at the polls in South Carolina primaries, black or white don’t really vote.

Whites do what the Republican establishment tells them to do. Blacks do what their owners tell THEM to do.

Black obedience is more ostentatious because their owners actually write down the list of candidates and Black “voters” take it with them into the polling booth.

In South Carolina in 2010 an utterly unknown candidate got the United States Senatorial nomination entirely because the list was printed wrong.

Show me the political writer who would survive reporting THAT!

This year In the New Hampshire primary Bernie and Trump got the nomination. The media noted that Bernie did not get the minuscule minority vote in that state and he certainly couldn’t win the election without it.

When the SC primary occurs Hillary will win. She knows who owns them and how to buy them. This is the first time Hillary will be able to deal directly with the minority’s owners.

Hillary will get what they call the minority “vote.”

On the Republican side, SC voters stopped the Buchanan tide in New Hampshire and SC voters are likely to reject Trump on Republican orders.
Put simply, Trump voters here will be afraid they will be labelled “rednecks.”

I would be delightedly surprised if SC voter doggies didn’t do exactly what they are told will make them “respectable.”

For the thousandth a time, a three -way election is entirely different from a two-way, and that is what Trump will be in. He COULD get a plurality, but I doubt it.

Trump is a vote against orders, fit for a redneck instead of a Respectable.



Time Line To A Justice

May 15, 1969 disgraced Justice Abe Fortas, who President Johnson had tried to elevate to Chief Justice, resigned from the Supreme Court. His corrupt dealings with Leon Wolfson, a larcenous Wall Street denizen, laid him low. The seat would remain vacant for a full year.

Newly elected Richard Nixon, on August 21, 1969, appointed Judge Clement Haynsworth of South Carolina to replace Fortas. The Democrat controlled Senate waged a smear campaign against a man who they had had approved to the federal appellate bench without incident just a few years earlier. He was at that time Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit. Three months later, November 21, 1969, the Democrats voted down the nomination.

On January 19, 1970, the president sent Georgia born G. Harrold Carswell’s name to the Senate. He had been approved by the Senate for a second time a few months earlier without incident and was a Judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Again the liberal smear machine was put into high gear. He was rejected after extended wrangling on April 8, 1970. A dismayed President Nixon opined, “I have reluctantly concluded it is not possible to get confirmation for the Judge on the Supreme Court… if he happens to come from South.”

Anti-White racism prevailed. It would not be the last time.

Six days later a dispirited Nixon bowed his head to the political racist reality and nominated Harry Blackmon to the bench. The Senate quickly approved the Minnesotan within a month and he received his commission on May 14, 1970. The seat had been vacant one year from May 15, 1969 through May 14, 1970. The Republic survived the vacancy.

Since these bruising Senate brawls Republican Presidents have nominated Catholics to the highest court when the Democrats have the upper hand in the Senate in order to peel off Democrat votes and secure a nomination. When Robert Bork, a Protestant, was sent up the liberals waged such a vicious slander attack that “to Bork” Has become a synonym for the lowest sort of gutter-sniping slander and innuendo.

Democrat Presidents have not nominated a White Christian since the Catholic Byron White in 1962. No Protestants, since the days of Harry Truman. Democrats in the intervening years have nominated a Black, an Hispanic and five Jews. In the last Democrat run Senate Jews constituted a majority of the majority on the Judicial Committee. Whites need not apply to the highest level of the Federal Judiciary.  photo scalia.jpg

In a nutshell the leadership of the Democrat Party hates all White Christians, though they hate Catholics a wee bit less. Presently this anti-White racism has produced a Supreme Court consisting of five Catholics and three Jews. And a vacancy.

About the vacancy Senator McConnell has promised to block any Obama nominee. There is ample precedent for this as has been shown.

Yesterday Catholic Justice Antonin Scalia passed. May he Rest In Peace.

But we shall not. The battle for the right of 50% of the population, White Protestants, to be represented on the Supreme Court is on. This is a race war. Anti-Whites are already promoting another “first”, Sri Srinivasan, a Deputy Solicitor General, called by New Yorker, the “nominee in waiting” for the slot. We will be told that Whites must step aside for yet another, all-important “first” who just happens to be non-White.

Alternatives have been proposed, a second – Tino Cueller and Brian Sandoval. Others considered include Black Paul J. Watford and Jewish Merrick Garland, both of the U.S. Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia. It pays to work in Washington. Anyone but a White Christian. Obama and his acolytes say they are anti-Racists, what they are is anti-Whites.

This is a battle we want. It is an opportunity to raise White consciousness, White awareness, White identity. There will be partisan overtones, but the fundamental issue is race – Whiteness.

The vacancy on the Court is the People’s seat. Declare it so. The People must be heard from in November before it is filled. This election is going to be all about our issues, revolving around immigration and the make up of the Supreme Court. These debates must be framed in our terms – the right to be heard and the right to not be subjected to Genocide. We must prevail and chose who will be elevated to the Court next January.

The hostile elite in Washington, NYC and Hollywood that is suffocating the natural aspirations and legitimate interests of the majority of the American people will wage a savage war against us. Bugsers are the front line soldiers of the, according to CNN, “most dangerous blog in America”. It is time to unsheathe the Mantra and do battle.

If you are a newbie to the site kindly read the Mantra and consider enrolling in the battalion. It costs nothing and the wages are even less. There is no glory, but there is honor, the satisfaction of knowing that you a defending your rights and the future of your children, grandchildren and community. Posting the Mantra everyday is easy, kind of fun, and is effective. The upcoming Supreme Court nomination process will provide many opportunities to insert our message in to the Arena and raise consciousness of our issue – White Genocide.


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When It Happens, I Hear Silence

IT has happened!

“White genocide” is now officially viral.

I am sitting in the same room I have been in for the last 18 years where we developed the pro-white writing and memes.

My brother was shocked when the SPLC, through CNN, informed him that “Bob Whitaker has the most dangerous Hate Site in America.”

And when you translate that Anti-White language into English, they were dead right.

Ann Coulter has actually specifically endorsed the concept of White Genocide in plain English.  photo trump2016A.png

As for Trump, this is how I think it will play out. I was South Carolina’s first Young Republican chairman in 1962. By then, over fifty years ago, all of us were familiar with the standard operation of all Republican nomination candidates.

They come in and take the lead by making semi-heretical statements, as Trump has. They keep right on the edge of heresy until the primaries and caucuses are over.

Then they have to get the Republican Leadership to nominate them. That’s when they start denouncing all outright heresy.

What has Trump done on White Genocide? He retweeted a White Genocide tweet.

Exactly half of the people I talk to say this means he has accepted the White Genocide concept. Counter stated it herself and endorsed it.

If the world stays the way it has always been, Trump will denounce the concept of white genocide once the primaries have passed.

Watch for Trump and Lindsay Graham, the classic pro-immigration senator from South Carolina, shaking hands on some modified Path to Citizenship legislation.

If and when Trump endorses the deadly heresy of White Genocide in so many words, I will be the happiest man who was ever mistaken.

Meanwhile, Trump is right there where all Republicans have always been:  On the edge of outright heresy and ready to denounce it when the time comes.




Real science is based on control of variables and repeatability.

A laboratory is the ideal setting for such an endeavor, because variables can be controlled and experiments can be repeated.

Obviously history isn’t a laboratory and neither are cultures. Actually the opposite: they are so complex and vast in scale that an observer cannot isolate and control variables. (Much less a repetition of history or a culture with one variable being different at the behest of the observer!)

Another way to appreciate the difference is this.

A real scientist can make accurate predictions based on understanding a subject.  photo frank.jpg

But no “Sovietologist” predicted the fall of the Soviet Union, and no “Diversity” consultant predicts the collapse of the “Diversity”/White Genocide system.


Yet despite all this obvious background, Mommy Professor still insists that when she preaches on history and culture that she is a Social “Scientist”.

No surprise there.

The priesthood of EVERY pseudoscience wants itself to appear scientific. That way their silliness may appear serious.

Whether an Early Victorian Thinker, Karl Marx’s “Scientific” Materialism, or L. Ron Hubbard’s Church of “Scientology”, or Mommy Professor’s Social “Science”.

It’s all the same:

