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The Two Hundred Dollar Billionaire

Posted by Bob on May 28th, 2016 under Coaching Session, How Things Work, Law and Order, Politics

The present election law on donation limits was passed to “end the control of elections by big money.”

That crapola always makes  me laugh.

You pass the law and rich folk will send their lawyer to take care of it for them.

That’s it!

Trump is an insoluble problem because he is a billionaire. When it comes to his own personal campaign, the court has ruled that the law can put no limit on spending because of First Amendment Freedom of Speech.
 photo plutocracy-300x162.jpg

Also the thugs who usually control us cannot move against a man who can afford protection.

So the law cannot affect Donald Trump but it can cripple Bob Whitaker.

While the sponsors of the present law talked about Big Money, they started at contributions of two hundred bucks!

So we had a working man who wanted to finance a robocall but could not because anyone who gives $200 to my campaign has to be identified by his name and who he works for!

No working man can afford to have his name and his employer’s made public.

Big Money is $200!

The thugs can’t get at Trump but they can go after a working man.

I am glad that Trump can beat them, but is there a single idiot who thinks exposing $200 contributions is going to “Stop Big Money?”

That makes this campaign finance crap not only nonsense, but OBVIOUS nonsense!

  1. #1 by Simmons on 05/31/2016 - 10:03 am

    Speaking of the little guy being crushed by billionaires, today at Drudge the lead bit is about the tech oligarchs crushing online “hate.”

    If this being true than if the Mantra were a stock then its value will skyrocket. As Bob said, “it’s legal.”

    I presume Facebook censors the Mantra, but I think Mantra concepts will eventually prep that information battle space, maybe Zucker will personally and specifically ban it, we could only hope

    All those online name callers venting about this or that will either get on the rail cars for the camps, which I seriously doubt or they have the Mantra which is “legal.”

  2. #2 by Secret Squirrel on 06/01/2016 - 12:10 am

    Youtube & Facebook shadow ban anyone who is on a consistent message, that’s why I moved to Twitter. Twitter will have no problem doing the same to us.

    The issue is the way people currently make websites. To beat the gate keepers, you need fully distributed online discussion, where a website’s content is stored on all of its users’ computers, not on a server owned by one person. This tech is already being discussed and worked on, hopefully this time they will create a system that is beyond human control like Bitcoin is.

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