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Bob’s ‘How To’ Hints on Getting Our Message Out There

Posted by Bob on September 10th, 2016 under Coaching Session

 photo whittler.jpegAs a political communications pro, I work on a message in a way that is opposite to fund-raising pro-Whites. They develop an idea into a twenty page sleeping pill.

I rewrite it a hundred times, which certainly makes me sleepy, but when I finish it, it is down to the absolute minimum, ready to take.

You don’t even need water with it. Though a little whiskey helps.

My stuff is ready, with a little rewriting and hopefully a little further cutting, a lot of what I write is ready to go into your Twitter.

Making an article longer is easy. Chopping down a pro’s hard work in brevity is really tough.

But PLEASE do not be concerned about credit. I work very hard, and my reward is seeing my hard work supplemented by even more hard work, down to a Tweet.

Please, BUGSERS, rewrite it, shorten it, Tweet it.



  1. #1 by -Gar5- on 09/10/2016 - 6:39 pm

    One meme that I have been using on and off is when someone says “hate speech” I say “oh, you mean speech YOU hate”.

    “Of course you want to ban speech you hate.”

  2. #2 by Jason on 09/11/2016 - 7:36 am

    “They develop an idea into a twenty page sleeping pill.”

    Now that is hilarious because it is so true!

    I can’t go to VDARE website without being asked for money. Meanwhile, Bob gives us weaponized memes for free.

    It’s great seeing White Genocide used everywhere now but it does bother me when all these Names and fundraising wannabes use it, without giving the slightest credit to Bob.

    It makes me think they are sleazier than I imagined.

  3. #3 by Jason on 09/11/2016 - 9:50 am

    I think BUGS has destroyed the power of “racist” and “nazi” to rattle people. A great graphic on Twitter shows a child’s book and written on it is:
    “Everyone I don’t like is Hitler, an emotional child’s guide to political discussion”.

    Awesome satire.

    Just two years ago, grown me would offer up their firstborn not to be called a MeanieRacist.

    Bob’s meme of NaziWhowantstokill6millionjews was the key. It broke the dam open and exposed how silly it all was. Thanks to the hundreds of BUGSERS and fellow travelers who pushed that meme, the bullies don’t look so tough these days.

    No one cops to be a racist yet. And we see a beautiful woman having her career ruined by the elected official who is supposed to protect her. BUT, on a psychological level, I truly think it is dying. It’s losing the power to make people flinch.

    Now people say “oh yeah, those guys call everyone a racist, so what”.

  4. #4 by Jason on 09/11/2016 - 9:56 am

    We had a discussion a while back about how anti-Whites were switching from “racist” to “nazi” to “White supremacist” as we destroyed each term. They were switching faster and faster. We made them expose themselves as clowns.

    Like a frazzled robot, they spit out every anti-White slur word they could think of, which just confirmed the memes we’d been spreading for years.

  5. #5 by Jason on 09/12/2016 - 10:01 am

    Bob, you asked 10 years ago if anyone knew of a fun little book on etymology. Yes 10 years ago! I just saw the article.

    Anyway, this website is pretty good:

    You can type in Yankee and see what you get.

    And is a great overall dictionary site.

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