Archive for September 24th, 2016

There Have Been Presidential Elections Before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me admit up front that I don’t read a lot of hired political commentary.

But if you take a BUGS-type look at it, what stands out to me is that someone reading up on the 2016 contest could get the idea that it is the first, the last and only election in America.

This is a pure BUGS Observation. It is perfectly obvious and perfectly ignored. The word “genocide” is thrown around by anti-whites or damned near anything unpleasant that is done to any race — except the White one.

When the Black Panthers started off with violence fifty or sixty years ago, force used by the police against them was instantly labelled “genocide.”

But there is a worldwide program to locate any country which has “too many Whites”, other studies are conducted to find out which area inside the “too White country” to see where there are “too many Whites.”   A program is started to send non-Whites into those “too White” areas.

We named that program what it is, it is White Genocide. Its aim is to get rid of the White race everywhere on earth.

So arresting armed Black Panthers for planning violence and going armed is obviously genocide. I never heard one single objection to that term applied that way.

But a worldwide program to chase down every pocket of Whites in the population of every White country on earth cannot be called genocide. In America if you call White Genocide by its name your career is ruined, with the full encouragement of the entire Judicial Branch.

But if we had not started the movement that made White Genocide viral, nobody would have mentioned it.

Once they get hold of one of these observations, BUGSERS are irreplaceable.

We are used to taking such a truth and going with it.

NOBODY else is.

Once you take a look at it, the fact, that no other presidential election is ever mentioned in commentary on 2016, like other such points we fix on, becomes ever more fascinating.

We point out that that elephant in the living room is an elephant, and does not belong in your average living room.

In other years and other elections, I would make points like this and the response would be, “Ain’t that something?” Then the conversation turns to its usual subjects, like what a cute tie one guy in the discussion had on.

I can hand a point like this to BUGSERS and they immediately begin to figure out exactly how to make the best of the point.

You can’t really understand what a relief this is to me unless you have been making obsverations like this through fifty weary years of seeing what nobody else sees and watching them proceed to forget it.

We bitch at each other a lot, but a BUGSER is a new and unique breed.

So far I have compared 2016 to 1856 and 1860.  photo fdr5.jpg

Another relevant example might be the landslide of 1932, when Franklin Roosevelt and the Democrats went a very long way toward wiping Republicans off the political map.

One quote about that election resounds in my mind:

“In 1932 President Herbert Hoover got more votes than anyone who had every run for president, with one exception.”

It was a pretty important exception, since it referred to the new president, Mr. Roosevelt.

There was only one way Hoover could have gotten an unprecedented number of votes and Roosevelt to have trounced him anyway.

In 1932 there were a lot more voters. People who seldom ever voted poured into the polling places.

Hillary stated flatly that at least a quarter of the American electorate was to be totally ignored. That is an unprecedented declaration.

Obviously that quarter of the electorate consists of tens of millions of Americans who Hillary has long since given up on.

A major portion of this giant constituency consists of people who do not bother to go to the polls.

That is what the 1932 landslide was all about. Millions of habitual non-voters, infuriated at the Depression and often personally desperate, marched to the polls and transformed the commentators’ fixed concept of those who actually voted.

Us political obsessives get obsessed with numbers like this.

There is a consistent proportion of the American electorate which does not like the choices they are offered.

They are totally ignored by professional commentators. Why write about people who are not going to be interested in the election?

In cases like this arithmetic can become fascinating. A few percent could be a revolution.


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