Archive for September, 2016

Hater Hillary Makes One Proud To Be A Deplorable

Hillary Clinton is a Hater. You know the type. Everyone else is always wrong, that is, in some way they disagree with her. And to disagree with Hillary is evil, downright, well, deplorable.

Clinton’s gaffe term “Deplorables”, the most recent in a long line of instances in which she defines the Other as really, really bad, as in Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, is a definition of you and me. We are not just wrong on an issue or have a different taste, we deserve strong condemnation. We are Untermensch, subhumans, in contrast to her superior essence.

Anti-Whites, like Hillary Clinton, cannot abide our existence. They have to chase us down because we are White, because we have recognizable White tastes, White preferences, White interests, White children and White ancestors. We, alone on this earth, are to be exterminated.

Whites are ‘deplorables’ and must be shamed. Forget the fact that we abolished slavery, we are uniquely guilty for having practiced it. Just like 100% of the rest of humanity slavery was part of our economic system. But only we are condemned. Only Whites must atone for the sins of all. Everyone else, Blacks, Asians, Jews, Hispanics et alii are bestowed a Get Out Of Jail Free card.  photo hillarypoop2.jpg

This is the mindset that permeates the thought process of our foes. It causes respectable conservatives, a term now replaced by the more raucous cuckservative, to quake, to turn red with embarrassment. It is in some measure rooted in a peculiarity of the Yankee psyche that Nathaniel Hawthorne noted when he wrote The Scarlet Letter. Bastardy was not in itself shameful enough, the fallen woman was forced to parade for life with a “A” for Adultery pinned on her clothing. Eternal condemnation is de rigueur in the anti-White personality.

This self destructive trait is present in all cultures. However, it appears to be particularly strong in Northern Europeans. The reasons for this are best described by the eminent Group Evolutionary Psychologist, Dr. Kevin B. MacDonald.

The community leaders of Olde Boston had this attitude and thereby strutted before the common folk their exalted status of goodness. Virtue was not good enough for them. Like Hillary Clinton they had put down any who fail their litmus test of political purity. The practice is called virtue signalling. It leads to a mind obsessed with hatred. The Bible calls it Pride. And it goes before the fall.

In a more street corner way of talking, or call it BUGSER lingo, she thinks her poop doesn’t throw off an odor.



The Right to be HEARD

Freedom of speech means nothing if one does not also have the right to be heard.

Hillary Clinton just declared that at least a quarter of the American electorate has no right to be heard!


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At the Democratic Convention Hillary Clinton launched an attack in “Birther Issues”

A “Birther Issue” is anything that discusses someone born in the United States from an immigrant.

To clarify this issue, let me quote the most “Birther” statement ever made:

The sole purpose of the United States is to assure the blessings of liberty to OURSELVES and OUR descendants.”

That “Birther” fanaticism, by the way, is the only statement Americans have ever officially adopted about the purpose of America.

It is the only declaration of independence America has ever adopted.

The so-called Declaration of Independence is a historical joke.

The word “independence” means that from now on we take care of our people and you take care of yours. For a declaration of INDEPENDENCE to begin by dedicating the seceding country forcing all other governments to enforce human equality, to declare that the only reason we exists is that “All men are created equal,” is absolutely insane.

The Declaration of Independence was a propaganda document by a country while it was at War.  photo georgeiii.jpg

Any literate person knows that blaming the King, and the King alone for all of Britain’s bad policies was simply nuts. It was done because, IN THE WAR, we needed support in Parliament.

None of the adults who made up the convention, all of which had been brought up under English rule, imaged what the Declaration flatly stated, that the King was the sole dictator of England.

All Men are Equal is the kind of fruitcake idealism preached by the French liberals who would lead the French Revolution. In fact, anyone qualified to talk about American History is well aware that the reason America became a republic and France ended up under a tyranny greater than that of their kings is because the French built THEIR revolution on this kind of nonsense.

Nobody was EQUAL in France, before or after the Revolution.

No people which is capable of independence can afford to be childish.

The word “independence” means “We will take care of our affairs and you will take care of yours”. The Preamble to our real Constitution states that. Our only statement of national purpose says that the only purpose of America is to take care of OUR people, to do what OUR people want done.

A declaration of independence cannot be an ultimatum to the world.

If we had told France that all its citizens must be equal in 1776, it would not have been a declaration of independence, it would have been a declaration of WAR.

It was no accident that our actual Constitution demanded that our chief executive be BORN here. Immigration laws made UNDER the CONSTITUTION stated the rights of immigrants. For a declaration of independence to do that would be insane.


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Last Testament of the Last Historian

I am now reading, for the secondtime, a history of the Romanov Dynasty which was reviewed and recommended by National Review.

Bill Rusher was the original publisher of National Review for over half a century.

NR is the best example of political targeting I have ever seen.

Its job is to take an incredibly wobbly target and stay with it. NR must never promote anyone who really offends the left, in a period when the correct words for a group has gone from Negro to Blacks to African-Americans in such a bewildering amount of changes, never actually defined, that leaves those who qualify as “political commentators” in a permanent condition fo uncertain fear.

But NR consistently takes exactly the position allowed by the establishment some people still think is a secret.

Oh, you gotta believe that, too.

NR is so good at this that it can get just the right position out of writers on sport, history, something they refer to as “science,” you name it, they have already scouted out the personnel.

So I am now reading a NR-recommended history of the Romanovs.  photo romanovs.jpg

To sum up my point, when they come to the freeing of the Russians Serfs in the 1860s, there is a footnote. I rushed to that footnote with great expectations and was not disappointed.

It was single paragraph with a set of statements about Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation that was a quick summation.

Every single statement it made was wrong. It got the wrong number of slaves, wrong YEAR, and so forth.

I am the only professional writer who will mention it.


Book – History of the Romanovs: 1613-1918 by Montefiore




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Bob’s ‘How To’ Hints on Getting Our Message Out There

 photo whittler.jpegAs a political communications pro, I work on a message in a way that is opposite to fund-raising pro-Whites. They develop an idea into a twenty page sleeping pill.

I rewrite it a hundred times, which certainly makes me sleepy, but when I finish it, it is down to the absolute minimum, ready to take.

You don’t even need water with it. Though a little whiskey helps.

My stuff is ready, with a little rewriting and hopefully a little further cutting, a lot of what I write is ready to go into your Twitter.

Making an article longer is easy. Chopping down a pro’s hard work in brevity is really tough.

But PLEASE do not be concerned about credit. I work very hard, and my reward is seeing my hard work supplemented by even more hard work, down to a Tweet.

Please, BUGSERS, rewrite it, shorten it, Tweet it.


