Archive for October 26th, 2016

Taking the high ground

The most valuable aspect of the Paltalk sessions with Bob (available on youtube), was not the value of the activism itself. It was the educational value FOR BUGSERS.

For it allowed us to more fully model Bob’s way of thinking and techniques.

A memorable case in point:

In the Paltalk room, an anti-white appeared who had repeatedly flagged Bugser comments while we were SWARMING.

But instead of reacting indignantly to this anti-white, Bob took the high ground:

Bob said condescendingly to the anti-white, that the anti-white was at least trying his hardest.

So placing himself ABOVE the enemy:

A few other examples of taking the high ground:

Anti-white writes:

“You are such a sad, fearful person”  photo hilly.jpg

BUGSER replies:

“In place of childish name-calling, answer this: Are you for or against White genocide?”

Other examples:

“I am anti-retard”:

Who told you it was ‘intelligent’ to support White GENOCIDE?

Diversity is a codeword for White GENOCIDE

“lol”/“No one cares”:

People of conscience care about genocide. Get a moral compass

“Why should I care about my race?”:

That is the SOCIOPATH’S QUESTION. Only a sociopath doesn’t care about the future of his people.

All these responses take the high ground – especially the MORAL HIGH GROUND. Very important!
