Archive for August, 2017

“We are Morons” doesn’t fight White Genocide

“We are Morons” finally achieved its dream in Charlottesville: a torchlight parade, with a Nazi flag and a chant about Joos!

We are Morons won White hearts and minds everywhere with its always seductive message, “we are naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews.”

Our brave brothers’ guiding slogan, ineptly adapted from Bedford Forrest, is “Get there lastest with the leastest.” A true Moron always accepts his enemy’s chosen battleground, especially if his enemy has arrived there “fustest with the mostest” 60 years ago and has been fortifying that battleground ever since.

What did the display of idiocy at C’ville do for the fight against White Genocide?

“Allow us to distract you!” screamed our Moron brothers as they immolated themselves on the upturned stakes of the enemy.

Or if our intrepid brothers prefer:

“Let us demonstrate our utter inability to understand!” screamed our Morons as they bravely impaled themselves on their own raised standards.

Of course they can’t see themselves hanging skewered. They think they stormed the fortress.

I greatly admire and cherish their enviable bravery, and I despair of their stupidity.

Next time, our brave Morons, don’t carry ANYTHING except signs, banners, and fliers with the memes below and the Mantra beneath:


A flier with Mantra memes:

Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY!

Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet.
When it’s done in White countries it’s called “diversity.”
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.

Our schools teach White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support White Genocide.
Their teachers never tell them, “White self-hatred is SICK!!!
Their teachers claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.


The Mantra:


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.




To our Morons and their enablers:

White Genocide is the greatest crime that anti-Whites commit against Whites.

White Genocide is the crime that anti-Whites are least able to defend against.

If you tack other stuff onto White Genocide, anti-Whites can make the other stuff the issue.

Your other stuff has already been armed by anti-whites to blow you away when you touch it.

For the benefit of the observing White masses, hammer anti-Whites over and over and over with their crime of White Genocide, exclusively.


This article is also posted at White GeNOcide Project where BUGSers and visitors to BUGS can post comments to it.

Horus and his two guests on This Week in White Genocide 18 were at the C’ville event and have an excellent discussion of it.



“Racist” Out, “White Supremacist” In

As we all noted a couple years ago, the word “racist” was massively on the decline. This was due to our efforts exposing that word as anti-white.

Now we see the rise of the term “white supremacy” and how not only pro-whites and Trump supporters but ALL white people who don’t hate themselves are being called “White supremacists”.

As Bob said, “how can one be a white supremacist if his crime is that he wants nothing to do with non-whites?”

“How can you be a white supremacist when there is nobody around but white people?”

“How can one be a white supremacist and a white separatist at the same time?”

Like the word “racist” we need to hammer these memes exposing the term “white supremacist”.

Jim Goad at TakiMag picked up on eyeslevel’s meme that pro-whites don’t want to supremacize anyone –

Stay on message and keep exposing the anti-whites!




REPOST: First Amendment to the United States Constituition

Original post with comments here –

By Bob Whitaker:
“… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

There is not just a right to free speech. There is a right to hold meetings, ESPECIALLY meetings of people who are called “extremists.”

Approved people have no reason to NEED such a right to be specified.

I hear a lot about free speech for the big media, but nobody mentions the right to peacefully assemble.

This is in the Constitution because the people who wrote it were themselves threatened by death for meeting for “extremist” purposes.

It does NOT say “the right to assemble for a politically correct purpose.”

The usual way of forbidding our meetings, especially on campus, is by saying that, while police will protect anyone ELSE from being harassed, “they cannot protect people from violence” if the meetings are about heretical or extreme purposes. So our meetings are routinely forbidden because THOSE WHO ARE NOT MEETING PEACEABLY will cause trouble. So the right to peaceably assemble is thrown out because thugs won’t like the meetings.

Considering they, the Founding Fathers, put in the first amendment because they themselves had been extremists and were threatened with thug violence, the idea that a group loses its right to free speech and assembly because THE OTHER SIDE might get violent with them would have been just what British authorities USED up to 1775.

When the Founding Fathers were talking “Treason” in 1775, someone who said it was OK to ban their meetings because they might cause riots — which they did — would not be looked upon as sane by the people who wrote the first amendment.

Allowing heretical views and extremist views AND THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE despite thugs was PRECISELY the reason for the first amendment.

Fortunately, no one brings it up.


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REPOST: No Piggy Backing!!

Original post with 31 comments here –

By Bob Whitaker Dec 9th, 2012:
We have developed our own terminology. One who has not been out on the web fighting wouldn’t understand it easily, if at all. One term we have developed nicely is “tailgating.”

Let me add a new one.

As comments on South African Genocide come in, I feel uneasy. Compared to tiny BUGS, outrage about the outright killing of Boers is enormous.

Well, compared to active BUGSERS, just about anything is enormous.

The message of BUGS is that white genocide is nonviolent. That is a hard sell. So it is MUCH easier to go with the tide and talk about the actual killing of whites. And this is exactly the kind of slippery slope it takes constant vigilance to avoid.Photobucket

We find that things get much easier when we abandon assimilation and just piggy back on the anti-immigration movement. We will find things begin to go easier as we piggy back on South African genocide because there is actual killing involved. It saves us the enormous effort of getting across the reality that the real program of white genocide goes under the Guise of Peace and Justice.

When you piggyback things become far easier.

BEWARE when it gets easy!

Dr. Duke has developed a nice salable package which declares that he is preserving ALL races.

That’s a piggyback.

Nobody, least of all somebody of David’s intelligence, believes there is the slightest threat to the existence of any ethnic group except whites. And even if there were, it isn’t MY business.

The only reason for this fake concern is to piggy back on all the loud Peace and Freedom and Universal Concern preached everywhere all the time.

To me, this is straight piggybacking.

Piggy backing is a great way to raise membership and a great way to raise funds. I have a great pension from my years of piggybacking on conservatism.

The best way to avoid piggy backing is to realize that if it gets easy, you’re almost certainly doing something wrong.



Article by Bob

Saving our race requires a radical solution only because, from the beginning, anti-whites demanded that whites be allowed no escape. This needs to be understood clearly.

With the constant agenda of racial mixing, constant government action and Thought Policing to make sure not one single white can escape the program, the only solution to the White Problem is the disappearance of whites.

All that the Traditional Values crowd wants is that the white race disappear by weddings. And our unthinking response has been to ALLY with them, to PIGGY BACK with them.

Suicide by assimilation has been official Catholic policy for centuries. That is the reason that not one Catholic country has ever founded a white country.

It took four hundred years for someone to point this out.

As genetic engineering expands the mere wish to save our race will make it possible. But traditional values types are fanatically against any such alternative. They have made it bluntly clear that they value ceremonies ONLY.

With the center collapsing, we need to make it clear that we are a new generation. We are simply pro-white, not pro-right.

No more piggy backing. In this new world, even the Conservative Thought Police are beginning to partially admit that “this has nothing to do with race” is imbecilic. That is a major step forward.

“Demography is Destiny” is a major step forward.

This is developing naturally and steadily, simply because the pretence by which paycheck conservatism has been able to use pro-whites is simply collapsing. At long, long last, racial issues are becoming too clearly racial for this fatal pretense by which the South put aside all its concern for racial survival, and by which South Africans VOTED for their present situation.
