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Let’s get initials on these to display them on the White House’s website!

Posted by Wuntz Moore on March 31st, 2018 under Activism

150 initials will make these visible on the White House website for the rest of April.

Charge the governor’s office of West Virginia with illegal interference with our “White Self-hatred is Sick” billboard

Defund refugee resettlement agencies

In the two name boxes for each one, it’s only necessary to put initials.

Put a working email address in the indicated box so you can click the confirmation link in the White House’s email.

Let’s do it! 🙂




The office of a Republican governor interfered drastically with our free speech. Let’s let this petition be a first step in publicizing this. And let’s let each step be a new “billboard” for “White self-hatred is SICK!!!


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  1. #1 by Wuntz Moore on 04/01/2018 - 1:11 pm

    Please spread the links on twitter. Maybe send some tweets to Trump, his family, his staff urging them to attend to this — that will lay a groundwork for the next step, whether or not the message stays up at the White House.

    Make sure Tuckah’ and Queen Ann are informed!

    I’m unable to get on twitter currently due to a phone situation.

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