Originally posted by Bob Whitaker August 10th, 2011 – http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/2011/08/10/don%E2%80%99t-use-wobble-words/
I wrote a piece warning about wobbling into words like “displacement” so one won’t have to look like somebody who repeats an old word like genocide.
The reason “genocide” is old is because it is accurate. Worrying about how you look is one major means by which anti-whites get you to wobble off the real subject.
If you want to know how this REALLY makes you look, remember that respectable conservatives get all girly and giggly when a liberal tells them they are not like other conservatives they have talked to, that this respectable conservative is different from the rest.
I call displacement a Wobble Word. This is part of our discipline. Displacement is more a property rights word. In the actual argument you will find that anti-whites are anxious to get off the racial right to exist and welcome a chance for you to wobble into a discussion of property rights, like how we displaced the Indians.
Also I noticed someone decided to try out “humanism” as a synonym for anti-white. I did the press work for fundamentalist textbook protestors and I am well aware that “humanist” is THEIR buzz word.
There are plenty of churches out there. There is only one BUGS.
BUGS is NOT part pro-white and part whatever your favorite Wordism is. When you use these pages to push something that is not the pro-white message, you are wobbling into areas Bob’s Underground Graduate Seminar is NOT dedicated to.
Anyone who indicates he has not gotten out there into the actual fight is just theorizing outside of the real fight.
It takes very little time for someone who has been in the actual battle against anti-whites to know they LOVE it when you use something like displacement or change the topic to religion.
This kind of discipline comes quickly when you have been reamed by the other side a few times when they caught you wobbling.
#1 by RobRoy on 09/28/2018 - 12:24 am
Displacement is a property rights issue. Replacement is an aging population issue. #WhiteGenocide is a criminal charge.
#2 by Laura on 09/28/2018 - 8:49 pm
That is exactly right, RobRoy. Well said.
The severity and sophistication of the anti-white attacks is confirmation of the correctness of the underlying charge: White Genocide.