Archive for February, 2019
Swedish minister criticizes Hungary’s failure to support White Genocide in Europe — compares Hungary’s support of native Hungarian families to 1930s Germany
Posted by Wuntz Moore in Activism, How Things Work, Political Correctness on 02/22/2019
Originally posted by Deprogrammer at Fight White Genocide February 20, 2019.
Decades before the U.S. government did the same, the German government during the 1930s launched a strong anti-smoking campaign.
Do you support government efforts to reduce smoking today? Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!
Do you want to see measures taken to protect the health and well-being of your race today? Nazi! Nazi! Nazi! If you’re white of course. If you’re non-white and care about the health and well-being of your race, then bask happily in the approval of both liberals and respectable conservatives everywhere.
White self-hatred is SICK!!!
But if you’re white and don’t display hate for your race? Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!
If you’re white and don’t support White Genocide by mass third world immigration and forced integration/assimilation in EVERY white country and ONLY in white countries, you’re a Nazi!
When anti-whites call you “Nazi” because you don’t support White Genocide, then for the benefit of whites who are observing, reply with this truth:
“‘Nazi’ is an anti-white slur that anti-whites hide behind while carrying out White Genocide.”
Not only does that bring the topic back to White Genocide, it also helps spread the previously absent term “anti-white.”
The charge of “Nazi” is one of several that rely on relentless anti-white presentations of history by our schools and media that teach whites to hate themselves and to support White Genocide.
When anti-whites use history to justify White Genocide, reply with this truth, for the benefit of whites who are watching:
“You’re justifying genocide. Nothing justifies genocide.”
We don’t need to become scholars and harangue our white audiences with critiques of anti-whites’ versions of history (why would we expect an audience ignorant of the facts to accept our account rather than our enemy’s?) — that just leads to endless argument. But an audience that knows nothing does know that nothing justifies genocide. Our job is to show, to all whites who are watching, that the anti-white does in fact support White Genocide, whatever the anti-white’s justification for White Genocide is. Nothing justifies genocide.
Always bring it back to White Genocide!
Okay, let’s get to the news item this article is supposed to be about, which in addition to showing how anti-whites use the Nazi narrative to justify White Genocide, also shows what a government that cares about its people, as Viktor Orban’s government in Hungary does, can actually do to maintain that people.
In April 2018, the day before he was reelected Prime Minister of Hungary by a large margin, Viktor Orban was interviewed by the Hungarian daily Magyar Idők:
“…the defence of the country and the fight against migration form the core of our message.
“…we will maintain our current standpoint and declare that Hungary belongs to the Hungarian people, and that we alone have the authority to decide whom we wish to live alongside. In other words, whether or not we will be an immigrant country.”
“As Prime Minister of Hungary I built the border fence, defended the border and in Brussels rejected the resettlement of immigrants.But the danger has not yet passed: it is still hammering on our door. Tomorrow we must decide on Hungary’s next few decades; and if we make a mistake, we will not be able to correct it later.”
“George Sorosfinances a network. This network has enormous influence among Brussels [i.e. European Union] decision-makers. He also finances a great many media outlets and organisations, and these work in coordination to urge for policies throughout Europe which would facilitate and increase immigration…opposition politicians accept funding from George Soros, who employs thousands of people in Hungary and spends millions of dollars on shaping Hungarian politics.”
Hungary’s border barriers have been very successful in keeping illegal aliens out of Hungary.
Now the current news:
In his State of the Nation Speech on February 10, 2019 Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban announced provisions of a new Family Plan that will greatly incentivize an increase in native Hungarian children.
“This is Hungary’s answer to challenges, rather than immigration,” and “The target countries for migrants are witnessing the emergence of a Christian-Muslim world with a shrinking rate of Christians. But we, central Europeans, still have a future of our own.”
Here are some of the new provisions (“HUF” seems to be in effect equivalent to the Hungarian unit of currency, the forint, and 1 forint = .0036 dollars, so 1 million forints = $3,600. Cost of living in Hungary is considerably lower than in the U.S.):
Every woman under the age of forty who gets married for the first time will be eligible for a preferential loan of up to HUF 10 million…If a third child is born, the remaining debt will be cancelled in its entirety.
From now on the Government will provide this relief of one million forints when a second child is born, a further HUF four million for the birth of a third child, and one million forints after the birth of every subsequent child.
Women who have given birth to and raised four or more children will be exempt from personal income tax for the rest of their lives
The Government will provide families raising at least three children with a non-repayable grant of HUF 2.5 million for the purchase of new cars with at least seven seats.
Those are lifted from the Hungarian government’s summary in English of Orban’s State of the Nation speech, and the whole summary is very worth reading:
Hungarians once again have confidence in their future
Here’s Orban’s speech in its entirety if we have any readers of Hungarian:
Discours de M. Viktor Orbán, premier ministre de Hongrie, sur l’état de la Nation
Annika Strandhall, the Social Democratic minister for social affairs in far away Sweden, for some reason felt impelled to respond to the speech, and took out her “Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!” club and bashed Orban over the head with it.
Translation of tweet (First two sentences are from Microsoft twitter translation, the third from The Local):
“What is happening in Hungary is alarming. Now, Orban wants more ‘genuine’ Hungarian children to be born.This kind of policy reeks of the 1930s and will harm the autonomy for which women have struggled for decades”
Reader, you may have noticed that the white world is dividing into two parts, pro-whites like Viktor Orban who oppose white genocide, and anti-whites like Annika Strandhall who support white genocide.
Pro-whites oppose White Genocide, anti-whites support White Genocide.
Please spread that truth.
Honestly, folks, we occasionally do the news mainly in hopes of getting your attention for a moment to encourage you to help us hammer the fact of White Genocide into the public domain:
But Viktor Orban, like Matteo Salvini in Italy, does deserve our notice and gratitude, and both of those gentlemen are good for our morale.
But why indeed does a minister in Sweden feel it necessary to bash the Prime Minister of Hungary with her “Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!” club for not opening Hungary’s borders to “diversity”?
Because anti-whites intend no country, no town, no school, no organization to remain white. Spread that truth:
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
Real billboard – click on it.
Childhood’s End
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, How Things Work on 02/17/2019
Written by Bob Whitaker February 13th, 2009 –
There is a subtext to BUGS: We see those outside of this group as somewhat childish. They are childish when it comes to power propaganda. You FEEL this so I think you will recognize it when I explain it.
A child sees a house or a car but they are part of the child’s landscape. It no more occurs to that toddler that that house or car was BUILT than it does that the ground under it was built.
Simmons and Lords Nelson were glorying in the fact that “anti-white” is FINALLY being repeated a lot on the web. No one outside of BUGS would even NOTICE that. Others in the movement look to the days of the torchlight parades in the past. Like children they just assume that those Great Victories just APPEARED, like houses to do to tots.
No tot can see how important it is to see to the clearing of the ground, the getting of materials, and, before all that, the drawing of the PLAN.
And no tot can build a house.
No tot can imagine that, before the bricks, before the foundation, before clearing the ground, there is a DECISION to build a house. To a child, the house was just MEANT to be there, like that hill over there.
Most people in our movement look for a spontaneous torchlight victory parade. They demand that everybody read and agree with My Awakening or other books.
But they do not consider how we will get people to begin to be INTERESTED in those books.
We who see the critical nature of clearing the ground with the Mantra and “anti-white” can only celebrate to each other. Who ever celebrated when the ground-clearing was being done?
If we are going to fight this battle and build this house, we had damned well better begin to see to its foundations as LN and Simmons do
The Lynch Mob Forms on the Right
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session on 02/15/2019
Written by Bob Whitaker
Hannity of Hannity and Colmes said that “When I see an interracial couple, all I see is two Children of God.” The obvious question is, “If that’s all you saw, how did you know it was an INTERRACIAL couple?” But nobody lies like a “Christian” anti-racist, so why bother?
I understand that when David Duke said he was against interracial marriage, Hannity screamed, “You really ARE a Nazi!”
The guy who writes the last page of National Review complained about the high Moslem birth rate in Europe and the low “Christian” birth rate. He immediately got a huge volume of complaints that he was a racist. He said is Islam is not a RACE.
Let me rush to testify to his innocence. National Review is a New York City Catholic theocratic magazine. Like William Buckley, the new crowd that runs it would be glad to see the stinkiest pygmy marry the most beautiful intelligent tall Nordic blond if a man in a dress said the right words over them.
But it has to be the RIGHT dress and it has to be the RIGHT words. They tell us racism is about superficial things, tribalism and so forth. What’s REALLY important is not the genes of the children, but the dress and the WORDS they demand.
I will go further. Speaking of Europe, Buckley applauded the imprisonment of David Irving in the only mention NR made of it. Since Joe Sobran was fired, there is not a single member of the NR staff who would not be proud to PRESIDE at the lynching of any “Racist.”
They are pathetically upset that Yale and New York City don’t APPRECIATE that. But in the meantime, they are indispensable to anti-whites by providing any side issue, from immigration to abortion to prayers in schools to more war in Iraq and war on Iran, to keep attention off the little matter of genocide against MY race.
And they are the first to demand that anyone who MENTIONS that genocide be suppressed and punished.
New Article – Portland City Council Hears Resolution Condemning White Supremacy, Unanimously Passing It As They Were EXPECTED To
Bitter Irony
Posted by Laura in Bob, Coaching Session, How Things Work on 02/14/2019
Originally Posted – 19th February, 2006 –
This post makes me laugh and cry. These are all Bob, in so many ways. He is missed every day.
Someone sent me some quotes that appeal to my bitterly ironic sense of humor.
On the other hand, in the midst of all this bitterness is the one I live by:
“Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle too.”
If you always remember that, you can have the bitterness all intelligent people learn, but you won’t HURT anybody with it.
Here they are:
Don’t kick a man when he’s down unless you’re certain he won’t get up.
Indecision is the key to flexibility.
You can’t tell which way the train went by looking at the track.
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle too.
There is no substitute for genuine lack of preparation.
This is as bad as it can get…but don’t bet on it.
By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be.
Sometimes too much drink is not enough.
The facts, although interesting, are generally irrelevant.
The world gets a little better every day, and worse in the evening.
Someone who thinks logically is a nice contrast to the real world.
The other line always moves faster…until you get in it.
Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Friends may come and go but enemies accumulate.
It’s hard to be nostalgic when you can’t remember anything good.
I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.
If you think that there is good in everybody, you haven’t met everybody.
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
One seventh of your life is spent on Monday.
The more you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets.
Happiness is good health and a bad memory.
Do unto others.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.
Plagiarism saves time.
means never having to take all the blame yourself.
Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups.
We waste time, so you don’t have to.
Go the extra mile. It makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker.
The Romans did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those people who opposed them.
If you can stay calm while all around you is chaos… then you probably haven’t completely understood
the seriousness of the situation.
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
As you journey through life take a minute every now and then to give a thought for the other fellow. He could be plotting something.
If you find something you like, buy a lifetime supply, because they will stop making it.
Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.
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