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Childhood’s End

Posted by Laura on February 17th, 2019 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

Written by Bob Whitaker February 13th, 2009 –

There is a subtext to BUGS: We see those outside of this group as somewhat childish. They are childish when it comes to power propaganda. You FEEL this so I think you will recognize it when I explain it.

A child sees a house or a car but they are part of the child’s landscape. It no more occurs to that toddler that that house or car was BUILT than it does that the ground under it was built.

Simmons and Lords Nelson were glorying in the fact that “anti-white” is FINALLY being repeated a lot on the web. No one outside of BUGS would even NOTICE that. Others in the movement look to the days of the torchlight parades in the past. Like children they just assume that those Great Victories just APPEARED, like houses to do to tots.

No tot can see how important it is to see to the clearing of the ground, the getting of materials, and, before all that, the drawing of the PLAN.

And no tot can build a house.

No tot can imagine that, before the bricks, before the foundation, before clearing the ground, there is a DECISION to build a house. To a child, the house was just MEANT to be there, like that hill over there.

Most people in our movement look for a spontaneous torchlight victory parade. They demand that everybody read and agree with My Awakening or other books.

But they do not consider how we will get people to begin to be INTERESTED in those books.

We who see the critical nature of clearing the ground with the Mantra and “anti-white” can only celebrate to each other. Who ever celebrated when the ground-clearing was being done?

If we are going to fight this battle and build this house, we had damned well better begin to see to its foundations as LN and Simmons do

  1. #1 by Carloman on 02/19/2019 - 1:44 am

    This is probably the best response to anyone who says that the Mantra is useless.

  2. #2 by WmWhite on 02/19/2019 - 12:20 pm

    The Mantra works of course but as Americans we do become impatient with, what seems like, the never ending Sisyphean “ground-clearing.”

    White self-hatred has become the norm today for most of the whites I see and hear on the controlled media and in school and universities. The task of breaking this genocidal mindset is far beyond my limited powers but I will continue to help push this loathsome boulder up the hill of white genocide (like Sisyphus) hoping someday it does finally get driven over the top and smashed into irreparable pieces. –Bob never got to see it happen, hopefully our children will.

  3. #3 by John White on 03/05/2019 - 5:08 am

    Hello friends,

    It’s been a long time since I was around here and spreading the Mantra and the mini-mantras.

    I’d like to know your opinion about the following:

    It used to be said that once white people (“the Sleeping Giant”) realized that “anti-racist” is a code word for anti-white, and that “diversity” is a code word for White Genocide, they would no longer be able to ignore it.

    Well, anti-whites have already CHANGED the definition of “racism” to mean “whiteness.” They are no longer hiding behind code words, pretending that, well, it just so happens that only white people happen to be “racist.”

    No, not any more. Now they are openly saying that yes, white people ARE the problem and therefore white people must go.

    And still, the Sleeping Giant is … asleep.

    Am I being too short-sighted? Maybe I’m failing to see the bigger picture here?

    I’m more than willing to be wrong in this regard. I still want to believe that there is hope. Defeatism is … well, self-defeating.

    Maybe I’m just being impatient?

    What do you think?

    • #4 by Wuntz Moore on 03/05/2019 - 2:41 pm

      John, I do think you’re being impatient.

      I’ve been amazed at how suddenly the terms “anti-white” and “White Genocide” appeared to me to become present in the mainstream in the last couple of years.

      I’m guessing that the huge majority of whites still have never heard either of those terms even once, but now mainstream and other media is hard at work changing that without even any further help from us probably being needed! But let’s not count on that, let’s take the view that we’ve only begun to hammer those two terms into the mainstream!

      And what’s the purpose of doing that? Here’s the way I see it:

      Our job, as I’ve always seen it, is to get our memes into the public discourse where they can turn white heads around straighter, so that as the troubles that lay ahead come on, whites won’t think as they’ve been taught that those troubles are brought on them by “racists” and “racism,” but will instead engage those troubles (whatever their exact shape turns out to be) with an outlook that serves white survival.

      I think I’m just saying in clumsier words part of what Bob said in his article — the Mantra project is “to clear the ground” (what Bob had in mind for after the ground is cleared, I don’t know — maybe some others here know more of that — but I’ll assume it was something that could flex to shape itself to the uncertain shape of things to come):

      “We who see the critical nature of clearing the ground with the Mantra and “anti-white” can only celebrate to each other. Who ever celebrated when the ground-clearing was being done?”

      Even with the massive resources at their disposal, it’s taken anti-whites quite a few decades to reduce white minds to their current state of self-destructive madness, whereas our small band has been strongly operating for less than a single decade, with few resources at all — I am honestly amazed at what we’ve done so far!

      I think this “Childhood’s End” article by Bob illuminates that some here fell into thinking that spreading Mantra would produce results beyond what Bob saw as its purpose, and consequently you’ve felt discouragement because you expected so much.

      Laura reported, if I remember correctly, that Bob thought our three memes that are most important to spread right now are

      Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
      “Diversity” means chasing down the last white person
      White self-hatred is SICK!!!

      Let’s stay on it! We all get discouraged (what discourages me the most is that other pro-whites keep dumping their garbage on the ground we’re trying to clear, instead of being smart enough to help us), but let’s stay on it!

    • #5 by Wuntz Moore on 03/05/2019 - 3:11 pm

      From your comment:

      It used to be said that once white people (“the Sleeping Giant”) realized that “anti-racist” is a code word for anti-white, and that “diversity” is a code word for White Genocide, they would no longer be able to ignore it.

      Well, anti-whites have already CHANGED the definition of “racism” to mean “whiteness.” They are no longer hiding behind code words, pretending that, well, it just so happens that only white people happen to be “racist.”

      No, not any more. Now they are openly saying that yes, white people ARE the problem and therefore white people must go.

      And still, the Sleeping Giant is … asleep.

      Well-stated, but again, re the two memes in your first paragraph, even fewer whites have heard those yet than have heard the terms “anti-white” and “White Genocide.” IMO it’s the two memes in their entirety that, if we could get them well-lodged in public discourse and in white minds, would reorient white minds much more than does just a diffuse sense alone that whites are now being attacked.

      But the much more basic point IMO is that your well-expressed comment shows that you’ve expected so much!

  4. #6 by Sunlit I. on 03/06/2019 - 3:49 pm

    Hey John,

    If memory serves, Bob’s goal was to have a public discussion of White Genocide. I don’t see it really happening yet. I have an impression that even when anti-whites do feel a need to address it somehow, they never talk about its non-violent part. They attempt to limit it to denial of atrocities in South Africa.

    At the same time I am convinced that this goal is much closer now than it was before. Also thanks to your effort!

  5. #7 by John White on 03/08/2019 - 6:27 am

    Dear friends,

    Thank you very much for your input.

    I was suspecting that I was getting ahead of myself, and your replies confirmed that suspicion.

    I still do have hope.

    Keep up the good work, guys!


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