Archive for May, 2019

Anti-Whites Insist That Integration Must Be Enforced Everywhere Because Whites Don’t Want It

Written by Bob Whitaker. Originally posted Jan 29th, 2013 –

As I pointed out in “You Are not Denying Genocide, You are Justifying It,” we can take advantage of the fact that we know exactly what the enemy’s replies will be. That article stated that we know most of them are going to say how horrible whites are.

The reply to this is, “So you are justifying genocide.” They are admitting the program is to rid the earth of whites, but that is OK because whites are so awful. Which sounds a lot like what Hitler said about the Jews.

Then there is the “Nobody forces you to intermarry” bit.

This leads us to an interesting insight into their views they never mention. I leave it to you how to use it AFTER you have made the Mantra clear.

The whole white genocide movement is based on the assumption that if there is any white community anywhere, all whites will go there. Integration must be forced, because always no country can be white.


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FWG Podcast #10 – Dirk Moses and the Genocide Awareness Fraud



The Left-Right Code

Written by Bob Whitaker. Originally posted May 8th, 2006 –

Left-right is the establishment’s code for the race war that is growing.

Todays’ Republicans are the EXACT equivalent of the Whig Party that died in the 1850s.

It would not face the issue of the EXPANSION — NOT the existence — of slavery. The Republican Party completely replaced it almost overnight.

If you read the Republican platform, they bent over backwards insisting that the slave states had a right to their slaves. But, unlike the Whigs, they stood absoltely against the admission of any more slave states.

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 and it controlled the House of Representatives in 1855.

Let’s bring this up to date.

Democrats are dead right. At this moment the Republicans have a solidly white consituency and it gets whiter at every election.

Even as the white proportion of the electorate has shrunk, Republicans have gone from a minority to a majority.

Anyone who reads the history of the 1850s will wonder what the Whigs were DOING.

Anyone reading the history of our time will wonder what the Republicans were DOING.

The only group that took up the real issue before 1854 was the tiny Free Soil Party. It split from the tiny Liberty Party dedicated to abolition. The biggest weapon against the Free Soil Party was the word “Abolitionist!” just as the same effect is obtained today by calling us “Racist!”

We help out by ACTING like a tiny minority, aiming at a tiny split-off from the melting pot. We call that white nationalism.

But this does nothing about the threat more and more people every day see against our entire race.

We must insist on the right of our whole race to EXIST.

We must take the leadership in something that is in everyone’s minds, just as stopping the EXTENSION of slavery was in everybody’s mind in the 1850s. We must get off the defensive.

Every day the feeling that every white country is being overrun is growing.

Back in the 1850s this obvious winning position was stopped by screams of Abolitionism. Today the obvious winning position is stopped by cries of “Racism.”

The group that takes a solid and defiant position on the REAL issue, and on nothing else, is poised to win.

In 1852 there was no free soil major party. By 1855 it organized the House.

The difference was that someone finally took the stand, AND TOOK IT CLEARLY.

The next civil war will begin just as the last one did. A party will make a reasonable stand and those who cannot bear it will secede. THEY will turn it from a reasonable political strategy into a revolution.

The rioting minorities will turn OUR reasonable stance into a revolution.

But first we have to make a stand.



The Mantra Mentality

Written by Bob Whitaker

The Mantra forces the question of white genocide. Anti-whites avoid the Mantra because it is so deadly to them.

Once the FACT of genocide against whites becomes front and center, the entire argument is transformed. White genocide is part and parcel of the religion of political correctness, exactly as slavery in the South and in New York City and the slave trade in New England were part and parcel of the American economy.

What is to be done about this white genocide? On slavery, the attempt was made to deal with “non-racial issues,” precisely as anti-whites advocate today relative to white genocide. Less than twenty years before the Civil War, the Liberty Party and the Free Soil Party each got less than one percent of the vote.

Debate on slavery on the floor of congress was under the Gag Rule.

So today it is a bit absurd for us to be arguing over white nationalism or National Socialism or other details of the future. Those who argue White Guilt for genocide do not argue in detail over HOW we repay for our evil. They simply want this as an argument to keep whites from wanting whites to avoid genocide.

In fact the same black leadership that decided the word “niggardly” was invented by eighth-century Saxons to insult blacks also demanded dollar reparations. This is a BAD tactic. The first thing you run into is that American blacks are many times richer than the entire black population of all black countries combined. This is exactly the kind of reality that Mommy Professor trains his little anti-white tape recorders NOT to think about.

So those of us who use the Mantra stick with stating the REALITY, which is genocide. We do NOT get into an endless argument about HOW to save the white race. The best argument against ending slavery was always to get into the specifics of freeing them and what to do with them.

Blacks had a right to be free. We have a right to survive.


We of the Mantra will not yield an inch on this point: Our race has a right to survive. Once that point gains the slightest public realization – THE SLIGHTEST – then the search for a means and an opportunity will come.

For some reason, I have to keep REMINDING my comrades that the very MENTION of white survival has them screaming that you are anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. We must get to the point where “Slavery must end” and “white genocide must end” can no longer be drowned out by shouts of Abolitionist or Racist.

One anti-white asked Mommy Professor’s question, “Are we in 1800 or 2009?”

My reply was that HE is 1800, still fighting the New England slave trade, while I am 2009, TRYING TO INSTILL A CONSCIENCE on the issue of white genocide.

If you give their specific objections time but avoid the basic moral question, you are fighting their fight FOR them. If you talk about Obama or Jews and don’t bring THIS up, you are helping the anti-whites:

The White Mantra:


“It is said that there is this RACE problem. They say this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

“The Netherlands and Belgium are as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

“Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

“What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY Black Country and ONLY into black countries?

“How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem? I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

“And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

“But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am ANAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS.

“They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.



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