We have been working to form a legacy site for Robert W. Whitaker. A site that contains ALL of Bob’s work. A collection of all his articles and audios (which we are transcribing to articles to make searching them easier). The most important function of this site is the search function. Being able to search ALL of Bob’s work via specific key words is imperative, and with this new site, we have been able to achieve that.
The new archive site is robertwwhitaker.net. For BUGSers this site will be a priceless tool for searching Bob’s thoughts on subjects. The site will also have 4 new articles automatically routating daily, so be sure to check it regularly to see articles you may have never read before.
So far we have loaded the old nationalsalvation.net site and the original whitakeronline blog. We are presently working on getting BUGS up there too.
To build this new site, maintain his other sites, hosting, security and build costs, so far we are at $2,000. I have set up a GoFundMe account to help off set some of these costs. If you are able to contribute some dollars to keeping Bob’s legacy alive, it would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link to the GoFundMe – gf.me/u/wi4kik
About Robert W. Whitaker
Bob Whitaker has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books in his own name. He is perhaps best known for being the creator of The Mantra, a strategy to fight White Genocide. Robert resides now in Columbia, South Carolina.
Robert Whitaker was born in 1941. He entered the University of South Carolina at age sixteen and was a Political Science instructor at the age of nineteen. He then received a scholarship to study for a PhD in economics at the University of Virginia. Two of his eight graduate instructors there later won Nobel Prizes in Economics.
Both future Nobel Laureates left the University of Virginia while Robert was there. Robert’s second reader for his dissertation, James Buchanan, was “forced to leave” when a new dean took over who had vowed to “clean out that nest of right-wingers in the Economics Department.”
Robert was a professor of economics but was unable to complete his PhD because his field of specialization, Public Choice (the field in which the two graduate professors later won Nobel Prizes) was disliked after the faculty had been purged.
Robert then became involved in political activism and intelligence work.
Robert worked with William Rusher, publisher of National Review, in turning the so-called “Wallace Democrats” into “Reagan Democrats.” This was a move that respectable conservatives opposed vigorously. Robert’s 1976 book, A Plague on Both Your Houses, attacking both the liberal establishment and the watered-down Republican opposition, was a milestone in this campaign.
Robert worked on Capitol Hill from 1977 to 1982. During that period, two of his most personally gratifying accomplishments enjoyed today by all of us were saving the Hubble Telescopes and preventing the Internal Revenue Service from imposing racial quotas on private schools.
Despite his criticism of Ronald Reagan in A Plague on Both Your Houses, Robert was a Reagan appointee in charge of all civilian security clearances and federal staffing.
In 1982 Robert conceived and produced an anthology for St. Martin’s Press, The New Right Papers. It explained the strategy that led to Reagan’s 1980 victory by the people, including Robert himself, who made it a reality while conservatives dithered.
Robert left official Federal service in 1985. His third book, Why Johnny Can’t Think: America’s Professor-Priesthood goes into much more than just academia.

#1 by WmWhite on 11/08/2019 - 1:09 pm
I’ve spent an hour perusing this new site …should be working but Bob’s insights can be very addicting.
Great job Laura and other Bugsters.
#2 by WmWhite on 11/08/2019 - 1:12 pm
Laura, when I went to the GoFundMe page it said: Campaign Not Found.
#3 by WmWhite on 11/28/2019 - 1:07 pm
“Happy Thanksgiving”
to all Bugsters, domestic
and abroad!!!
#4 by WmWhite on 01/02/2020 - 3:34 pm
This archive site of Bob’s writings should be used as a permanent COMMENT section on his insights and how we can use them now.
The article today, “Should we Outlaw Defense Attorneys” I’m sure was meant as a tongue-and-cheek response to the Leftist and Respectable Conservatives demand for gun confiscation in America for the last 50 or 60 years. Bob’s statement that ALL Leftist ideas are wrong (and always backed-up by Respectable Conservatives) is illustrated perfectly by the Church of Christ shooting in Texas.
The murderer was a drug fiend with a lengthy criminal record. He was on the street, I’m assuming, because of Liberal judges and defense attorneys. But when he opened fire in a Texas church, he was killed, almost immediately, by ARMED partitioners before he could gun down anyone else.
If this has taken place in Massachusetts or California the police would have arrived about 10-minutes too late …I probably should NOT have used these two states as examples, since a gun toting psychopathic lunatic would have found the church pews empty is these states.
Bob ends his article with this observation:
“Liberals tell us that every person ACCUSED OF CRIME has a right to defend himself. That principle cannot be compromised no matter how many people get killed.
But unless you are accused of crime, this right does not exist. If you go into a dangerous area, you have to go unarmed, because you have no right of self-defense.”
#5 by WmWhite on 03/10/2020 - 10:45 am
Again, I want to congratulate the staff at BUGS for this site of Bob’s varied insights. I read it everyday and appreciate the three NEW articles provided by the above link.
Some people read different inspirational verses daily for differing reasons. I read Bob’s articles everyday to ground me in the “reality” of living outside the propaganda and PC brainwashing being forced down our throats. His articles go far beyond discussions of White Genocide but how to live an authentic life based on what is real.
#6 by Yankee Rebel on 03/22/2020 - 1:55 pm
I keep getting an error message #522 lately when I go to the archive site.
#7 by Yankee Rebel on 03/22/2020 - 6:33 pm
I’m happy to report the problem has been resolved.