Archive for category History
Churchill’s Bargain
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, History on 09/19/2018
By Bob Whitaker – originally posted February 9th, 2006
In the end Winston Churchill was one of the worst enemies the white race and the British Empire ever had. To his death he kept saying that the British Empire was good and his whole life had been devoted to it.
He never forgave those like Lord Mountbatten who gave India away by 1948, three years after his V for Victory war against Germany had been won.
Joe Sobran keeps pointing out, with a courage I find hard to believe, World War II was fought entirely for the benefit of Joseph Stalin and, in the end, for Mao Tse-Tung.
Nobody else won anything.
Britain lost everything.
As Sobran says, Churchill was criticized for throwing himself completely behind the USSR when Germany invaded them in 1941 and Churchill replied, “I would ally with Satan Himself if he were opposed to Adolf Hitler.”
So that is exactly what he did.
His policy was that he would be willing to destroy Britain if he could destroy Germany doing it.
He succeeded.
In fact, I remember that in the 1970s British workers were pouring into Germany — the country Churchill had destroyed — to work for double the wages they could get back in Britain.
By the 1970s, Britain had lost her empire, she had lost her standard of living, and she had just begun to lose the British Islands themselves to a flood of third world immigration.
In 1948 Winnie could not understand what happened to his precious British Empire after his Great Victory.
And the real collapse had not even started yet.
Roger Moore, the actor, is an upper-class Englishman and an intimate of royalty there. He said, “We Britons love to talk about World War II. It’s the last time we WERE anybody.”
World War II is the REASON that is the last time they WERE anybody. I have a sneaking suspicion that Roger Moore, whose good looks hid a first-rate mind, KNOWS that.
I hear people say, “I was FOR civil rights at first. Then it got out of hand.”
No joke?
They were FOR “civil rights” when I was desperately telling people that civil rights would lead to exactly what it has led to.
I didn’t like them then. I don’t like them now.
To say the least.
I don’t like Churchill.
To say the least.
When yet another white worker tells me he didn’t get upset about genocide against the white race until he suddenly found himself a second-class citizen in the job market, I tut-tut diplomatically. I pretend sympathy.
But I know he got EXACTLY what he ASKED for. I know he was perfectly willing to sell his race out, but then it hit HIM.
Poor baby!
And the pitiful little Brit who “did his part” in World War II gets exactly the same kind of sympathy from me.
Like Winston Churchill, they all bargained with Satan.
It may be my Bible Belt background, but it never occurred to me that anybody could make a deal with Satan and come out ahead.
Cronkite and McCain, Moles
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, History, How Things Work on 08/29/2018
By Bob Whitaker
In the 1980 election, a lot of hard-leftists in the Democratic Party didn’t want to elect the first Southerner on their ticket since 1844. That was not bigotry like being against Obama. Liberal Republicans didn’t want Reagan. So John Anderson ran on his own far-left ticket.
Walter Cronkite offered to be his vice-presidential candidate. Near the end of his career, Cronkite even told journalism classes about what conservative stories he specifically suppressed. That was the end, which you won’t hear mentioned, of his time as “The Most Trusted Man in America.”
Before that, Cronkite’s image was that of the Middle American.
In the intelligence business, as you know, such people are called “moles.” They are traitors, but they are more despicable than open traitors. A Cronkite or a McCain is far more useful to the enemy than a Ted Kennedy. While Kennedy stands openly for the left, a McCain does not back leftists except when the vote is close.
And that, of course, is the only time it really matters. McCain ran on an anti-gun control platform and voted against Kennedy-type gun issues when it was clear they stood no chance. But when a move against guns stood a chance, he was always there with liberals.
On every other liberal issue, McCain always tipped the balance by being “reasonable.” He ran on his being tortured in Vietnam, but he was generally recognized as being the best friend Vietnam had in Congress.
In South Carolina, the most effective anti-gun lobby is called The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED). Like the rest of SLED, its anti-gun lobbying is paid for by the state. They delayed concealed carry laws so that SC, though one of the most pro-gun electorates in America, was one of the last to pass one.
Then SLED demanded every restriction on CCW it could find. CCW permit holders have far fewer rights than with the permits SLED and other law enforcement used to give to their buddies.
SLED manages its mole status because South Carolinians are turned off by open gun ban advocates, but worship costumes. We have the highest percentage of veterans of all the states, and we grovel before Law and Order. So SLED, in its police costumes, is the perfect anti-gun lobby.
We are all aware of the role respectable conservative moles play in making liberalism advance, and without them liberalism would not SURVIVE.
But the Stormfront types don’t look at the moles. They have pictures of Jews in yarmulkes. I have pointed out that the Jews who hate us LEAST are the Orthodox ones. The ones whose Judaism has become nothing but hate are the totally Reformed ones.
Our worst enemies are the ones like McCain, who wore a costume and sold us out where it counted.
REPOST: July 4 and REAL Traditional Values
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, History on 07/04/2017
By Bob Whitaker (originally posted July 4th 2007 –
Here is some history you do not hear about. You have heard that Jefferson and Adams both died on July 4, 1826. In fact, the only ex-president who had died before that date was George Washington over a quarter of a century earlier. July 4, 1926 was the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The critical point is that it was NOT a coincidence that both men died on that day.
In fact, if you THINK about it, a forgotten art to historians, the date of the death of Jefferson and Adams provides an important insight into human nature. Before modern medicine, it was normal for very old people to decide WHEN they would die. My grandfather reached ninety during a recurrence of a scalp tumor, so he lived until his birthday in August of 1966 and promptly died.
My 86-year-old uncle by marriage lived alone in Florida, drove his own car, and had outlived two wives. Then a widow of 75 years he was courting told him she could not marry him because, in those days, her Social Security from her dead husband would be reduced if she remarried.
He promptly died.
He HATED being alone, so no one was surprised at his death. Back then, it was taken for granted when a man that age gave up the will the live, he died. Today the idea that a very old person can decide on the exact date they will die seems like a superstition.
AND, back then, no one would have felt OBLIGATED to talk him OUT of it. It was his right.
“We’ll MISS you,” would have been an argument. “God demands that you live every last second you can, no matter how miserable you are,” would have been considered blasphemy, and no one even THOUGHT of it.
He died, excuse the expression, with dignity. He did NOT die being wheeled into an emergency room with an intern sitting on his chest pounding away.
AND the possibility that he and a 75-year-old woman might live in sin together never even came up. Modern Thought, both EXTREME Pro-Life and modern liberal, would have condemned the two choices we took for granted. His right to die was assumed and no one even suggested they “live together.”
Again, EXTREME pro-life and liberalism are on the same side in opposing REAL traditional values.
So most modern historians consider it to be a myth that Adams’s last words were, “Jefferson still lives.” If you understand the way people REALLY thought then, it would be exactly what he would have said. He and Jefferson both PURPOSELY stayed alive until that date, and both knew the other was doing just that. Jefferson had actually died a few hours earlier.
James Monroe was the next ex-president to die, in 1834. He ALSO died on July 4th! Now THAT you DON’T hear about. It says too much about REAL traditional values.
The Real Presidents Told the Federal Courts to SHOVE IT!
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, History, How Things Work on 07/04/2017
By Bob Whitaker:
In case you consider arguing this, the presidents referred to were Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln.
An old Confederate like me is no fan of Old Abe, but the point here is that nobody can say he didn’t fill the Presidential Chair to the point of bursting.
As for Andy Jackson, he remains the only American Chief Executive for whom historians named an age of history, the Jacksonian Era, and I have never seen any historian who disputed it.
The 1860 Republican platform was very short, and of that briefness the election held the issue that took up the least space.
For two generations, the introduction of new states had made the headlines. There had to be an equal number of free and slave states and it had to be kept that way.
The decision was book-length and I agree with Back Bay Grouch that it contained a more thorough analysis and loyalty to the actual thinking of the Founding Fathers than any other decision rendered by the Court.
Generally speaking it was decided that a citizen bringing his property into the territory from a state has a right to expect the territory to protect that property.
A state’s definition of property or other legal terms was legally superior to that of a territory.
That was one of the reasons territories wanted to become states.
In the Dred Scott Decision the Court decided that a territory could not change a piece of property.
Over ninty percent of the reason for the creation of the Republican Party’s existence was to prevent the admission of more slave territories and therefore more slave states into the Union.
So the 1860 Republician plan consisted of telling the United States Supreme Court to take its decision and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
A generation before the same Court had Andrew Jackson return most of the State of Georgia to the Indians because of treaties made earlier between the United States Government and tribes.
Andrew Jackson informed the Court that it could put its ruling in the same convenient place.
The Federal Surplus
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, History, How Things Work, Politics on 06/25/2017
By Bob Whitaker:
And BUGSERS punch me with their elbows and whisper, “Bob, your senility is showing. You mean the Federal DEFICIT.”
But this time I’m right for a change.
Yes, Virginia, there was once a Federal SURPLUS.
To understand this, you have to know where Federal revenue came from back then.
About eighty percent of Federal revenue came from tariffs. (You’ll look it up)
And unlike any taxes today, tariffs were dearly loved in major parts of the United States. That is why they once collected too many of them.
Why was that tax popular? Tariffs were BELOVED in New England because they meant that all the tariffs were paid by Southerners.
Southerners had a choice: They paid the tariffs or they paid more for industrial goods produced in New England.
Tariffs were supposed “to protect American industry” by raising the prices of imported industrial goods.
It was a “very patriotic” tax.
But by 1833 the giant industries in New England didn’t need any “protection.” So a tariff hike just meant higher prices paid by the South to the East or Northeast for goods.
Instead of being a good Democrat and opposing tariff increases, Jackson backed a tariff that was out of sight.
It was supposed to be a Shrewd Move. It would get even New Englanders into opposing this incredible tariff rise.
Every time a politician decides to be Shrewd, it causes a disaster.
Jackson’s Shrewd Move in 1833 very nearly brought on civil war.
Jackson thought that “the Tariff of Abominations” was so high even New Englanders would go to the negotiating table. He didn’t realize that tariffs were so popular in New England that a congressman who voted against ANY tariff increase would have lost the next election.
The tariffs that were popular in New England were paid in Southern ports. They were an increase to the price of European goods arriving in Southern ports. That allowed New England goods to charge higher prices.
Faced with paying a Federal surplus AND payng more for industrial goods, the South did exactly what many American cities do today about immigration laws: They refused to allow them to be paid in Southern ports.
This was called Nullification, when the port at Charleston refused to enforce Federal law.
We have exactly the same policy today where cities that don’t like immigration laws simply refuse to enforce them.
The difference was that a President today doesn’t dare force local enforcement, while Jackson felt that the Union would fall apart if he allowed South Carolina not to collect the tariffs.
It came very close to a civil war, which we could have won in 1833.
Southern “leaders,” like all respectable conservatives backed down and New England magnanimously gave them all slightly lower increase in tariffs in 1834.
As in America today, the respectable approach destroyed those who allowed it. To repeat, had we fought in 1833 when the issues was clearly unfair tariffs, we would have won.
But moderates did not fight when the issue was clearly the robbery of one part of America by another.
The South waited, led by Moderation, until the issue was slavery.
The Trump win shows, as Anne Coulter said, that some Americans are finally throwing out the suicidal “moderates.”
The question today, just as it was with the South back then, will we have gone down the road of weakness until it is just plain too late.
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