Archive for category Mantra

Time to End the Seminar

Ten years ago I was trying to get a disciplined pro-white approach. We evolved from WOL to BUGS.

Pro-whites had spent endless resources and were visibly dying out.

Those who insisted on the old method had two consistent arguments that kept them in control even when a handful of BUGSERS got national news coverage.

First, my advocacy of fixing on target and using repetition was mentally asphyxiating.

Second, they were Telling the Whole Truth.

The repetition method has made its mark. But BUGS is now increasingly off on a “This is too intellectually limiting” kick which is very, very familiar.

Third, what started out as mini Mantras has become simply the old Stormfront writing whatever makes you feel good crap.

After tens of thousands of repetitions we have blasted the term “anti-racist” to hell.

Having done one things as I knew we could, I was idiot enough to hope that we might follow up that win. I noticed the words they are now hiding behind, “diversity” and “Hate.”

Once again, nobody notices a victory in a national dialogue unless it is succeeded by a Torchlight Victory Parade.

One commenter said he had been attacking diversity for two years, “With great results!”

Then why is the enemy using that word specifically and repeatedly to hide behind?

I may be trying to fight Reality. A band of disciplined warriors going from target to target is a lot to ask. After all, the alternative is having somebody say what you want to hear, as your tiny group shrinks to nothing.

I have always been ready to stick with a winning strategy, but not when it becomes impossible.

In fact, far more has been accomplished in real political warfare than anyone but me could possibly imagine. We CAN make national breakthroughs, a handful of people breaking into national news.

We have demonstrated that a huge constituency is afraid to speak out.Image Hosted by

But this effort is coming apart, and I can see it.

I miss the old Whitaker Online where I just gave my opinions, while I drifted in the direction that would lead to BUGS. But from all I can tell, and please remember, seeing this kind of reality is my specialty, BUGS, as a seminar is over.

“We mentioned Diversity two years ago,” “I think I’ll just take my toys and go home and say it’s all the Jews’ doing,” “I said such and such and it really impressed ’em,” and so forth.

I tried it and it worked. When things get a lot worse and people need some results instead of paying people to say what they want to hear, someone can pick it up.

But I am not about to start again to convert the New Stormfronters.

So my proposal is that I go back to Whitaker Online.

Until you understand what our little but NATIONAL steps forward meant, I simply do not have the energy to go back to basics AGAIN.

I propose that Bob’s Underground Graduate SEMINAR is over. It did more than any seminar before it ever did, but it really is time to move on.



Big truth, little truth.

Anti-Mantra pro-Whites are stuck in a state of “truthism”. They think that if you keep on talking about all the little, often pointless, truths in the world, it will turn into one BIG truth.

That is silly. Millions of small truths don’t make a BIG truth.

The Mantra approach is the opposite of truthism. We know that there is only ONE truth that matters right NOW.

“911 truth” will not ensure our survival.Photobucket
“Jews own this” will not ensure our survival.
“Blacks commit more crime” will not ensure our survival.
“White people are better” will not ensure our survival.

The ONLY thing at this time that is exactly on point is the Mantra and its White Genocide message.

So please anti-mantra pro-Whites, stop with these little truths.

Small truth + Small truth = 2 Small truths. Not a big truth.



The Mantra VS Other Pro-White Approaches.

There are pro-White groups out there appealing to every segment, from academic discussions all the way down to a couple of guys having a beer. But these are people who already agree with each other chatting among themselves. You wouldn’t be interested in their material unless you were ALREADY pro-White. For all the hoopla that surrounds some of the more flamboyant pro-White groups, they will never reach anyone who isn’t already pro-White to start with, so they don’t represent a threat to the Anti-White System.

What makes the Mantra approach different is that it’s not just a bunch of guys sitting around bitching and moaning about how bad things are, or putting forward a grand plan for a White Utopia. The Mantra actually interacts with the real world and changes it.

That’s why the anti-Whites have focused on shutting the Mantra down while other pro-White messages receive less attention. Their instincts tell them this is where the threat comes from and they are right. Costume parties in the street don’t scare them.  Long papers may be interesting, but anti-Whites are not bothered by them.

They ARE bothered by the Mantra. Why?  Because we’re doing something that has never been done before: We are using a consistent message that points out the heart and soul of the Anti-White agenda, exposing the ongoing program of genocide against my people, White people. They have NO WAY to fight the message except to silence it.

The Mantra has HIT THE CRUCIAL NERVE. Those who do the work of spreading the message of the Mantra have decided to leave the comfortable pro-White reservations of the past and venture out to CHANGE the REAL WORLD.



Subtext: White Privilege

For those lurkers and casual readers out there who don’t “buy in” to the FACT that what anti-whites are perpetrating against our children is genocide, I submit the following to you:

Recently, courtesy of Tim Jacob Wise and Co., the anti-whites have ratcheted up the White Privilege meme through their preferred outlet in Duluth, MN. Talk about privilege.

Despite their best and well-funded efforts, WE won the first battle on that front as UMD (University of Minnesota’s Diversity) has – for the moment – officially repudiated their methods and message and pulled their support of the Unfair Campaign. Thumbs up. However, there is more to what they did with this. It’s time to crunch the subtext of the message they delivered.

EVERYBODY in the Respectable World agrees that there is this thing called White Privilege.

EVERYBODY says that this Privilege can, should, and will be taken away.

EVERYBODY says that there is one way and ONLY one way to solve this problem of White Privilege.

When asked HOW whites are “privileged,” they say we were “BORN that way. We’re white.” Clearly, the solution to the problem of whites being born with White Privilege is to do away with the problem of us being here; to genocide our race. They might sugarcoat their program and say things like “We all bleed red. We’re all one race,” but what they really mean is “On Earth, whites have no place.”

You know the rest…

The Mantra machine of simple truth triumphs once more.


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“-ist” Vs “-ism”

I first read the mantra in 2010. I was still new to the consistent message thing but when I came across one line of the mantra, I knew I had to put it in every post I wrote. That line was:

“Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.

But at the time I thought it sounded funny. The thing that sounded funny to me was the “-ist” part.

I was in a wordist mentality. I wanted to attack the word “Anti-racISM” so my “White nationalISM” could prevail. I quickly adopted that phrase and changed just ONE letter;

“Anti-racism” is a codeword for anti-white.

This is the one that sounds funny to me now.

I was in a wordist mentality. I believed that an “-ism” meant it was objective and true.


I know better now.

An “-ism” means whatever an “-ist” wants it to mean.

It doesn’t matter if one “-ist” says this about this “-ism” and another “-ist” says something completely different about that same “-ism.”

An “-ism” means whatever an “-ist” wants it to mean.


That is how the “anti-racists” were able to be so anti-white for so long and get away with it. We believed the “-ism” meant they were objective and true.

I now try to avoid using any “-ism” online or in any conversation.

And in almost every post I do, the last line I write is:

“Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.

