Archive for category Political Correctness

“Don’t judge me!”

We’ve all heard the PC line “You shouldn’t judge others.”

Let me make this clear for you: “YOU shouldn’t judge others.” What they mean is only a judge is allowed to do this.

As Bob has pointed out: a judge is just a lawyer in a dress. So the only thing that makes their OPINION nice and legal is everybody bowing down and kissing their feet.

This is akin to the Mommy Professors and their “expert opinion“. If they were such experts in their field they would be EMPLOYED in that field. So the old saying goes: “Those that can do, those who can’t teach.”

So, anyway, we are told the above. “Judge” means to form an opinion. So what they are telling us to do is bow down and worship the one true opinion – for you see, thinking is not for us lowah clahss types, our opinions are ignorant unless they agree with the uppah clahsses.



Who’s the New Freemason?

Freemasons like to point out that many of the ideas that they proclaim were suppressed by ignorant church leaders and kings who were fearful of more illuminating ideas entering the consciousness of the people.

They’re right.

Freemasons were persecuted, lied about, and even killed for wanting to study and advocate for ideas which were different than the conventional dogma of the day. The Freemasons were “politically incorrect” and experienced losses of reputation, economic opportunity, freedom, and even life because of their activities.

Who do the Freemasons of old sound like today?

Freemasons are proud that their once suppressed ideas eventually won out over church dogma and aristocratic rule and even ended up being the “cornerstone” of the French and American Republics.

So who’s the New Freemason?

And is BUGS the new Green Dragon? (1)






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Our enemy is very dumb

When Europe started bringing in non-Whites in order to commit the first stage of White genocide (mass immigration), Muslims were the first choice. This was because they were the closest non-Whites to Europe.

Europe and the Muslims had been enemies for yonks, and when both groups were forced to live in the same area they naturally separated themselves and tried to dominate the other.

Anti-White elites completely overlooked this simple fact and shipped them in by the boatload.

Take it from a European: there’s a hell of a lot of Muslims in Europe. And most of them aren’t looking to assimilate, they’re looking to dominate. To them it’s not a racial/ethnic conquest, it’s a cultural & religious one.

This is bad for the anti-Whites, because it’s political competition – Muslim people want Muslim leaders. And because those silly anti-Whites with their social engineering made it socially unacceptable to say anything negative about non-Whites, they can’t mass-deport them because then they become the “Nazis-who-wants-to-kill-6-million-jooze”.

This whole situation backfired on them because they lacked foresight.

Now they’re calling for Eastern Europe to Asian itself up.



Miscegenation madness

Anti-Whites love to point out that tobacco corporations depict smokers in their advertisement campaigns as muscular, good-looking bad-asses, wearing leather jackets and shades, and who are surrounded by all the ladies – in other words cool people.

Anti-Whites will readily identify that piece of visual information produced by tobacco corporations as visual propaganda – which it is; tobacco corporations are playing on the human need to identify.

Yet when anti-White corporations depict miscegenation (ALWAYS involving a White/non-White couple) in music videos, TV programs, etc., as “totally cool modern awesome anti-racists,” suddenly it’s just a big coincidence, and saying otherwise makes you a “Nazi-who-wants-to-kill-6-million-jooze”.

Well, that’s what Political Correctness zealots are like after all.



Some subtext

When anti-Whites say “White people are genetically evil” they are saying that race is real.

When anti-Whites say “White people stole land” they are saying land is racial property.

When anti-Whites say “White people controlling White countries is White privilege” they are saying non-Whites controlling non-White countries is non-White privilege.

When anti-Whites say “Humanity is 99.9% the same” they are saying they have no respect for human identity.

When anti-Whites say “You shouldn’t say that,” they are saying they are against freedom of speech and that you need to be censored.
